How could he possibly think that...


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Stem Cells is the place to use his first veto? Why not the bloated budget? Oh yeah! He asked for that bloat! Why not the idiotic Pill Bill? Oh yeah! He asked for that one too!

How can this guy possibly look people straight in the face and say, "I am a Republican" without laughing! Borrow and Spend!
Damocles said:
Stem Cells is the place to use his first veto? Why not the bloated budget? Oh yeah! He asked for that bloat! Why not the idiotic Pill Bill? Oh yeah! He asked for that one too!

How can this guy possibly look people straight in the face and say, "I am a Republican" without laughing! Borrow and Spend!

He's giving another one to his base though, to be honest, he's held pretty strongly to his base since elections, and remember he came in as a "compassionate conservative", which seems to be a democrat who found religion :eek:
honorknght said:
He's giving another one to his base though, to be honest, he's held pretty strongly to his base since elections, and remember he came in as a "compassionate conservative", which seems to be a democrat who found religion :eek:

And to think... I liked him before he started in on his plans to fund education from the Feds, to give away money to pay for pills, to spend, to spend on... blah, blah...

Dude is no conservative.
Damocles said:
And to think... I liked him before he started in on his plans to fund education from the Feds, to give away money to pay for pills, to spend, to spend on... blah, blah...

Dude is no conservative.
well if we can get into the strategy portion of the board, spending like a drunken democrat and giving us "deficits" may eventually do just that.

One of the problems is, unless there is a major issue, people don't like changing things, which means this huge gov't that we have isn't going anywhere as long as people "think they're happy", its a matter of people being used to a certain level of taxation, I gained an extra 8% of my money back when I moved to chicago, and lost it again when I moved back to NY, it really made me think.

The problem with the theory of starving the beast comes if people aren't happy and a charismatic dem like Obama gets into the big seat with a dem congress...

Not only will the amount of social programs not lower, but the taxes will go through the roof, and people will happily give their money to someone who talks really good.
In all fairness, I don't think Bush has done as well as he could have with spending, but considering having to establish a complete new government agency to protect the homeland, federalization of airport security, and paying for two wars, it's not as bad as it could have been. Imagine how bad things would be if we hadn't generated $1.2 trillion in new revenues with the tax cuts?
Dixie said:
In all fairness, I don't think Bush has done as well as he could have with spending, but considering having to establish a complete new government agency to protect the homeland, federalization of airport security, and paying for two wars, it's not as bad as it could have been. Imagine how bad things would be if we hadn't generated $1.2 trillion in new revenues with the tax cuts?

That and a couple strict constitutionalist SCOTUS judges are two of the better things that he has done. Nobody should be surprised at what he does though, he told everybody what he would do then did it....
Dixie said:
In all fairness, I don't think Bush has done as well as he could have with spending, but considering having to establish a complete new government agency to protect the homeland, federalization of airport security, and paying for two wars, it's not as bad as it could have been. Imagine how bad things would be if we hadn't generated $1.2 trillion in new revenues with the tax cuts?

Typical republican apologist. Think about how good it could have been without the illegal war.
tianabautre said:
Typical republican apologist. Think about how good it could have been without the illegal war.

Not really "apologizing" for anything, Bush has his flaws like every other president in history, I just don't think he is Adolph Hitler reincarnated. I also don't see how a war authorized by Congress is "illegal" but I recognize your very valid point of how much better off we would be economically if the war had not happened, as well as 9/11. If not for the massive costs of the wars, 9/11, and Katrina, there is no telling how much of the national debt could have been paid off by now with the windfall. I also doubt seriously, we would have had anything near as much economic growth and $1.2 trillion in new revenue under a Democrat who wouldn't have cut taxes.
I loved Bush's tax cuts. I still hate how much I have to pay to the feds though. I took an increase in salary this year at a new job, and have to pay more in taxes now. So really, with the price of gas + increase in taxes, I am only making a little bit more. It was a $20,000 increase in the actual salary though. If it wern't for his tax cuts, I'd probably be making the same amount as before. I have to drive a lot further to make the increase so that is why gas is costing me so much more. I now pay over $300 a month just to drive back and forth to work. I will be moving in January to cut that cost down. We may have even been able to have another tax cut if it were not for the wars.

Hopefully, Ohio gets its shit together and starts cutting taxes too.

BTW, we haven't heard much about Afghanistan in the news lately. I just think its a little shady that we are concentrating on Iraq so much.
I am happy that he vetoed this. BUT, there were dozens of other bills he should have vetoed in the past.
President Clinton was more conservative than Bush when it comes to economics.

Bush is a social conservative, not an economic conservative... The people realized that a couple months ago, thats why his poll numbers are in the tank.
I believe that Bush has damaged the R Party quite a bit for current elections. This veto thing helped distance many of them from him, along with Schwartzenegger's "Bush Who?" stance in California.
Jarod said:
President Clinton was more conservative than Bush when it comes to economics.

Bush is a social conservative, not an economic conservative... The people realized that a couple months ago, thats why his poll numbers are in the tank.

America may be fiscally conservative, but there is only a fringe of social conservatives. Bush was one of them, and he pretneded to be a fiscal conservative to get the vote.
Jarod said:
America may be fiscally conservative, but there is only a fringe of social conservatives. Bush was one of them, and he pretneded to be a fiscal conservative to get the vote.

He didn't pretend very hard. He campaigned on the Pill Bill and Fed Spending on local education. Those are not very "conservative"...
Jarod said:
President Clinton was more conservative than Bush when it comes to economics.

Bush is a social conservative, not an economic conservative... The people realized that a couple months ago, thats why his poll numbers are in the tank.

I agree. Economically speaking, I would say Clinton was an excellent President. My only difference is I favor a flat tax over the graduated rates. As for President Bush, I agree with him on many social issues, but he is sort of a wimp.