How Obama is truely different



A few weeks ago, Media Matters’ David Brock announced to great fanfare that he was taking over Progressive Media USA, a third-party group that would, he vowed, raise $40 million for ads to soften up John McCain in advance of the general election.

Now the group is quietly shuttering those efforts with barely a whimper.

Barack Obama’s fundraising team has been quietly putting out word to major donors that they didn’t want any money to go to such third-party groups. Instead, they wanted the cash to go to the Obama campaign, so Obama advisers could be in sole control of the campaign’s message.

The message is clear: we don’t want your kind
I fail to see how this any different from John McCain's after-the-fact and completely ineffectual renunciation of an offensive ad being run by the official North Carolina Republican Party. I mean, McCain made a phone call and wrote an email.

Note to wingers: this is what I wanted John McCain to do. Quietly squash it before it became an issue.
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Reflecting back im actually quite impressed with obamas ability to most of the time(not always) stay on message and out of the mud with Hillary.
I really think he may be the real thing.

Hes worth taking a chance on by all people in this country.

Actions speak louder than words.

The others running owe so many favors and seem to have been unable to resist the mud most of our politicains on both sides end up in.