How Obama will do it

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Energy independence in 5 years:

So called Motor sports will be banned
Production and imports of gasoline powered vehicles will be stopped
Unneccessary trips will be discouraged through education and if necessary enforcement, rationing is a posiibility
Green Mass transit will be made available to all
All petrroleum uses not for fuel will be eliminated

We can save the planet together!!!

ALL without WAR for OIL or raping the environment!!!
Energy independence in 5 years:

So called Motor sports will be banned
Production and imports of gasoline powered vehicles will be stopped
Unneccessary trips will be discouraged through education and if necessary enforcement, rationing is a posiibility
Green Mass transit will be made available to all
All petrroleum uses not for fuel will be eliminated

We can save the planet together!!!

ALL without WAR for OIL or raping the environment!!!

What an igmo! Do you realize, if half the shit you say is ever implemented, there would be MASS revolt?

So called Motor sports will be banned

They're not "so-called" they ARE Motor Sports, and it's currently the #1 spectator sport in America. Cities who host these events, have based their entire economies on these events, what are you going to do for them... just tell them tough shit? What about all of the billions of dollars in merchandising, how are you going to offset the loss in business and tax revenue?

Production and imports of gasoline powered vehicles will be stopped

Really? You just going to lay off ALL auto workers? This must come as a surprise to the UAW, who is supporting Obama. Again, what about all the car dealerships, what about foreign trade agreements with other countries, what about the billions of dollars worth of assembly plants built by these foreign auto makers and the hundreds of thousands of jobs they created? What is your plan for all of these people, you simple minded twit?

Unneccessary trips will be discouraged through education and if necessary enforcement, rationing is a posiibility

What is Obama going to do, put the National Guard in the streets?

Green Mass transit will be made available to all

It already is in a variety of places around the country, but you say "to all" do you mean Bugtussle will be eligible for goverment-funded transit systems?

All petrroleum uses not for fuel will be eliminated

WTF? You mean gay people can't use petroleum jelly anymore???

You know, your idea sounds like something a third-grader came up with in about 10 minutes. I doubt seriously this is part of the Obama platform, or that an Obama administration would even consider these things. In fact, you probably should just shut up an hope no one notices this thread, it could cost Obama some votes if someone actually takes you seriously here.
Energy independence in 5 years:

So called Motor sports will be banned
Production and imports of gasoline powered vehicles will be stopped
Unneccessary trips will be discouraged through education and if necessary enforcement, rationing is a posiibility
Green Mass transit will be made available to all
All petrroleum uses not for fuel will be eliminated

We can save the planet together!!!

ALL without WAR for OIL or raping the environment!!!

He bans motor sports and I'll vote for Dixie!!!