How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative | CHD


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Recently, QP made a post in a thread I created parroting the official narrative that people who didn't get one of the covid vaccinations filled up hospital beds. I thought it would be good to make a thread showing how this narrative was based on deceptive statements by the CDC. The article I reference below is almost 2 years old, but it's highly relevant to this discussion. I'll point out that I stopped believing that a Covid virus exists at all, but is instead caused by other factors. For anyone interested in knowing why I've come to this conclusion, I suggest taking a look at the following thread:
Settling the Biological Virus Debate |

Another article that gets into how the CDC has manipulated data in Minnessota to flip the cause of death from covid vaccine related to covid itself:
CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vax as a Cause of Death |

Alright, here's the introduction to the article that this thread is named after:

August 16, 2021

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the unvaccinated make up 95% to 99% of COVID hospitalizations. But in a news clip shared by Fox News host Laura Ingraham, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky reveals how that data is “grossly misleading.”

By Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN

Story at-a-glance:

•According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House and most mainstream media, what we have now is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” with 95% to 99% of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths being attributed to the unvaccinated.

•To achieve that statistic, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June. The vast majority of the U.S. population was unvaccinated during that timeframe.

•By Jan. 1 only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots and as of June 15, 48.7% were fully “vaccinated.”

•Natural immunity offers robust protection against all variants, whereas vaccine-induced immunity can’t. The reason for this is because when you recover from the natural infection, you have both antibodies and T cells against all parts of the virus, not just the spike protein.

•According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Delta variant is both more transmissible and more dangerous than the original virus and previous variants, but real-world data show it is actually weaker and far less dangerous, even though it does spread more easily.


Full article:
How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative | Children's Health Defense
Recently, QP made a post in a thread I created parroting the official narrative that people who didn't get one of the covid vaccinations filled up hospital beds. I thought it would be good to make a thread showing how this narrative was based on deceptive statements by the CDC. The article I reference below is almost 2 years old, but it's highly relevant to this discussion. I'll point out that I stopped believing that a Covid virus exists at all, but is instead caused by other factors. For anyone interested in knowing why I've come to this conclusion, I suggest taking a look at the following thread:
Settling the Biological Virus Debate |

Another article that gets into how the CDC has manipulated data in Minnessota to flip the cause of death from covid vaccine related to covid itself:
CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vax as a Cause of Death |

Alright, here's the introduction to the article that this thread is named after:

August 16, 2021

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the unvaccinated make up 95% to 99% of COVID hospitalizations. But in a news clip shared by Fox News host Laura Ingraham, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky reveals how that data is “grossly misleading.”

By Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN

Story at-a-glance:

•According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House and most mainstream media, what we have now is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” with 95% to 99% of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths being attributed to the unvaccinated.

•To achieve that statistic, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June. The vast majority of the U.S. population was unvaccinated during that timeframe.

•By Jan. 1 only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots and as of June 15, 48.7% were fully “vaccinated.”

•Natural immunity offers robust protection against all variants, whereas vaccine-induced immunity can’t. The reason for this is because when you recover from the natural infection, you have both antibodies and T cells against all parts of the virus, not just the spike protein.

•According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Delta variant is both more transmissible and more dangerous than the original virus and previous variants, but real-world data show it is actually weaker and far less dangerous, even though it does spread more easily.


Full article:
How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative | Children's Health Defense

That one IS a parrot. It doesnt have independent thought. It can only repeat what it's programmed to say. The stab did nothing to prevent the spread of the china virus but leftists live ideas more than facts.
That one IS a parrot. It doesnt have independent thought. It can only repeat what it's programmed to say.

That made me chuckle a bit :-p. Judging by his response in the other thread, I'm afraid you may be correct, at least when it comes to the Covid narrative.
That made me chuckle a bit :-p. Judging by his response in the other thread, I'm afraid you may be correct, at least when it comes to the Covid narrative.

