How Many Here Ever Attempt To Deprogram A Social Mind?


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without doing your own first.

any dare touch this topic? Back to basics biological brain navigating time or social brain governed by hypothetical standards to pay and stay in character cradle to grave or else humanity's promises of tomorrows goes back to the society you earned a living in since birth.

Oh! your offspring will be blacklisted from earning a living until they pledge blind obedience to ruling elite.


Escaping Social Programming using extra sensory perception(instinctive awareness).

Each brain is unique to the body mutually evolving here and a social mind is dedicated to ideas real isn't real so the intellect nurtured after birth can control the brain that arrived first fertilized cell.

It is the which came first chicken or egg brain manipulator, or the beginning of twisted logic.

Anyway, this is for anyone interested to understand what every reality prohibits in social debate that separates silent majority from rioting minorities. how honesty can compromise with corruption but why the corrupted will not tolerate honesty, so those that take charge, create rules for governing the compliant to fit their needs to stay in power of suggesting anything else is possible.

Birth of the phrase absolute power corrupts absolutely along with Cannot legislate morality, a person is either honesty about biological results or not.

sometimes those trying to make everyone else feel guilty over what others do really need the guilt of what they do returned. how often does a female seek an abortion? maybe once or twice in her fertility years. More times due to incest, rape, bad choice in male partners.

but all the numbers come from one thing, biology sustaining mutually evolving now. You play natural results against simple evolving as mutually evolving here now. That is why I understand statistical averages are means to apply guilt on the general population from the actions of less than 5% of the population.

The psychology of soul of humanity working against the sole time of the individual. Controllers of reality really aren't as smart as your vernacular tribalism says your "we are in charge here." believes your mob action committee has become throughout history of honest ancestors compromise with corruption to make life easier for all, corrupted typecast people won't tolerate honesty in any franchise of humanity.

Clue. insubordination, treason, blasphemy contract, civil, criminal codes of silencing anyone that questions the authorities of reality.
I tried to deprogram a couple of kids from going to UCLA. Hard to convince 17-18 year old's they are making a lifelong mistake.
I don't think so. What is it?

it being the ideology of who you rather be cradle to grave performed in the character your context than what you are biologically centered inhabiting space being eternally separated as mutually evolving here now proportionately alive.

Each generation is a numerator to the denominator of total occupants of homo sapiens alive.

simplicity of compounding DNA never duplicating the reproductions added since inception.
Abortion and Capital punishment will always be wedge issues that divide people because they are also life and death issues. They even intersect and become a complete hypocritical conflict of interest in terms of saving lives vs. taking lives.

The Republicans would like to have us believe that a fertilized egg is a life equivalent to a child that is already born, and that interrupting the development stage of the fertilized egg is murder. That way they can continually use this shaming guilt-trip driving system to their advantage by always condemning Democrats for trying to protect women's rights by calling them murderers.

But laws set up to abolish or prevent abortions are fundamentalist ideas that are based on ancient religions not any different than those of the Taliban.

Fundamentalists believe that human beings are created in the image of a God, life is protected, but the penalty for bloodshed is more bloodshed. God can even demand human sacrifice on occasion, most famously in the case of Abraham and Isaac, and the death penalty is routinely in the Bible for all sorts of offenses. The Bible, in fact, lacks any discourse of human rights. Life is a gift from God: Only the Lord giveth, and only the Lord can taketh it away. Well, that don't exactly agree with their stance on Capitol Punishment.

How the Republicans make their political ideology up as they go is crazy town and highly conflicting.

The debate about a right to life is not primarily concerned with the death penalty, however, but with abortion. Given the importance conservative Christians, Catholic and Protestant, have granted abortion in recent years, some might assume that their own opposition stems, in some way, from biblical teachings. But in the entire corpus of biblical law, abortion is never mentioned.

The practice was certainly known in antiquity. A prescription for abortion can be found in an Egyptian papyrus dating back to the 16th century BCE. The only people in the ancient Near East who explicitly condemned it were the Assyrians, who were primarily known for their cruelty in war rather than for their humane concerns about the lives of the vulnerable.

Abortion was known, at least as a possibility, in Israel. The prophet Jeremiah curses the day he was born and the man who brought the news to his father, “because he did not kill me in the womb so my mother would have been my grave.”

Yet there is no law in the Bible forbidding the practice.
Abortion and Capital punishment will always be wedge issues that divide people because they are also life and death issues. They even intersect and become a complete hypocritical conflict of interest in terms of saving lives vs. taking lives.

The Republicans would like to have us believe that a fertilized egg is a life equivalent to a child that is already born, and that interrupting the development stage of the fertilized egg is murder. That way they can continually use this shaming guilt-trip driving system to their advantage by always condemning Democrats for trying to protect women's rights by calling them murderers.

But laws set up to abolish or prevent abortions are fundamentalist ideas that are based on ancient religions not any different than those of the Taliban.

Fundamentalists believe that human beings are created in the image of a God, life is protected, but the penalty for bloodshed is more bloodshed. God can even demand human sacrifice on occasion, most famously in the case of Abraham and Isaac, and the death penalty is routinely in the Bible for all sorts of offenses. The Bible, in fact, lacks any discourse of human rights. Life is a gift from God: Only the Lord giveth, and only the Lord can taketh it away. Well, that don't exactly agree with their stance on Capitol Punishment.

How the Republicans make their political ideology up as they go is crazy town and highly conflicting.

The debate about a right to life is not primarily concerned with the death penalty, however, but with abortion. Given the importance conservative Christians, Catholic and Protestant, have granted abortion in recent years, some might assume that their own opposition stems, in some way, from biblical teachings. But in the entire corpus of biblical law, abortion is never mentioned.

The practice was certainly known in antiquity. A prescription for abortion can be found in an Egyptian papyrus dating back to the 16th century BCE. The only people in the ancient Near East who explicitly condemned it were the Assyrians, who were primarily known for their cruelty in war rather than for their humane concerns about the lives of the vulnerable.

Abortion was known, at least as a possibility, in Israel. The prophet Jeremiah curses the day he was born and the man who brought the news to his father, “because he did not kill me in the womb so my mother would have been my grave.”

Yet there is no law in the Bible forbidding the practice.

abortion and capital are social constructs of intellectual morality where ancestors pretend to be on a higher plane intellectually than genetically inhabiting space while mutually evolving now biologically centered here where kinetic universal balances are marked by shared event horizons per individual objects occupying time simultaneously one of a kind displacements that will erode or decompose as spontaneously here.

again, the two social issues are psychological class warfare tools to work in harmony with philosophies suggesting biology doesn't keep ancestors eternally separated now as it always does. Power of suggestion is the corruption through persuasion of power by ballots over bullets, words controlling outcomes not explaining incoming and adapting self contained to biological reproductions limited to the atmosphere of their origin.
thread dealing with how society manipulates ancestries 24/7 leaving next generations as corrupted as those existed so far isn't current events, what is?