How The Best Value Inn Abuses Homeless Canadians Update: Part 3 They Lied To Me Alrea

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
How The Best Value Inn Abuses Homeless Canadians Update: Part 3 They Lied To Me Already!

Update, they lied to me:

I just wrote the manager of the hotel with the following email message after he set me up in lieu of my previous update:

"I told you I do not do room service and now I am pissed off because you specifically told me that 125 were checking out and will not be returning. Kam told me that night that I could have what was in the fridge after I refused to do the room that night when I noticed a full carton of eggs and bags of milk etc. So now that I know room 124, 125 and 126 will be long term, I refuse to do those rooms because I made clear I do not do room service because I will not be set up to be made out a thief if anything goes missing or is misplaced from those rooms. Do not ask me to enter any of those rooms while these people are staying for a long time because I refuse.

Today I find out that they are returning and they left items in that room so you set me up. In the future if people are returning I will not be doing room service.

No more f'n toying with me Kunal now I am pissed!

They are coming back to the same room so it is room service and you didn't tell me!


The freaking nerve of the abusive hotel owner and hotel manager to pull this on me. Two faced liars! I am really pissed right off! More abuse!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

How The Best Value Inn Abuses Homeless Canadians Update: I Got 5 Days Per Week

Still very sketchy but here goes.

Later that day (the days I wrote the first release of which this is the follow up) I saw the manager and he had a box of letters for a sign out front and he asked me if I wanted him to post a help wanted sign and I said I am not working any more than 4 hours per day. So he went back to the box and posted the sign. Next day he said he wanted me to stay and offered nothing in return so I said no. Last night after a co owner arrived (to my understanding he is a co owner, I mean try getting a straight answer from these guys) and I explained to the manager in front of the co owner that if they wanted to keep me I'll work 5 days per week 4 hours per day and nothing more. They said we will come up with our terms and I said no non negotiable.

Today I got confirmation that they agree to 5 days per week 4 hours per day every second week. Every other week I work 6 days per week 4 hours per day. I always get Sunday off and every second Saturday I get off so I went from 4 hours per day 7 days per week plus suckered into extras under threat of being kicked out until I put my foot down thus 120 hours plus per month down to 88 - 92 hours per month which is way more reasonable but I am still sketchy as in I do not feel I can fully trust them with this. I'd rather die free than live with anyone attempting to make me their slave just because I am homeless thus I was willing to leave and suffer my decision in the cold as I did live outside the previous year only I had the time to build a proper insulated shelter. I'd be making a snow fort and popping a tent in it would have been my plan.

I am somewhat content with this because technically I got my 5 days per week only it is every second week so I call that a victory on a personal level without having to drag this on and on but then something happened which raised my suspicion levels. Today I finished what I set out to do 10 minutes before the four hour mark. I went back to my unit, got a smoke smoked it and eventually made my way back in to see if they made a decision on my offer the previous night. We made the new agreement then the manager told me that unit 125 checked out and he asked me if I could quick just remove the garbage from the room because if garbage is left in a room it can cause the room to have the odour of the garbage and since I was finished ten minutes early I said ok because I did just short of the 4 hours and to throw out garbage usually only takes a couple of minutes. I entered the room and saw plastic bottles and beer cans in the garbage so I separated them then the routine check is to check the microwave and the fridge to remove anything but when I opened the fridge there was what felt like a full carton of eggs a couple of bags of un opened milk and a few other things as I began to feel uncomfortable as if the manager was toying with me to begin a housekeeping chore again under the guise that the occupant checked out. So I turned out the lights and left the room without removing anything. I went to the manager and told him it looks like thew room is still being lived in and I reminded him that I do not do housekeeping! The garbage etc. remains in the room. I get the feeling these guys might be trying to set me up to be slandered as something I am not. It is very distracting from keeping my watchful eye on what goes on around the world as Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist to say the least and after all I have been through I feel I am always a target so my walls remain up.

So now I do not know if I am being toyed with or not and obviously do not trust these guys because especially now that everyone knows where I temporarily reside, I have every suspicion that the WEF etc. are in on attempting to toy with me once again so my guard is up and I will keep you updated.

On a lighter note I included Harvest share among my federal contact lists for my previous release on this subject since they are a part of the inner circle of how I was introduced to this hotel manager. I visited them today and one of the guys asked how it was going so I told him I was putting my foot down for 5 days a week 4 hours per day or they could find someone else then I started laughing as I went shhh don't say anything and that I said that to him, to me it is funny because every Federal, Provincial and territorial official has been alerted to what is going on including harvest share. It just made me laugh and I am not sure if he read what I shared but to me it was funny. I do like to be sarcastic at times.

On another note, sadly I recently lost access to one of my email accounts because I do not have a cell phone to get a verification code. I mean as if things are not stacked up against us all as it is!

