How Liberals Manipulate Polls

The latest buzz is over an ABC/Washington Post poll which shows Obama up by 9. The pollsters are quick to attribute the rise for Obama on the current economic calamity, and have found that an amazing number of Americans "trust Obama" on the economy, despite his complete lack of experience with economic issues. They lament how the polls show most Americans blame the Republicans for the mess, and go on and on about how we are to believe this poll indicates what most people think in America.

The problem is, they don't tell you about their methodology. To insure the poll reflects an 'average snapshot' of America, they purposely poll extra black Americans, and also do a thing called 'weighting' where they reason that we have more Democrats than Republicans, so 38% of the poll are people identifying themselves as Democrat, and 28% identifying as Republican. Another 23% identified as Independent, however, people who identify as "independent" are mostly Democrats. This means that nearly 60% of the participants in the poll, are Democrats, and the remainder are everything else out there, including Republicans. But wait... it gets even more sinister....

Anyone who has ever listened to a right-wing radio talk show, is familiar with what Rush Limbaugh calls "seminar callers." These are Democrats who claim to be 'converted' Republicans... they have been voting republican their whole life, but suddenly had the epiphany that every principle they ever stood for, is now irrelevant, and they have joined 'the other side' because they are sick of the Republican party. These people are total and complete frauds, and are almost always exposed as such on the air. Well, these same people, this same group of militant liberals, will knowingly lie to a pollster, telling them they are Republican, then proceed to answer the poll questions like a koolaid drenched Liberal. This means, the 28% identifying as Republican, are not all Republican at all. Some of them, perhaps as many as 10%, are Democrats posing as Republicans, further skewing the 'weight' of the poll in favor of the Democrats.

This is how major news media polls can show John Kerry with a 10 point lead, just days before the election in 2004, and he still loses. Not to mention, some hidden aspects of polling, which never are considered. Like the fact that most polls are conducted during the daytime hours, when most Republicans are at work, and most Democrats are where they always are, at home. Also, most polling is conducted in major metro areas, which is by-far more Liberal and Democratic than rural outlying areas, which are almost never targeted for polling.

The cumulative effects of the polls are clear, because human behavior is predictable. The more people see polls favoring Obama, the more they are inclined to think, hey... I want to be a part of the winning team here, maybe I should change my mind and vote for who everyone else is going for? Granted, it's not an overwhelming majority of people who think like this, but in a close election, it is certainly enough to swing the election. This is why the Liberals put such an effort into presenting the polls in such a biased and slanted manner. It helps their candidate tremendously, and it is seemingly benign. No one is going to hold ABC or The Washington Post responsible for a faulty poll. No one is going to demand explanations or answers for the slanted perspective, they are just going to keep accepting what is happening.

Now, some will say, well... don't Republicans pose as Democrats in these polls too? And the answer is, no! They simply don't do this, it is a purely Liberal strategy. Oh, Republicans do engage in dishonesty, they will register as Democrats to vote for Obama in the primaries, in order to knock Hillary out of the nomination, no doubt some of that happened this election cycle, but they don't typically lie in the general election polls, they have no reason to. For Democrats, it's a 'perception strategy' they have used since Clinton's re-election campaign, and there is some indication it might gain some votes for their candidate.

Look... take off your partisan party hats for a moment and think objectively about this. Never before in history, have we had two political ideologies so diametrically opposed to each other, than now. How in the hell can 20% of the people out there, actually swing their vote from one ideology to the other in a matter of a few weeks? It's just not logical, which means, there must be something more to it. My argument is, it's liberal bias in the polling, from the pollsters themselves, to the actual chosen participants. I am not buying what the polls show, regardless of how much elation I see on part of the pinheads.
yup that's what dixie was implying.

Also registered voters is a huge tilt to the left... but I think i've said that about one billion times.
I'll tell you what is GREAT about this post. It was only 2 or so weeks ago that Dixie - high on Palinmania - was promising us that liberals would be DISCREDITING the polls by now, because they'd be so bad for Obama. The pitbull w/ lipstick was going to end this race.

And Dixie has used the "poll manipulation" argument prior to why wouldn't he have known that the polls would be as they are today?

Hey, Dix - the FOX poll has Obama at +7. Why don't you tell us how liberals are manipulating that one?
It is a fact that polls are weighted so that the racial, gender, and political makeup is more in line with the population at large. This makes the poll more accurate, but I wouldn't expect Dix to understand that.
I'll tell you what is GREAT about this post. It was only 2 or so weeks ago that Dixie - high on Palinmania - was promising us that liberals would be DISCREDITING the polls by now, because they'd be so bad for Obama. The pitbull w/ lipstick was going to end this race.

And Dixie has used the "poll manipulation" argument prior to why wouldn't he have known that the polls would be as they are today?

Hey, Dix - the FOX poll has Obama at +7. Why don't you tell us how liberals are manipulating that one?

I agree - this is some shitty selective memory on the part of Di X Ie.
I'll tell you what is GREAT about this post. It was only 2 or so weeks ago that Dixie - high on Palinmania - was promising us that liberals would be DISCREDITING the polls by now, because they'd be so bad for Obama. The pitbull w/ lipstick was going to end this race.

And Dixie has used the "poll manipulation" argument prior to why wouldn't he have known that the polls would be as they are today?

Hey, Dix - the FOX poll has Obama at +7. Why don't you tell us how liberals are manipulating that one?

