How much is government leading by example a problem when it comes to borrowing?


New member
Obviously the biggest part of this problem is with people borrowing more than they can afford, yet our government does this all the time with neverending spending increases with government growth and a large deficit. The debt has gone up every single year for decades.

Does anyone think that the way Americans live to some degree reflects how the government works? That is, they see their own government living irresponsibly with spending (and borrowing) more than they can afford and figure it's ok to do that for themselves.
I guess I don't see what the government does or other people do as a guideline for how I handle my own finances.

I have friends with a lot of stupid debt. I am not going to follow them either.

I do wish our government would learn from their mistakes like the rest of us do. But it won't be that way.
Obviously the biggest part of this problem is with people borrowing more than they can afford, yet our government does this all the time with neverending spending increases with government growth and a large deficit. The debt has gone up every single year for decades.

Does anyone think that the way Americans live to some degree reflects how the government works? That is, they see their own government living irresponsibly with spending (and borrowing) more than they can afford and figure it's ok to do that for themselves.

What........ we actually agree on something? :eek:

I might have to rethink this? :cof1:
I guess I don't see what the government does or other people do as a guideline for how I handle my own finances.

I have friends with a lot of stupid debt. I am not going to follow them either.

I do wish our government would learn from their mistakes like the rest of us do. But it won't be that way.

I agree, I'm not one who gets lead by others in my lifestyle either. But there is a conditioning going on for many with living a life where government is responsible for so many ever increasing stages and pieces (ie: pill bill, college aid, universal healthcare, SS, social welfare housing, etc...). How responsible can that make a person for themselves?

"In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all – security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again." – Edward Gibbon
preditory lending , stagnant incomes, rising prices and years of the admin saying to anyone who warned of problems "you are just a Whinner"
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." [Samuel Adams]

"Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither." [Ben Franklin]
Shop, shop, shop is all they wanted form the American people.

Then they changed the bankruptcy laws to trap them later while they freed up the corporations of taxes and regulations.

worked great huh Dano?
Shop, shop, shop is all they wanted form the American people.

Then they changed the bankruptcy laws to trap them later while they freed up the corporations of taxes and regulations.

worked great huh Dano?
Well, that and duct tape. Have you removed the duct tape from your windows yet?
Shop, shop, shop is all they wanted form the American people.

Then they changed the bankruptcy laws to trap them later while they freed up the corporations of taxes and regulations.

worked great huh Dano?

Not only did they change the bankruptcy laws to get more out of the little guy, they are giving our money to the vegas based finiancial firms so they can do it to us again.
Not only did they change the bankruptcy laws to get more out of the little guy, they are giving our money to the vegas based finiancial firms so they can do it to us again.

Yes its truely a clusterfuck but the clusterfuck was about to swallow the little guy too.
Yes its truely a clusterfuck but the clusterfuck was about to swallow the little guy too.

the clusterf&*^ will still swallow the little guy. It is just beginning in ernest.

the subprime fiasco is just one aspect of what is coming.
Yes its truely a clusterfuck but the clusterfuck was about to swallow the little guy too.

I'm curious. What do you base your assumption on? The information you got from the very same people who caused the mess?

They spent how long debating steroids and baseball, but this passed without even a hearing.

Doesn't this tell you something?