how does it work?


Verified User
just moved here from USMB where the idiots have taken over. Need some instruction on how this forum works, how do you reply? how do you agree or disagree with a post? Just general operating guidelines please
just moved here from USMB where the idiots have taken over. Need some instruction on how this forum works, how do you reply? how do you agree or disagree with a post? Just general operating guidelines please

Run away before you start hemorrhaging IQ points, 'fish.
No matter how shaky you may be now, it can only get worse.
just moved here from USMB where the idiots have taken over. Need some instruction on how this forum works, how do you reply? how do you agree or disagree with a post? Just general operating guidelines please

The software here is a lot easier to use, I think, than USMB's. Just tap/click either the Reply or the Reply With Quote on the bottom right of a post you want to reply to. You have to have so many posts to enable all the functions but I don't know what that number is.

just moved here from USMB where the idiots have taken over. Need some instruction on how this forum works, how do you reply? how do you agree or disagree with a post? Just general operating guidelines please

This is a Political Correct forum!
We won't stand for calling someone a cocksucker,cum gargler,or Trump supporter