I never "promised" you a goddamn thing, moron. And Threedee, you are really starting to piss me off, you are typical of the kind of asswipe who pretends to be a conservative republican, but the first chance you get, you jump ship and side up with the fucktards to be 'popular' with them. You make me sick.

The FOX poll, like ALL polls is manipulated by pinhead Liberals who LIE and say they are REPUBLICAN when the pollster calls! Did you not bother to READ that portion of my explanation? So, when the pollsters SAY they polled 38% Dems and 28% Reps, it's more like 38% Dems, 20% Reps, and 8% Dems who LIED about being Republicans. It skews the results big time! This is how John Kerry and Al Gore were polling 8-12% higher than Bush, but Bush won the elections.

But hey... If you want to cream your panties thinking Obama is running away with it because of the polls, you go right ahead. I think it is going to lead to a major letdown on election day, and will probably spur the typical cries of voter fraud and everything else we've become used to hearing. I'm just trying to shed some light, in an otherwise dimly-lit room. Futile, I know!
I also forgot to mention certain terminology, and how it is interpreted. Case in point, "Likely Voters." This term is often cited in polls, without qualification of what it means exactly, and there are two distinct methods for determining it.

A.) The pollster asks, "are you likely to vote?"
B.) The pollster finds people who are registered and regularly vote in all elections.

There is a huge difference in people who SAY they are likely to vote, and actual people who are most likely going to vote. Again, this all depends on the methodology used by the particular pollster, and is often not revealed when using the term 'likely voter.'
It is a fact that polls are weighted so that the racial, gender, and political makeup is more in line with the population at large. This makes the poll more accurate, but I wouldn't expect Dix to understand that.

And what's you're source for your information? Why Dixie's source is none other than Joseph Goebbels step son Rush Limbaugh and we all know what an outstanding intellect Rush is. Heil Bush!
"This is how John Kerry and Al Gore were polling 8-12% higher than Bush, but Bush won the elections. "

Holy shit; I just spit out my coffee.

First, Gore was trailing Bush until the last day, when he eked up by a point. Oh - and he still won the popular vote handily (which is what those polls reflected; I know it doesn't matter in an electoral system, but it is WHAT THOSE POLLS REFLECTED).

And I don't remember Kerry having anything but a 1-2% lead; that one was back & forth in the dailies until the end. Can you give us some links showing double-digit leads for both men from the national polls prior to their respective elections?
"Never before in history, have we had two political ideologies so diametrically opposed to each other, than now."

WTF? Both parties are advocating a government bailout of a situation that happened because of government intervention.

Neither party is addressing our porous borders.

Neither party is in favor of serious tax reform. They just differ on which group they are going to demonize and screw over.

Neither party has any serious plans to overhaul the education system as it desperately needs.

Neither party is offering answers to the huge problems facing our industry and business sectors.

They differ on gay marriages, tax breaks, abortion, and the power of prayer. In the overall scheme of things, who gives a rats ass about the trivial topics they differ on. We need leaders who are going to offer us something new and something substantial.

And we get career politicians who make a living saying as little as possible and promising everyone what they want.

The modern political scene has become smoke and mirrors. You get the people to focus on one thing because if they looked at the reality of our situation they would be pissed off at BOTH camps.

Screw the polls. Show me someone with some real answers and the balls to put them into action.

So far I haven't seen that.
"This is how John Kerry and Al Gore were polling 8-12% higher than Bush, but Bush won the elections. "

Holy shit; I just spit out my coffee.

First, Gore was trailing Bush until the last day, when he eked up by a point. Oh - and he still won the popular vote handily (which is what those polls reflected; I know it doesn't matter in an electoral system, but it is WHAT THOSE POLLS REFLECTED).

And I don't remember Kerry having anything but a 1-2% lead; that one was back & forth in the dailies until the end. Can you give us some links showing double-digit leads for both men from the national polls prior to their respective elections?

No but he can quote Rush Limbaugh and right wing talk radio and we all know how credible and objective they are!
Haven't you guys got the memo? The DNC sent a memo out telling everyone to lie to the poll rep and identify as republicans instead of dems. It is a HUGE plot.
I guess Dixie's got a point...

Liberals are clever devils and Conservatives are dim witted angels who are too stupid to lie to pollsters. I guess the cat's out of the bag now and maybe some cross eyed republican will have the idea to lie about their vote just to screw with the polls.

You're so smart, dixie.
"This is how John Kerry and Al Gore were polling 8-12% higher than Bush, but Bush won the elections. "

Holy shit; I just spit out my coffee.

First, Gore was trailing Bush until the last day, when he eked up by a point. Oh - and he still won the popular vote handily (which is what those polls reflected; I know it doesn't matter in an electoral system, but it is WHAT THOSE POLLS REFLECTED).

And I don't remember Kerry having anything but a 1-2% lead; that one was back & forth in the dailies until the end. Can you give us some links showing double-digit leads for both men from the national polls prior to their respective elections?

That is what I recall as well in terms of the poll leads for Kerry and Gore. The only time I recall they were up big was just after their conventions.
That is what I recall as well in terms of the poll leads for Kerry and Gore. The only time I recall they were up big was just after their conventions.

You know, nothing makes me sicker THAN A good conservative AGREEING with the PINHEADS just to be popular with them. You go ahead and suck up to Oncie, while I continue TO SPEAK the truth that the pinheads can't and won't handle, as they come up with PINHEAD excuse AFTER pinhead excuse about why the polls are RIGHT. I can wait to LAUGH at suck up conservatives and PINHEADS until after Palin/McCain win in a 48 state landslide.