How can you tell when you're to far to the right?

It sucks to agree with the KKK, but they're right. It's stupid to burn the Koran to "punish" extremists. But they have the right, and I have no qualms protecting their right to be stupid.
"Our Associates, members and supporters are here officially ordered: NOT to attend Tea Party events or support them in ANY way,"

This will cause their numbers to drop now.

They will lose money too.

I guess they were attending these little tea partys by their own admission huh?
"Our Associates, members and supporters are here officially ordered: NOT to attend Tea Party events or support them in ANY way,"

This will cause their numbers to drop now.

They will lose money too.

I guess they were attending these little tea partys by their own admission huh?

Good luck.
Now c'mon everyone.

Haven't we all either burned a koran, or used it for toilet paper at least ounce in our lives?
But the KKK is the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party. That makes them lefties 15ppMoot.

"The Tea Party does not represent any but a shallow limited political agenda, which fails to serve our Nations interests. They are an extension of the Republican Party and seek to compromise it. We do NOT support any political party, all have betrayed the trust of the American people, and they have compromised their agenda to support the Progressive Socialist enslavement of the American people."

Yankee, you are so confused.
"The Tea Party does not represent any but a shallow limited political agenda, which fails to serve our Nations interests. They are an extension of the Republican Party and seek to compromise it. We do NOT support any political party, all have betrayed the trust of the American people, and they have compromised their agenda to support the Progressive Socialist enslavement of the American people."

Yankee, you are so confused.

Right, its just me.

Nice plagiarism by the way.