How Long Will We Ignore the Vendettas Against Peaceful Activists?


New member
"I was just doing my job" ... "I'm just doing my job" ... "I have a family to feed" ... blah, blah, blah! How many times have you heard that garbage? Guess what? It didn't work at the Nuremburg Trials. And, it won't work on MY watch, either! Attention, Law Enforcers! You swore an oath to the Constitution, to obey that Law of the Land. It cannot be altered or amended, without due process that is clearly enumerated in that document. Now, far too many of you are infringing on the rights of your fellow humans, violating your oaths, and using that failed excuse that it's your job. Sure, you have a family to feed. So do the rest of us. Meanwhile, our prisons are overflowing with non-violent victims of your unethical actions and failure to upheld your oaths. Adam Kokesh, a proven non-violent activist, spent four mos. in a "cage" ... because federal park police initiated a political vendetta against him for exercising his natural rights, guaranteed by the document on which you swore your oaths. Where, exactly, IS your line in the sand? Or, does that line not exist, as long as the object of such injustice is NOT YOU?

Please view this video, and share your opinions about this non-violent, freedom activist's efforts to force law enforcers to uphold their oaths:
. Thanks.
Hogwash, there are approx 400,000 law enforcement officers on duty 24hrs a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. Mistakes are few and blatant actions and law breaking are rare.
Anything bad about cops gets put on youtube and played and replayed forever, why is there not any videos of cops saving lives and doing good.

The good thing is the bullshit merchants who whine about the police incessantly are the minority.
Hogwash, there are approx 400,000 law enforcement officers on duty 24hrs a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. Mistakes are few and blatant actions and law breaking are rare.
Anything bad about cops gets put on youtube and played and replayed forever, why is there not any videos of cops saving lives and doing good.

The good thing is the bullshit merchants who whine about the police incessantly are the minority.
Bullshit. Out of those 400,000, 99.999% are criminals in some way. They either are corrupt themselves or encourage corruption through complacency or inaction to combat it. The very institution of law enforcement encourages and promotes those who 'play along'.

The good thing is the bullshit merchants who whine about the police incessantly are the minority.

So, you applaud arresting folks for not having a permit to exercise their First Amendment rights? Then you don't believe in inalienable rights guaranteed by your creator or your only written guarantee of your rights, (the Constitution), being respected and honored by government, right?
Bullshit. Out of those 400,000, 99.999% are criminals in some way. They either are corrupt themselves or encourage corruption through complacency or inaction to combat it. The very institution of law enforcement encourages and promotes those who 'play along'.
while hyperbole is fun, grossly false hyperbole simply renders your argument moot. Just thought you needed to understand that.
while hyperbole is fun, grossly false hyperbole simply renders your argument moot. Just thought you needed to understand that.

I'm not being hyperbolic. I'm being serious. Modern cops are scum and should be hung from lamp posts.
Your intrepid reporter seems to have selective hearing. Or perhaps he just does not understand what commercial means. OR he thinks YOU do not understand what commercial means.