How much does it cost the Feds to collect 4 cents?


Loyal to the end
Arriving at Harv's Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. "They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending," says Harv's owner, Aaron Zeff.

The really odd part of this: The letter that was hand-delivered to Zeff's on-site manager showed the amount of money owed to the feds was ... 4 cents.

Inexplicably, penalties and taxes accruing on the debt – stemming from the 2006 tax year – were listed as $202.31, leaving Harv's with an obligation of $202.35.

We obviously need to cut the IRS budget by about half to prevent this shit from happening. :palm:
this is a classic example of why the people of this country should be as equally armed, or even more so, than agents of the that we could stop this 'legal' form of theft of wealth.

respond, big gubmint, if you dare.

We obviously need to cut the IRS budget by about half to prevent this shit from happening. :palm:

See, this is exactly how wingnuts and teabaggers get so easily duped into supporting a trillion dollar fiasco in Iraq, or into believing some nonsensical babble about a nefarious global conspiracy of liberal climate scientists.

A wingnut will read some rightwing editorial opinion article, in some newspaper hardly anyone's ever heard of... and the entire story is based on a single source - the word of some dude who owns a "car wash". And the wingnut will immediately come to a snap "conclusion"; usually something to do with the evils of liberals or the government.

Think teabaggers, think! This is exactly how you got duped and manipulated into supporting a trillion dollar war we didn't even have to fight.

How plausible is it that two IRS agents are going to drive around looking for a dude who owes them four cents? Not plausible at all. It doesn't pass the smell test. My guess? This "car wash" dude isn't telling the whole story. That's my guess. If he's even telling the truth. My guess is that he has tax problems that he didn't bother telling this rightwing opinion columist about, and that there's way more to this story than a tax bill amounting to four pennies.

You may continue to allow yourselves to be easily duped by little-known teabagging "opinion" columnists in newspapers most people have never even heard of. Enjoy! By all mean, you have my permission to commence with the buffoonery, I'm outta here.
See, this is exactly how wingnuts and teabaggers get so easily duped into supporting a trillion dollar fiasco in Iraq, or into believing some nonsensical babble about a nefarious global conspiracy of liberal climate scientists.

A wingnut will read some rightwing editorial opinion article, in some newspaper hardly anyone's ever heard of... and the entire story is based on a single source - the word of some dude who owns a "car wash". And the wingnut will immediately come to a snap "conclusion"; usually something to do with the evils of liberals or the government.

Think teabaggers, think! This is exactly how you got duped and manipulated into supporting a trillion dollar war we didn't even have to fight.

How plausible is it that two IRS agents are going to drive around looking for a dude who owes them four cents? Not plausible at all. It doesn't pass the smell test. My guess? This "car wash" dude isn't telling the whole story. That's my guess. If he's even telling the truth. My guess is that he has tax problems that he didn't bother telling this rightwing opinion columist about, and that there's way more to this story than a tax bill amounting to four pennies.

You may continue to allow yourselves to be easily duped by little-known teabagging "opinion" columnists in newspapers most people have never even heard of. Enjoy! By all mean, you have my permission to commence with the buffoonery, I'm outta here.

A local business owner was surprised to find IRS representatives on his doorstep to collect unpaid taxes, but was stunned to discover they were billing him for less than a nickel of back taxes.

When two federal agents hand-delivered the bill to Harv's Metro Car Wash, owner Aaron Zeff didn't know whether to laugh or cry. :palm:
See, this is exactly how wingnuts and teabaggers get so easily duped into supporting a trillion dollar fiasco in Iraq, or into believing some nonsensical babble about a nefarious global conspiracy of liberal climate scientists.

A wingnut will read some rightwing editorial opinion article, in some newspaper hardly anyone's ever heard of... and the entire story is based on a single source - the word of some dude who owns a "car wash". And the wingnut will immediately come to a snap "conclusion"; usually something to do with the evils of liberals or the government.

Think teabaggers, think! This is exactly how you got duped and manipulated into supporting a trillion dollar war we didn't even have to fight.

How plausible is it that two IRS agents are going to drive around looking for a dude who owes them four cents? Not plausible at all. It doesn't pass the smell test. My guess? This "car wash" dude isn't telling the whole story. That's my guess. If he's even telling the truth. My guess is that he has tax problems that he didn't bother telling this rightwing opinion columist about, and that there's way more to this story than a tax bill amounting to four pennies.

You may continue to allow yourselves to be easily duped by little-known teabagging "opinion" columnists in newspapers most people have never even heard of. Enjoy! By all mean, you have my permission to commence with the buffoonery, I'm outta here.

Really PINHEAD.....Come on back and tell us all about those little-known teabagging "opinion" columnists in newspapers most people have never even heard of.

The Sacramento Bee...???? Channel 13 NEWS...????

OR just come back and apologize for being a PINHEAD and a stupid one at that...:tongout::rofl:
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson