How Much You Would Pay in Taxes Under the candidates policy:


Abreast of the situations
How Much Would You Pay in Taxes?

Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain both say they’ll cut federal taxes if elected. Here’s what their proposals would mean for you.
If you make...
------------------------------------You'd save-----------------You'd save
------------------------------------You’d pay an extra----------You'd save-
more than $2.87 million---------------$542,882-------------------$290,708

*Source: Tax Policy Center. Numbers have been rounded. For complete details, go to
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I am not personally worried how much I will save under either ones plan.
My propertaxes seem to be rising fast enough to offset any savings anyway.
Darn Red State.
I am not personally worried how much I will save under either ones plan.
My propertaxes seem to be rising fast enough to offset any savings anyway.
Darn Red State.

What are your prop taxes? I'm sure can beat you not to mention you probably have 30 times more land.
Joe (a.k.a. Sam) "40K a year" does a lot better under Obama than McCain. He could probably even save up to buy that business....
Hey Chap, if this liberal group is factoring in all of Obama's tax "cuts" how are they factoring in (or are they not) all his tax credits?
How Much Would You Pay in Taxes?

Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain both say they’ll cut federal taxes if elected. Here’s what their proposals would mean for you.
If you make...
------------------------------------You'd save-----------------You'd save
------------------------------------You’d pay an extra----------You'd save-
more than $2.87 million---------------$542,882-------------------$290,708

*Source: Tax Policy Center. Numbers have been rounded. For complete details, go to

There's only one problem with this, there isn't a chance in hell Obama will cut taxes. Look at state governments, look at the Dems history in congress, they are not going to go for this, they will make up some BS about needing it to help with their spending initiatives and then once those are done they will say they will do the cuts, but they'll never do it.

I wouldn't trust either of their promised plans, better to look at their history, that's how you judge people in real life, even moreso when it comes to politicians.
What are your prop taxes? I'm sure can beat you not to mention you probably have 30 times more land.

you also live in a state thats got the top living standards and top educations.

I dont get how some states have such high prop taxes and others dont. My parents in CT with a smaller house then me have almost double the prop tax and yet they have the same amount of income and sales tax. My friend in RI has a house the same size as has about 2x the prop tax and also has higher income and sales tax.
It seems that the higher property taxes in higher density population areas goes against the economy of scale rule.