How do I post a reply


Verified User
Yes ..I don’t know ??
I see the like button on the left
On the right I see 2 buttons of quotes
I am missing something lol
'Reply with Quote if you want to quote. Just 'Reply' if you don't want to quote.

I wish someone would tell me how to start a thread.
'Reply with Quote if you want to quote. Just 'Reply' if you don't want to quote.

I wish someone would tell me how to start a thread.

Go to the Forum button on the top left. Choose which category you want to start your new topic in. Once you choose a category, at the upper left top you'll see "Post New Thread."
Heheheh -- that's true.

How are you guys doing? Is everyone well again? Any after-effects of the ordeal?

Yes, all fit again, and watching in amazement as the tories flounder: the back-to-work policy they have adopted for England has been rejected by the governments of the other three countries as too dangerous, and nothing the Westminster gang say seems consistent with what they said yesterday, or this morning. Our Senedd, however, is allowing people to play golf, as they can in England - Llanymynech golf course, on which I have played in my time, has two holes over the border in a bit of what is now England, and I think it seemed simpler just to dodge the issue. Happy days! Johnson did come near to death, and suffered a deathbed conversion to the NHS, but his idleness and dishonesty prevent his doing much. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Zoom revealed the grand-daughter marched across a whole room giving a commentary in (I think) Lithuanian before collapsing on the settee, so life goes on, after a fashion! :)
Yes, all fit again, and watching in amazement as the tories flounder: the back-to-work policy they have adopted for England has been rejected by the governments of the other three countries as too dangerous, and nothing the Westminster gang say seems consistent with what they said yesterday, or this morning. Our Senedd, however, is allowing people to play golf, as they can in England - Llanymynech golf course, on which I have played in my time, has two holes over the border in a bit of what is now England, and I think it seemed simpler just to dodge the issue. Happy days! Johnson did come near to death, and suffered a deathbed conversion to the NHS, but his idleness and dishonesty prevent his doing much. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Zoom revealed the grand-daughter marched across a whole room giving a commentary in (I think) Lithuanian before collapsing on the settee, so life goes on, after a fashion! :)

Noticed that Johnson seems more subdued since his brush with the Angel of Death; think there's any chance the same could happen to #COVID45? lol

Glad you guys are all well again.