House Repubs keep on defunding ACORN ...which doesn't exist any more


New member
Lovely. What a waste of time.

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans are scheduled to vote on two separate budget bills this week, each of which would reject funding for the poverty activism group ACORN, despite the fact that ACORN disbanded three years ago.

Struggling with the bad publicity and loss of federal funds, ACORN dissolved in early 2010. Just to be sure, however, Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) included this language in a government funding bill introduced on May 28 of this year: "None of the funds made available in this Act may be distributed to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries or successors."
They're idiots. How about some jobs legislation? Or a budget?,,

Nah...they'll try to repeal Obamacare for the 38th time. **rollseyes**
actually, I think it might be rather stupid to continue funding them if they don't exist......might actually be pretty smart to delete funds directed to them......
there are no funds directed to them, PMP. This is meaningless legislation and, as Howey said, would be better if they were doing jobs bills.
Do you suppose that the BIG government loving leftist never thought about the Senate burying funds deep in legislation for their own pet projects? Amazing how they love BIG government without understanding how its corrupt systems actually work, huh? And they have the fucking balls to call other folks idiots!
Do you suppose that the BIG government loving leftist never thought about the Senate burying funds deep in legislation for their own pet projects? Amazing how they love BIG government without understanding how its corrupt systems actually work, huh? And they have the fucking balls to call other folks idiots!

No...we call people like you who make up this crazy shit off the top of your head "conspiracy theorists".
To be fair to the delusional idiot...he did say 'subsidiaries or successors'.

Well, there are no subsidiaries...but I sure wish there were successors! ACORN did a lot of good! No wonder he doesn't like them...

But that is a fair point.
No...we call people like you who make up this crazy shit off the top of your head "conspiracy theorists".

I’ve noticed that your calling folks things is the extent of your intellectual intercourse. Maybe someday you’ll graduate up to actually making a rational argument on the actual topic, huh? I won’t hold my breath for that one Goober.