How do I discover who, if anyone, is ignored by the board for me ?

Ask the Mod Billy, he is posting as Unicron right now. One of his jobs is to keep track of who has who on ignore and he will provide you with a list upon request. Try PM'ing him.
When I added desh back to my ignore list, my phone auto corrected her name to evincetard. Lulz.
Nice to know our Mods stay in contact about important stuff like who's being censored.

Billy's got God knows who on Forced Ignore and you don't even know who for sure...nice.
Considering that I specifically asked, I thought it was nice that management answered.
They dont have to, this isnt a democracy or even a republic. They allow us all to post here with a few simple rules that get ignored much of the time. Why the constant whining ? If its that terrible you are free to not hit this URL 24 7 365. Your choice.
Hmmm I wonder if anyone has me on ignore? I've never, ever put anyone on ignore. It's just to easy to ignore someone in the first place.