How Should This Be Handled?

Islam has been trying to infiltrate Europe for centuries. Back in the day Christians had the 'nads to force them back. Progressives have removed society's balls, so his latest incursion won't end well...
The holy war has been revived. You can accept this plain fact or not but it was not the west who threw down the gauntlet.

So what should the tactics be? Who wins the war? How do they win the war? What is America's rightful place in the war? Do you "ACCEPT" those questions? Can you answer them?
Let's be PC and call it a cultural war.

So what should the tactics be? Who wins the war? How do they win the war? What is America's rightful place in the war? Do you "ACCEPT" those questions? Can you answer them?
The tactic should be complete removal of the scourge. The side that is willing to inflict as much pain to do this will win. Since this is our supposed allies, we should voice support, but since they brought it on themselves, not much else.
The tactic should be complete removal of the scourge. The side that is willing to inflict as much pain to do this will win. Since this is our supposed allies, we should voice support, but since they brought it on themselves, not much else.

Is it a law enforcement issue or a military issue?
Is it a law enforcement issue or a military issue?
Since the first step would be to declare certain acts as usurpations against the state, I suppose it would start off as a law enforcement issue.

Any time you get an Islamist in a public forum they always claim it's the religion of peace. Yet obviously it has been used to inflict violence on a massive scale. Guns are peaceful too and we regulate those, so the precedence is there to regulate Islam. So I think even in the US, with our Bill of Rights, mosques can be regulated just like guns. Just like we make a gun owner prove that he's not a criminal before he can purchase a gun, a person would have to prove they aren't a criminal that practices terrorism before they can become a member of a mosque. Then all mosques have to have a key-card system to enter, and those points are monitored.

I'm not really sure, friend. What do you think would be the best way to get rid of this problem?
Since the first step would be to declare certain acts as usurpations against the state, I suppose it would start off as a law enforcement issue.

Any time you get an Islamist in a public forum they always claim it's the religion of peace. Yet obviously it has been used to inflict violence on a massive scale. Guns are peaceful too and we regulate those, so the precedence is there to regulate Islam. So I think even in the US, with our Bill of Rights, mosques can be regulated just like guns. Just like we make a gun owner prove that he's not a criminal before he can purchase a gun, a person would have to prove they aren't a criminal that practices terrorism, before they can become a member of a mosque. Then all mosques have to have a key-card system to enter, and those points are monitored.

Would this be the law for all religions including the Christian religion? Should Christian churches be regulated just like guns? Just like we make a gun owner prove that he's not a criminal before he can purchase a gun, a person would have to prove they aren't a criminal that practices terrorism before they can become a member of a Church i. e. the KKK? Then all Churches have to have a key-card system to enter, and those points are monitored? What about the 1st Amendment’s freedom of religion? What about the 14th Amendment’s ”equal protection of the law?

I'm not really sure, friend. What do you think would be the best way to get rid of this problem?

For me it’s pretty simple ”ALL” acts of criminal law enforcement should be treated simply as acts of criminal law enforcement, i. e. send in the cops the investigators and even the infiltrators if deemed necessary. If law enforcement can’t handle it then there’s always Martial Law and military involvement.

I think the biggest mistake any government can make relative to this particular issue is to panic and start a Holy War especially in America thereby further corrupting and or infringing on or even prohibiting constitutional rights.

Round the guilty bastards up, jail them or deport the sons-of-bitches. The earlier you begin that process the better. MAY want to rethink that statement.

celticguy might especially want to rethink that statement after considering our CIA's aiding and abetting Saddam's rise to power in Iraq, Our CIA's roll in removing an elected leader in Iran and replacing him with a brutal Shah, the U.S. ardent support for Israel the Muslims most hated enemy, the U. S. stationing American troops in the Muslim Holy Land in Saudi Arabia, and America's long term backing and support of just about every Arab Dictator in the Middle East from Saudi Arabia to Kuwait and you name it.

Seems as though the gauntlet might just belong to America and the RINOs propaganda about the radical Muslim terrorist attacks being soooo simply because they hate America's freedoms and respect for women is pure horseshit, huh?

I'd also argue that "freedoms" just another word for not much left to lose in America and the Muslim terrorist are winning the war for sure to instigate our bastard politicians to trash more and all of our freedoms. They're workin on it!!!!!
Would this be the law for all religions including the Christian religion? Should Christian churches be regulated just like guns? Just like we make a gun owner prove that he's not a criminal before he can purchase a gun, a person would have to prove they aren't a criminal that practices terrorism before they can become a member of a Church i. e. the KKK? Then all Churches have to have a key-card system to enter, and those points are monitored? What about the 1st Amendment’s freedom of religion? What about the 14th Amendment’s ”equal protection of the law?

For me it’s pretty simple ”ALL” acts of criminal law enforcement should be treated simply as acts of criminal law enforcement, i. e. send in the cops the investigators and even the infiltrators if deemed necessary. If law enforcement can’t handle it then there’s always Martial Law and military involvement.

I think the biggest mistake any government can make relative to this particular issue is to panic and start a Holy War especially in America thereby further corrupting and or infringing on or even prohibiting constitutional rights.

Round the guilty bastards up, jail them or deport the sons-of-bitches. The earlier you begin that process the better.

If that could work, I'm for it. But we're talking about zealots here.
So what should the tactics be? Who wins the war? How do they win the war? What is America's rightful place in the war? Do you "ACCEPT" those questions? Can you answer them?

Tactics ? Eliminate the threat which is to say eliminate the zealots. The best means is to have the non zealots do it for you. Start by depirting all muslims. Who wins ? There can only be one and its certainly not the muslims. How do you win ? When "moderate muslims" purge their populations of zealots. They are good at hard justice. Whats our place ? The big stick.
Tactics ? Eliminate the threat which is to say eliminate the zealots. The best means is to have the non zealots do it for you. Start by depirting all muslims. Who wins ? There can only be one and its certainly not the muslims. How do you win ? When "moderate muslims" purge their populations of zealots. They are good at hard justice. Whats our place ? The big stick.

Whats "depirting?"