how it going im new


Verified User
hey what's up

I'm libertarianish

I like to post about politics sometimes

So I decided to sign up here

pretty much to the point I think
hey what's up

I'm libertarianish

I like to post about politics sometimes

So I decided to sign up here

pretty much to the point I think

Welcome to the site! Some are nice on here, some NOT so nice. Be prepared for vulgar and profane language. Some on this site seem to think that calling another person vulgar and profane names is DEBATE. I don't consider it to be that, but unfortunately it seems to pass for debate on here. If you can handle profanity, vulgarity and stupidity you should be OK.
Hello and welcome to the Forum cooldude22,

hey what's up

I'm libertarianish

I like to post about politics sometimes

So I decided to sign up here

pretty much to the point I think

I am liberal. I like to discuss the issues and find out what motivates others toward their political view. I do not enjoy trash talking others or being talked down to. I see from your posting history that you like to do that. What I'd like to know is if you can also turn that on and off to meet the situation, and if you can turn it off when you talk to me.

If so I'll be open and receptive to your view and happy to discuss why I might feel differently. This could be educational for all parties. There is no need for animosity. If you agree we can have some mutually respectful discussions. Certainly together we have a better chance of brainstorming solutions to our nation's problems.

On the other hand if you're just looking for somebody to vent a bunch of frustrations on, a target, I won't do that. If that's the case, go ahead and unload on me and make it good. It would be your one and only chance.

So which shall it be?

Can we have an understanding?

Here's how I roll: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Flame on me, mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you go on my PERMANENT Ignore List. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I won't read a word you write, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads.

Your choice.
Hello and welcome to the Forum cooldude22,

I am liberal. I like to discuss the issues and find out what motivates others toward their political view. I do not enjoy trash talking others or being talked down to. I see from your posting history that you like to do that. What I'd like to know is if you can also turn that on and off to meet the situation, and if you can turn it off when you talk to me.

If so I'll be open and receptive to your view and happy to discuss why I might feel differently. This could be educational for all parties. There is no need for animosity. If you agree we can have some mutually respectful discussions. Certainly together we have a better chance of brainstorming solutions to our nation's problems.

On the other hand if you're just looking for somebody to vent a bunch of frustrations on, a target, I won't do that. If that's the case, go ahead and unload on me and make it good. It would be your one and only chance.

So which shall it be?

Can we have an understanding?

Here's how I roll: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Flame on me, mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you go on my PERMANENT Ignore List. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I won't read a word you write, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads.

Your choice.

It's just a sock. My guess is a person that's been banned from JPP has been returning and making socks. I swear the guy does the exact same discussion about liberals being psychotic every time they have a new avatar.
Hello Jade Dragon,

It's just a sock. My guess is a person that's been banned from JPP has been returning and making socks. I swear the guy does the exact same discussion about liberals being psychotic every time they have a new avatar.

I suspect as much but just on the chance that this is actually someone new I wanted to at least offer civil discourse in case that was a possibility.

We'll find out in time either way. I can certainly Ignore socks as quickly as they are created. Takes about 2 seconds.
how about you judge me based on what I actually say and not on what other people say that you think are me based on zero evidence?
not a "fake newbie"

you guys need to chill out. jade dragon didn't even offer any proof of anything, just linked to another thread I made.
not a "fake newbie"

you guys need to chill out. jade dragon didn't even offer any proof of anything, just linked to another thread I made.

Don't worry about the morons on here calling you "fake". I've been accused of the same thing. And some of these idiots actually believe I'm ALSO Mason and Terri4Trump on this site! These people are simply lacking the intellect to figure out that I'm NOT these two.
Hello and welcome to the Forum cooldude22,

I am liberal. I like to discuss the issues and find out what motivates others toward their political view. I do not enjoy trash talking others or being talked down to. I see from your posting history that you like to do that. What I'd like to know is if you can also turn that on and off to meet the situation, and if you can turn it off when you talk to me.

If so I'll be open and receptive to your view and happy to discuss why I might feel differently. This could be educational for all parties. There is no need for animosity. If you agree we can have some mutually respectful discussions. Certainly together we have a better chance of brainstorming solutions to our nation's problems.

On the other hand if you're just looking for somebody to vent a bunch of frustrations on, a target, I won't do that. If that's the case, go ahead and unload on me and make it good. It would be your one and only chance.

So which shall it be?

Can we have an understanding?

Here's how I roll: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Flame on me, mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you go on my PERMANENT Ignore List. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I won't read a word you write, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads.

Your choice.
Saying you have an elevated sense of self worth is an understatement. No one cares. This is a remote message board, one of millions, not tea with the Queen.

Honestly, get over yourself, blowhard.