How Sara will do it-fair warning Biden


I keep hearing the Democrats telling us about all the obscene profits the US oil companies are making. Since I think I know who Sara Palin is, this is how I think she will easily tear Biden down on this issue. You Dems give Palin so much ammo--this is gonna be good.

1st Our US oil companies produce a tiny bit of oil comapred to the world production. They don't have hardly any copntrol of the cost of a barrel of oil. This is a prime reason whey we have to produce more of our own oil to be more self sufficient. Our nation has become as dependant as a liberial voter---because of the Demacrats not letting us use our own resourses. Do you know--we are the only nation in the world, that is not allowed to go after their own natural resources. That is what the Dem party did to us about 30 yearfs ago. We haven't built a new refinery in about 30 years, or did any new sizeable drilling in about the same time. Folks--I live on the oil, it is there with billions of "cubic feet" (a term the dems think you are to stupid to understand) of natural gas, ready to tap. I don't think there is any question on why our energy costs are high, and why we are dependant on countries that are not very friendly to us.

2nd It is time the American people learned the difference between profits, and profit margins. Profits are the dollar amount the company has made--profit margins is how much money in % the company made on each dollar invested. Tech companies like Googel, Microsoft, etc--have profit margines around 20 to 25%. They make about 25 cents on every dollar they invest in their own company. Oil companies have a profit margine of about 7 to 8%. They make 7 to 8 cents on every dollar thbney invest into their comapny.

What Biden and Obama proposes is a windfall profits tax (widfall is actually out of context, but what is new with the liberials--windfall means you got money with no effort--like the Democratic congresses pay check). on companies that mave 1/3rd the profit margine as many comapnines in the USA. Biden want to tax their "windfall profits" and there really is not any widfall profits,,just a lot of their own money invested in their own company. That equals a tax on the size of your company, and is a chapter out of the red book.

McCain understands the distribution of wealth basis on which the Democrats support. Remember my fellow citizens, distributing of wealth is one of the bassis of communisum. US philosophies are in danger. The day we start taxing a company based on how big it is, and not on the actual profit margins, is the day all comapnies not deemed in the so called "good light" that the Democrats like, will be attacked. Which is the next industry to be attacked by the distribution of wealth Demacrats?

It is true that McCain wants to give our oil companies tax breaks, but that is all the Dem party is telling my fellow citizens. The fact is, McCain wants to give all coporations tax breaks, so more business will come in to the USA. Lord knows we have lost enough jobs, and the dem party not willing to drop coporate taxes to improve our economy is very questionable.

It is going to be that easy for Palin. If there is one major advantage I learned in my personal business, -- if you educate the people during your speaches, the people will love you.

Taking down Biden and Obama is going to be like shooting Alaskan salmon in a barrel for Palin. It is a typical politician (either party) to leave many holes in their claims--Palin will open those holes up for all to see--and not only excite a host of first time voters, and voters who gave up--she will also steal dem votes when they realize somebody else is actually telling the truth.

My opinion. Lets see what happens at the VP debate.
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It's McCain vs. Obama.

Just so's you know.

Not next term baby---not next term.

I predict Palin vrs Hillery in 2012.

She will start taking notes from 2008 to 2012--and she will be ready to empower the citizens. Like America is suppose to be---commie. hehe
It's McCain vs. Obama.

Just so's you know.

Yep. I was just going to post on this. Understandably, we were all interested with Palin as she was an unknown. But it is obvious the right is going to try to keep the focus on her because McCain is a loser and a dud.
Not next term baby---not next term.

I predict Palin vrs Hillery in 2012.

She will start taking notes from 2008 to 2012--and she will be ready to empower the citizens. Like America is suppose to be---commie. hehe

If McCain/Palin win this time, the Repubs will be out of power for the next 30 years.
If McCain/Palin win this time, the Repubs will be out of power for the next 30 years.

Ooooo.... Hear that Cons? We should all stop supporting Palin and McCain, because if we don't, the republicans won't win for the next 30 years! Hey usGED, what if we let Obama win this one, will you support our Republican candidate in 4 years or 8 years? (...Providing we're still having elections then.)
"This week, seven key witnesses informed Mr. Branchflower through their attorneys that they would not provide depositions. Their depositions, which had been agreed to and scheduled earlier with Mr. Branchflower, were cancelled within the last 72 hours."
When prices are higher, oil companies make more money for the same amount of work. Because it's based on percentages, like you said.
Yep. I was just going to post on this. Understandably, we were all interested with Palin as she was an unknown. But it is obvious the right is going to try to keep the focus on her because McCain is a loser and a dud.

