How a Contested Primary ultimately helps Obama


Well-known member
I've been as disgusted with some of the nasty campaigning in the democratic primary, as anyone else.

On the upside, I potentially see this long drawn out primary being beneficial to obama in several ways

1) He's a way better campaigner and debater now. He's at the top of his game. I remember some of the early debates, and I was thinking that he just wasn't really punching through.

2) Better for the Reverend Wright stuff to come out in the Spring, than in October.

3) Obama has learned how to hit back hard...and quick. He took Hillary's punches, and I think he learned from them. He totally slapped down the appeasement bullshit, and challenging both McCain and Bush to debate him was brilliant. Good rapid reaction, by his campaign team. Bush is rapidly backpedaling, and saying he wasn't really refering to Obama, in his apeasement bullshit.

4) Party infrastructure: Obama has had an opportunity to build a massive campaign infrastructure in all 50 states. Unprecedented numbers of new democrats are registering to vote with the party. That may not have happened without a long drawn out primary.