How did Harry reid get $1B stimulus for Las Vegas?


Abreast of the situations
seems little excessive for one area that's flush with money to pay for there own transportation development. maybe Orlando will get 1B to build a new monorail as well?

Thousands of jobs and a smoother commute are just some of the possibilities that may grow out of a new transportation plan tied to the economic stimulus package in Washington. News 3's Jerry Brown was on hand as Senator Harry Reid laid out the impact of $1 billion in possible funding.

"All you have to do is drive around, and even though the economy is not as vibrant as it was, there are still traffic jams here in Southern Nevada," explains Senator Reid.

Easing Las Vegas' traffic jams would be one benefit of the new federal economic stimulus package advocated by local and state officials. But Senator Reid explains that the main objective is clear: get people off unemployment and create new job opportunities.

"All economists agree that one way to alleviate the pain of this deep recession is to create jobs. We have jobs that are ready to go forward in a matter of weeks."

Washington's economic stimulus package includes $1 billion for transportation projects right here in Southern Nevada, from roadway rehabilitation and major street and highway improvements, to technological and transit upgrades.

And if every project goes forward, approximately 47,000 new area jobs will be created.

"It's not just going to be asphalt, it's not just going to be concrete. It's going to be electrical work, it's going to be carpentry work, it's going to be steelworkers work," explains Jacob Snow of the RTC. "It's really going to run the gamut of what people are out there looking for - those kind of jobs are going to be coming back if this passes."

The more than 60 projects being pushed by the RTC for its economic stimulus package are already past the planning stages. They're ready for implementation, and all that's needed is the money.

"We're ready to hit the ground running," assures Snow. "We're not going to drop the ball on this one. We've got a lot of projects and we're ready to go."

Southern Nevada will have more information regarding the funding after the new Congress returns in January. Proposed RTC projects include new rapid transit systems on Boulder Highway and Las Vegas Boulevard South, in addition to a major expansion to Interstate 215 at the airport connector.
"All you have to do is drive around, and even though the economy is not as vibrant as it was, there are still traffic jams here in Southern Nevada," explains Senator Reid.

LOL, if that is definition of economic turmoil...LA, SD, SF should get trillions
Here is a novel idea: How about we not give away money for pet projects filled with pork and instead put more money into PELL grants, Staford loans, emerging bio technology, alternative energy projects, etc..
Im not liking the trend of how this money is going to be used. Its fine to use some for infrastructure repair but we really need to invest in future technologies and education and less on patchwork and bandages.
Im not liking the trend of how this money is going to be used. Its fine to use some for infrastructure repair but we really need to invest in future technologies and education and less on patchwork and bandages.

There is a ton we need to do with regards to building out the infrastructure. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. We should invest in both areas heavily over the next couple of years (at least).
Great response. It truly illustrates your point quite well.

It's just a matter of reading the article instead of reading what you want to read:

Thousands of jobs and a smoother commute are just some of the possibilities that may grow out of a new transportation plan tied to the economic stimulus package in Washington. News 3's Jerry Brown was on hand as Senator Harry Reid laid out the impact of $1 billion in possible funding.
It's just a matter of reading the article instead of reading what you want to read:

Its nerve racking the way this is becoming a political stimulus grab where each senator is advocating for money for there home state. Im afraid that it will become backroom dealing in the senate.
Its nerve racking the way this is becoming a political stimulus grab where each senator is advocating for money for there home state. Im afraid that it will become backroom dealing in the senate.

I haven't seen any proposal and there aren't any bills to this effect pending so it is hard to say whether the proposed $1 billion is the result of earmarking or simply the standard apportionment process.

Any stimulus of this sort should be apportioned based on the standing rules relating to the apportionment of highway funds coupled with an assessment of which projects can begin within a relatively short period (basically projects that are green-lighted already and are just waiting for funding should be given priority).

The stimulus bill that Reid introduced a while ago to provide an addition $10 billion in highway funding to the states required the funds to be apportioned pursuant to the existing apportionment rules, which can be found here:

In short, funds shouldn't be earmarked but should be apportioned based on existing standards coupled with ability to get the projects underway immediately.
And then we have this:

Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. pointedly warned Congress on Tuesday not to include earmarks in the huge economic stimulus package now under development.

Biden said negotiators from Congress and the transition team of President-elect Barack Obama have not yet completed an outline or set spending limits for the plan.

Still, the broad package is expected to contain $650 billion to $850 billion worth of spending and tax initiatives that Congress can act on in early January. Democratic leaders hope to have legislation ready for Obama to sign soon after he takes office Jan. 20.

At the beginning of a meeting with members of Obama’s economic team, Biden told lawmakers not to attach special-interest provisions or local projects to the legislation.

There will be — I will say it again — there will be no earmarks in this economic recovery plan,” Biden said. “I know it’s Christmas. I know it’s the Christmas season. But President-elect Obama and I are absolutely determined that this economic recovery package will not become a Christmas tree.”

Biden and members of Obama’s economic team said the plan would significantly increase spending on roads and bridges, health care and efforts to modernize buildings to make them more energy-efficient.

But Biden demurred on the timing of the plan. Democratic leaders had hoped to roll out an outline before Christmas.

“You get to see what’s in the package when we’ve completed the package, and when we’ve negotiated a little bit more with our colleagues in the House and Senate,” Biden said. “Keep in mind that it’s really important that this package when submitted to the Hill succeed and pass,” he said, adding the stimulus was “the most urgent order of business for the new administration.”

Good for them, but it is easier said than done. We shall see.
LV has an entire roadway program that has been under construction for Years. It is far sighted and well planned to hook the valley up with a series of freeways that intersect and ring the valley. This is just the type of program Obama was talking about. One already well planned and ready to move. Harry Reid has done a good thing here.

Many people are surprized to learn we do not hit the casinos up for anything in the valley.

It keeps them here and supplying jobs.
seems little excessive for one area that's flush with money to pay for there own transportation development. maybe Orlando will get 1B to build a new monorail as well?
seems little excessive for one area that's flush with money to pay for there own transportation development. maybe Orlando will get 1B to build a new monorail as well?

Flush with what money?

We are one of the top places hit by the subprime.