hotel mini bar keys open Die Bold machines


Hotel Minibar Keys Open Diebold Voting Machines
Submitted by lambert on Mon, 2006-09-18 13:54.

Election Fraud | Department of How Stupid Do They Think We Are? | diebold | election fraud | Republican contributors

Oh. My. God. Via the really smart people at Freedom to Tinker:

On Wednesday we did a live demo for our Princeton Computer Science colleagues of the vote-stealing software described in our paper and video. Afterward, Chris Tengi, a technical staff member, asked to look at the key that came with the voting machine. He noticed an alphanumeric code printed on the key, and remarked that he had a key at home with the same code on it. The next day he brought in his key and sure enough it opened the voting machine.

This seemed like a freakish coincidence — until we learned how common these keys are.

Chris’s key was left over from a previous job, maybe fifteen years ago. He said the key had opened either a file cabinet or the access panel on an old VAX computer. A little research revealed that the exact same key is used widely in office furniture, electronic equipment, jukeboxes, and hotel minibars. It’s a standard part, and like most standard parts it’s easily purchased on the Internet. We bought several keys from an office furniture key shop — they open the voting machine too. We ordered another key on eBay from a jukebox supply shop. The keys can be purchased from many online merchants.

Nuts, anyone?

Or maybe a stiff drink?
This country is doomed!

ignoring this and the Obvious evidence that our system is completely broken and has been for years will not help this country.
ummm, I ocmment on this on another thread today Desh. I might have one of those keys, I have a great big ring of em. since they fit the mini bars, I am sure all politicians have one.
Im just so weary of being treated like Im insane for trying to get people to realize how much danger we are in, Nothing matters other than this one issue.

Kerry and Gore both won, everyone beats them up like they screwed up and everyone tries to figure out what the Dems have to do to win.

So what happens we ditch a winning strategy because we got cheated and then its just easier for them to win.

This country is on the verge of some really bad times if this doesnt stop .
What is the fascination with an open machine? The machines we use are opened in order to get them to work...

The sensitive stuff is behinds numbered seals that, if broken, would cue us in to the fact that the machine had been tampered with and set us to using the paper trail attached. Without the paper trail they still would know that the vote was compromised with the seals broken... What they would do then I couldn't figure, my local authorities were smart enough to choose machines with paper trails.

Well it is much more difficult to get into diebold teller machines. but that is money not just votes ;)
Well, first they aren't made to be portable and set up by workers after one training day.

Assuming that they are supposed to be the exact same as the teller machines is a bit ridiculous.

I do hate that they don't have paper trails, and if it were my county Clerk's office that bought that crap I'd be about ready to burn down their office. But I am not upset that such a key can "open" them.