Yes it toes the party line without question or variation. If they told that parrot tomorrow is Christmas, that parrot would repeat it.
I believe there is plenty of evidence showing how this mainstream narrative of people who refused to take the covid vaccinated were filling up hospital beds is untrue. I decided to make a thread on the subject, which is here:

How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative |

I don't care about Derp conspiracy threads.

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. In your case, even leading you to the water is an ordeal. I've decided to bring the water to you and see if that helps, by responding to your post in the 'conspiracy thread' in question. You can ofcourse once again parrot the official covid narrative that anything that goes against their narrative is a "conspiracy", but here's my effort to get you to actually look at the data that contradicts said narrative.

The data is crystal clear. Post vaccination it was the unvaxxed disproportionately filling up hospitals.

We can both quote statistics from our different sources, but if you refuse to look at mine, I see no reason to look at yours.
Yes it toes the party line without question or variation. If they told that parrot tomorrow is Christmas, that parrot would repeat it.

I strongly suspect that he's not -that- trusting of the mainstream narrative, but it would certainly be interesting to see at what point he would finally begin to question it.
I strongly suspect that he's not -that- trusting of the mainstream narrative, but it would certainly be interesting to see at what point he would finally begin to question it.

Id say, NEVER. The thing is leftists arent burdened with a concern for facts. They care more about ideas then whether or not those ideas ever actually achieve the ends they claim to care about.
“ Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business personality.He markets largely unproven dietary supplements and medical devices. On his website, Mercola and colleagues advocate unproven and pseudoscientific alternative health notions including homeopathy and opposition to vaccination.”

Your source is a snake oil salesman
I strongly suspect that he's not -that- trusting of the mainstream narrative, but it would certainly be interesting to see at what point he would finally begin to question it.

Id say, NEVER. The thing is leftists arent burdened with a concern for facts. They care more about ideas then whether or not those ideas ever actually achieve the ends they claim to care about.

Speaking as someone who used to generally consider myself a leftist until Covid came along, I know there are leftists of the old variety who are quite concerned with facts. Perhaps RFK Jr.'s bid for the Democratic nomination is little more than a pipe dream, but I'm glad that he's standing for leftists who don't believe all the current Covid narrative lies.
Speaking as someone who used to generally consider myself a leftist until Covid came along, I know there are leftists of the old variety who are quite concerned with facts. Perhaps RFK Jr.'s bid for the Democratic nomination is little more than a pipe dream, but I'm glad that he's standing for leftists who don't believe all the current Covid narrative lies.

Leftists aren't the same as liberals. I agree that liberals care more about facts whereas leftists see facts as obstacles to their ideas. I'm no fan of Kennedy's but RFK has impressed me. I doubt he gets through to the nomination but if by some miracle be did I'd have to consider voting for a Kennedy as nauseating as that is to me.
Leftists aren't the same as liberals. I agree that liberals care more about facts whereas leftists see facts as obstacles to their ideas. I'm no fan of Kennedy's but RFK has impressed me. I doubt he gets through to the nomination but if by some miracle be did I'd have to consider voting for a Kennedy as nauseating as that is to me.

I decided to do an internet search to see the official meaning of "leftist". It's what I expected:

a person who belongs to the political left.


Seeing as how I generally considered myself to be on the left side of the political spectrum prior to Covid, I stand by my assertion. Covid dramatically changed things for me in this regard. I saw the parties I favoured by the most vociferous when it came to lockdowns and the like. Really dissapointing.

I must admit that the definition of a liberal sounds a heck of a lot more refined then "leftist". From the American Heritage Dictionary:

adjective Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded. synonym: broad-minded.


That being said, I've seen people disparage the term liberal as well. I guess it all depends on how a person defines the words in their own mind.
“ Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business personality.He markets largely unproven dietary supplements and medical devices. On his website, Mercola and colleagues advocate unproven and pseudoscientific alternative health notions including homeopathy and opposition to vaccination.”

Your source is a snake oil salesman

You're certainly not the first person here to cite the Wikipedia article on Mercola in order to disparage him. evince even made a thread of it. I decided it was time to make a thread for him and his website that rose to his defense. It's here if you're interested in taking a look:

Joseph Mercola and his website |