How can these Texans be this stupid?



Thursday, December 04, 2008
Patriotic American Cops Target "Muslim" Sikhs
Hate is a terrible thing but it is all the more terrible when directed at a person or people who in no way deserve to be recipients of it.

In this news report from Harris County, Texas we see how hatred of Islam lead to Police officers unfairly targeting a family of Sikhs.

"The story begins on Thanksgiving weekend when the Tagore family realised that they had been burgled. They called the local police only to be accused of being Muslims and some how connected to "the bombings in Bombay":

Thursday, December 04, 2008
Patriotic American Cops Target "Muslim" Sikhs
Hate is a terrible thing but it is all the more terrible when directed at a person or people who in no way deserve to be recipients of it.

In this news report from Harris County, Texas we see how hatred of Islam lead to Police officers unfairly targeting a family of Sikhs.

"The story begins on Thanksgiving weekend when the Tagore family realised that they had been burgled. They called the local police only to be accused of being Muslims and some how connected to "the bombings in Bombay":

They come from a country that brought us both Dixie and Desh....

How could you not expect them to be stupid?

The ones that backed Bush have not changed. Why would you think they have ?
Still pea brained haters.
The ones that backed Bush have not changed. Why would you think they have ?
Still pea brained haters.

You are talking about Desh here.... One of the dumbest posters on all political internet forums of all-time....

Whenever you think somebody has said something stupid, you are reminded of 10 other times where Desh just lowered the bar of the human genetic pool.

You are talking about Desh here.... One of the dumbest posters on all political internet forums of all-time....

Whenever you think somebody has said something stupid, you are reminded of 10 other times where Desh just lowered the bar of the human genetic pool.


Nope Desh did not back Bush for sure.

Comprehension problem there CK ?

Thursday, December 04, 2008
Patriotic American Cops Target "Muslim" Sikhs
Hate is a terrible thing but it is all the more terrible when directed at a person or people who in no way deserve to be recipients of it.

In this news report from Harris County, Texas we see how hatred of Islam lead to Police officers unfairly targeting a family of Sikhs.

"The story begins on Thanksgiving weekend when the Tagore family realised that they had been burgled. They called the local police only to be accused of being Muslims and some how connected to "the bombings in Bombay":


Great news source....SOURCE Sikh Coalition

Guess the cops don't like having people armed with swords when they are their to help them, especially when they refuse to turn them over to them. Another none story
a couple of decades ago in Harris County an inmate in their jailed died. The corner ruled it a suicide. The Family contacted the Texas AG's office whose final report said that it could not possibly have been suicide because there was no way the dead inmate could have duct taped his hands behind his back.

Great news source....SOURCE Sikh Coalition

Guess the cops don't like having people armed with swords when they are their to help them, especially when they refuse to turn them over to them. Another none story

So Sikhs are liars?

Please provide a link to the story that inculdes any weapons they refused to hand over?
So Sikhs are liars?

Please provide a link to the story that includes any weapons they refused to hand over?


Read your own post

officers ordered Ms. Kawaljeet Kaur to hand over her kirpan which she wore over her shoulder. Ms. Kaur offered to leave the room if her kirpan made the officers uncomfortable, but to no avail.

:Googler: Kirpan - sword or dagger
So if Bubba calls the police because hes been robbed do the cops need to drag his mother out of his house and handcuff and detain her because his Mother is knitting?

Maybe you can tell us why they didnt charge her with anything?
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So if Bubba calls the police because hes been robbed do the cops need to drag his mother out of his house and handcuff and detain her because his Mother is knitting?

Maybe you can tell us why they didnt charge her with anything?

First off, check the source of the story you posted, go the bottom of it, (Source: PR Newswire) click on that link, then read the story and go to the bottom of that story and read the last line, SOURCE Sikh Coalition. This was a posted story from that organization, not a true news source. Do a Google search, and you will find no mention of this story anywhere.

Since we are talking about muslims, their was no mention of a Mr. Abdul anywhere in the story. Ms. Kawaljeet Kaur, along with her brother, mother and cousin are the only characters in the story. Ms. Kawaljeet Kaur was the one caring around a weapon.

Not sure what knitting has to do with anything, but if Bubba called the cops and Granny was caring a gun, I imagine the police would ask her to hand it over for their own safety as well.
knitting needles can be used as a weapon.

These people were not threatening the officers with the religious impliment any more than someone knitting in the same room. They also treated these people as if they were terrorists and called them such.

They were sikhs not Muslims.

The officers had no reason to harass people in their own home who were reporting a crime.

Why did they not charge anyone with anything?

Are you saying Sikhs cant be trusted to tell their own story?