How Many Billions Do First Nations Now Owe On Canadian Debt? First Nations Premier???

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
To my understanding First Nations people are not included in owing anything on Canada's national debt so why are any of them such as Wab Kinew poised to be voted into office let alone at a premier level to determine how tax dollars are spent when their bloodlines are not subjected to owing money on Canada's National debt?

And here we have A USA citizen living in New York who used to be a senior vice president and chief economist of the world bank named Jospesh Stiglitz claiming Ontario Owes First Nations 100 billion earlier this year.

Here we have the First Nations, useful idiots and others conspiring with the World Economic Forum against Canadian tax payers to sink us with a bottomless debt. Divide and conquer and our officials / WEF useful idiots are helping them.

We pay officials wages to look out for us but instead of looking out for the citizens of Canada, they turn their backs on us, turn their backs on democracy and cater to the dictatorship of lobbyists and the World Economic Forum. Accepting bribes like lobbying should come with harsh prison sentences to prevent our officials from stabbing citizens in the back like this. Thanks to lobbying we are what now carrying an extreme debt of well over a trillion to impose radical agendas under this useful idiot liberal regime when we were what about a half trillion in debt when they took office back in 2015.

Think, First Nations got land claim treaties because they wanted not anything to do with governing in the first place, they wanted land to chief themselves. So they got tax free land where they didn't get any governing services because they were living on reserves not paying taxes for governing services. Now generations later they seem to think that they deserve to get to continue to live on reserves without paying taxes for governing services but seem to think that they also can have something to do with governing such as suck tax payers dry / treat tax payers are their slaves who pay taxes to fund those not paying taxes for governing services living on reserves.

This is discrimination against tax payers.

By First nations own submission back around 2012, 18 million First / Six Nations Metis and Inuit were scattered across North America when settlers arrived. Again that is enough people to moderately populate an island the size of Cuba of which Cuba is about 1% the size of North America which means that there was around 99% free space to occupy when settlers arrived to colonize.

If First Nations want anything to do with governing then why did they not give up their land claims and pay taxes for governing services like everyone else? Oh right because some of them are conspiring with the WEF and useful idiots to make them supremacists getting away with such sick behavior as even making Canada's legal system systemically racist against anyone not First Nations etc. They are no better than anyone else in Canada. No one originated from America, all homo sapiens on the planet originated from Africa.

Tax payers are being screwed left right and center and these are one of the selfish interest groups that the World Economic Forum is using to do it. Ever notice that when First Nations speak it is always about First Nations yet they have the nerve to call anyone else racist? Sure Canadians of all stripes are abducted and murdered but when it comes to First Nations, they only care about First Nations women for example and act like they are being discriminated against when they have not been paying taxes for governing services to fund such investigations yet expect tax payers to be the stupid idiots to flip the bill on everything they want to do!

Colonists built Canadian civilizations (while some First nations etc. left reserves to join them) while many First Nations sat on their reserves becoming jealous that white man has running water etc. and I guess they were plotting to try and steal from civilizations and got the opportunity with the WEF conspirators along with useful idiots but it was their ancestors who chose tax free land instead of Canadian governing in the First Place! Not all First Nations stoop this low but these days the world circus appears to be welcoming more members to assist with the dividing and conquering of Western civilizations.

So tell me, how is it that someone not poised to pay anything towards Canada's debt voted into office let alone at a premiers position to determine how tax dollars are spent? You are likely to see much of your tax dollars funneled into First Nations this and that now and at who's expense? The tax payer, those who are held accountable for paying Canada's debt. How is anyone living on a reserve allowed to vote when they do not pay taxes for governing services?! Think? Canadians are being conspired against!

It's time First Nations lose reserves since they are being funded by tax payers for every little thing they want to do it seems and pay taxes for governing services like everyone else and can pick up 10 percent of Canada's National debt since they want to be within the ranks of our Canadian governing system determining where Canadian tax dollars are spent as well sucking billions from tax payers for what the religious did to them etc. It stands to reason!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!