The consertatives (not the right today--there are a lot of sleeping consertatives in our population--more than lesiban liberials even--lol) look at her in a good light--and your right about McCain. I look at it as drudging through the next 4 years with McCain (hopefully with Palin as a sought after advisor), while Palin preps for comander and chief. The issue of experience can not exist, or any other slam the liberial mafia is trying to do. I expect Palin to have a simular approval rating nation wide, as she has in Alaska.

Yes--lots can happen in four years, but Palin is like Lance Armstrong when it comes to fighting corruption on either side of the fence (which is why she has a high approval rating in Alaska), and you folks have never known anybody with that kind of drive. You liberials don't know what your up against.
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When prices are higher, oil companies make more money for the same amount of work. Because it's based on percentages, like you said.

OPEC raised their prices (from what I figure--a effort to hurt our economy) because the OPEC nations produce about 95% of the world oil. Our companies don't produce much of the worlds oil, and not much of our own. But, I am sure they benifited with the higher price for a barrel of oil, which they don't seem to have much control over.

Palin would know for sure--she was the top dog for the energy industry regulation in Alaska.
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The consertatives (not the right today--there are a lot of sleeping consertatives in our population--more than lesiban liberials even--lol) look at her in a good light--and your right about McCain. I look at it as drudging through the next 4 years with McCain (hopefully with Palin as a sought after advisor), while Palin preps for comander and chief. The issue of experience can not exist, or any other slam the liberial mafia is trying to do. I expect Palin to have a simular approval rating nation wide, as she has in Alaska.

Yes--lots can happen in four years, but Palin is like Lance Armstrong when it comes to fighting corruption on either side of the fence (which is why she has a high approval rating in Alaska), and you folks have never known anybody with that kind of drive. You liberials don't know what your up against.

Naaa, she's to much of an extremist and is out of touch with middle America.
Naaa, she's to much of an extremist and is out of touch with middle America.

Actually I argue the opposite that she is middle America, hence the current amount of attention she is receiving. From strictly an economic standpoint she is not a millionaire like the other three candidates. She has been a small business owner, is a hunter, is a mother of five and her husband works in a union. That's middle America.

And if you want to argue policy positions if middle America is where people 'cling to their guns and religion' then she fits that category.
Actually I argue the opposite that she is middle America, hence the current amount of attention she is receiving. From strictly an economic standpoint she is not a millionaire like the other three candidates. She has been a small business owner, is a hunter, is a mother of five and her husband works in a union. That's middle America.

And if you want to argue policy positions if middle America is where people 'cling to their guns and religion' then she fits that category.
Shoot, she had to start and stop college because her family couldn't afford it. She went into those beauty contests for scholarship funds and received them.

If this isn't "middle-America" to you, then you don't live in middle-America.
OPEC raised their prices (from what I figure--a effort to hurt our economy) because the OPEC nations produce about 95% of the world oil. Our companies don't produce much of the worlds oil, and not much of our own. But, I am sure they benifited with the higher price for a barrel of oil, which they don't seem to have much control over.

Palin would know for sure--she was the top dog for the energy industry regulation in Alaska.

That is inaccurate. The US is the third largest producer of oil in the world. Russia is second, China is fifth, Mexico is sixth and Canada seventh. None of which are a part of OPEC.
I'm having a hard time labeling Mic and Sarah, can we call them "dumb and dumber" or "Flip Flop and Meanie" or "Bottom of the class and even dumber?"

Consider the fool in office now, republicans single handily are dumbing down an entire nation. I wonder how our children will fair in science after they learn all about creationism? Or do you think when 'Flip' and 'Mean' start banning books they will ban anything over a fourth grade level? Somewhere near where they are in education. What a duo? I'm waiting to see how long it takes for "Bottom" to invade another country after Joe whispers in his ear, Iran iran iran....

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning and creationism as science.
I'm having a hard time labeling Mic and Sarah, can we call them "dumb and dumber" or "Flip Flop and Meanie" or "Bottom of the class and even dumber?"

Consider the fool in office now, republicans single handily are dumbing down an entire nation. I wonder how our children will fair in science after they learn all about creationism? Or do you think when 'Flip' and 'Mean' start banning books they will ban anything over a fourth grade level? Somewhere near where they are in education. What a duo? I'm waiting to see how long it takes for "Bottom" to invade another country after Joe whispers in his ear, Iran iran iran....

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning and creationism as science.

I just read today on CNN that something like 88% !!! of eighth graders in DC can't read. I'm guessing that this reflects public schoolers. When I lived there, my friends all sent their kids to private schools because the public schools were so bad. That was quite something, too, because as postdocs we were all pretty poor. This isn't the federal govt., but it does reflect that even in the nation's capitol, there appears to be a total disregard of the quality of education, not to mention other services.

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