How many universes in the multiverse?

I don't think the number can be quantified. When we stop thinking there is one universe then the number is not determinable.

I do not know the answer either, but Dr. Carrol says a case can be made that it is infinite, and a case can be made it is finite. But it would be a number on the order of ten to the tenth power raised to exponent 123. That is insane, and might as well be infinity for particle purposes. I think the argument for a finite number is related to the fact that not all quantum systems bifurcate into different worlds. Quantum systems only bifurcate when they become entangled, according to Dr. Carrol.
Takeaways for me:

Quantum wave function is the most banal scientific buzzword for what is actually arguably the most profound mystery in modern science.

Even though quantum physics as a theoretical framework has been around for 90 years and drives much of our information technology, physicists and philosophers still can't agree on what on what quantum mechanics really means. On what it is telling us about the nature of reality.
According to astrophysicist Mark Whittle, during the first nanoseconds of the inflationary period of the Big Bang, it is entirely possible that inflation was so powerful it spawned multiple universes in addition to our own.
It's a tome that claims to be the real thing. It has everything such as evolution, the structures of the universes, Jesus, the angelic hierarchies, the full story of Jesus that includes the missing years, and so on. I once had the book. It's big and heavy.

Oh, so it purports to be a spiritual revelation.

That's interesting as a anthropological artifact, but I will leave the dirty work to the astrophysicists! :)
Oh, so it purports to be a spiritual revelation.

That's interesting as a anthropological artifact, but I will leave the dirty work to the astrophysicists! :)

Yeah. The science stuff is what is very interesting. The first part is pretty much cosmology.
According to astrophysicist Mark Whittle, during the first nanoseconds of the inflationary period of the Big Bang, it is entirely possible that inflation was so powerful it spawned multiple universes in addition to our own.

Now I understand this better.

The hypothesis of eternal inflation supposses that inflation ends in some parts of the universe, but there’s an ever-larger volume of space in which inflation is ongoing. Bubbles of post-inflationary universes spawn where inflation has ended, but because uncollapsed scalar fields continue to drive eternal inflation continuously in other reaches of spacetime, the process probably never ends. The moral of the story is there may have been an infinite number of post-inflationary universes before our bubble, and there might be an infinite number of post-inflationary bubbles after ours.
He is my favorite theoretical physicist at this time.

there can only be one universal moment so multiple universe will not exist in a perpetual balancing outcome of everything left evolving here now in biological sequences so far. Very simple solution to anything else is possible, the whole is equal to total sum present and each reproduction gets one time existing as specific DNA combinations compounding here 5 generations currently occupying space conceived a great great grandchild capable of having their DNA transferred to being 6.25% of each great great grandchildren 4 generations after their birth.

Evolving is a universal constant, evolution is trying to figure out life pretending to exceed mutually evolving now. In genetics what is middle class residents between 16 great great grandparents and each great great grandchild being born now?
there can only be one universal moment so multiple universe will not exist
That's an limited anthropomorphic perception of time and space.

The mathmatics of scalar field theory, if it's correct, almost requires that a multiverse exist, but we just don't have any way to test the idea.
The only way you'll ever know what caused The Big Bang is through a Spiritual revelation!
Because before the Big Bang ONLY the spirit world existed!
A Spirit event caused The Big Bang

If by Spirit you mean scalar field, you would be correct.

Our post-inflationary universe might have just been one of infinitely many which came before ours. No way to know for sure, of course.
If by Spirit you mean scalar field, you would be correct.

Our post-inflationary universe might have just been one of infinitely many which came before ours. No way to know for sure, of course.

No! An event in the Spirit world caused a reaction which was The Big Bang and creation of the physical universe.
No! An event in the Spirit world caused a reaction which was The Big Bang and creation of the physical universe.

Maybe, who knows?

I am not a foot solder in the war between holy rollers and militant atheists, and think they are arguing over the wrong questions in a misguided attempt to claim victory over each other.

If there is a universal spirit, a creative force, a God, a Dao, or Brahman, I think a deep appreciation for mathematics and high energy physics might be a way for me experience and percieve some manifestation of an ultimate truth.