I will keep you updated, I mean with all that transpires in Canada it is sad to see how Canadians are being set up by the Liberal NDP coalition to become homeless and even starving along with freezing out in the cold along with how us homeless are being taken advantage of in various ways of which I am sharing my experience but I've made a stand and we'll see where it leads. I am no thief and I wouldn't appreciate being set up to look like one of which is a concern. I am happy somewhat that there are cameras but who controls them could easily delete feeds at their convenience in lieu of them actively setting me up so this is your heads up of my suspicions as of late. If in the end I feel I am being treated fairly by the time I leave this hotel come spring (if things last that long now that we struck a new deal) I am likely to let you know to be fair but time will tell.

Below is the original release to do with this subject matter included.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

How The Best Value Inn Abuses Homeless Canadians Under Guise Of Helping Them

I was lured by an offer of a few hours a week through the winter to help the manager out around the hotel and we shook on it. It was slow in the winter so it will be easy the Manager said here in Parry Sound at the Best Value Inn. Before he even made me the offer to move in I explained I have a commitment as an activist that comes first especially now I am needed with all of the chaos in our governing etc.

It took a couple of days to move most of my things from my tent to the room I he gave me a key for. So two days after I got the key he then states that his expectations are a few hours per day / four hours per day 7 days per week Then it was I have to pay a 200 dollar deposit of which he already reneged and didn't tell me anything about a deposit before I moved in. I told him that we agreed to a few hours per week and four hours every day is very extensive for a room. That is 120 hours per month just for the room plus 400 dollars per month rent. He told me that a room cost 2500 dollars per month. I told him that I never agreed to such but we'll see how it goes. He also stated that a part of the deal was that he wouldn't give me a rent receipt because it would complicate things for him at tax time so I suspect the hotel got nothing and he himself pocketed the money. I found out later that other monthly tenants only paid a thousand dollars per month. I decided that for raising awareness of how a hotel manager abuses homeless people under the guise of helping them I would take the opportunity to do some investigative journalism. I was told I would be cleaning rooms and I told him I would refuse to do rooms which were occupied which is called house keeping because of being an activist I didn't want any chance of being labeled a thief by a tenant. I showed him the damage to my room of which was an old beat up fridge, an old beat up microwave which died and was replaced by a newer one. There is a big table with wheels and all along the was where the table is, is a huge gouge because I suppose the table with wheels keeps ramming into the wall.

His uncle and aunt were here cleaning rooms when I started and he had me scraping and filling grout in bathrooms. They left for India at the end of December so he had me doing rooms and he seemed to think I was suppose to do as much as his uncle and aunt combined thus when four hours went by he would insist I finish doing the rooms.

That wasn't all, it then changed to when a 4 hour day was over then he would come and tell me we need to fold sheets and he would also, after my 4 hour day tell me he needed me at the front desk to cover for him and he would skip giving notice. It was always under threat of being kicked out.

On the fifth of Jan 2024 I told him that I was done doing any extra and reminded him I never agreed to 4 hours per day because it was extensive. He gave me notice (he said he would give me a weeks notice in the beginning where I could take the time to find and move my stuff) but when he actually gave me notice he stated he expected me to work for the last week and reminded him he told me otherwise. He calls me on the phone and said forget what he said and that I could stay. (crying wolf to try and bend me to his will and when it failed he decided otherwise.) so a couple of days ago (14th) he was still trying to get me to do extra and I told him straight up no more than four hours per day so he would up giving me until the second of Feb. under the understanding that my rent would be cleared from Ontario works and because the first is my birthday he would ask me to leave on my birthday as I reminded him he would be kicking me out on my birthday on the first. I agreed to work until the 26th then I would get a week off to move.

Yesterday, the very next day (15th) he wanted to do shovelling so I went out to shovel and he already called the truck to try and make me work fast like a slave under lash but |I wasn't having it and shovelled as I normally do. He then started following me to the rooms I was doing and bothering me as I worked and yeah it was distracting then he complained I was taking too long. Today I woke up, had a smoke then got the call (always a camera on my front door so he can see when I am having a smoke as there is no smoking in the rooms) to do shovelling so before I ate or anything I went out to shovel. Then he has a tenant residing in room 123 who stayed last night and will be staying tonight and the manager tried to trick me into doing housekeeping but I told him I wouldn't because I am not risking being labelled a thief is that tenant misplaced something etc. So today he told me to be out by today so I said that's fine. He just called me on the phone as I write this and said ok you can start at noon and I told him you got to stop pulling this rhetoric with me. Always under threat for being kicked out for not doing more and more. I told him right from the beginning I wasn't in it to make any money but I deserve to be respected for helping which is why 4 hours was extensive to begin with.

He also brought someone to a room I was working in to show case me as cleaning the room in front of someone I didn't know when we had an agreement to keep the details of what I do between us.

This guy also along the way since the 5th told me that the owner said it was ok to hire someone to replace me (they get a free room plus pay to do less that what I am doing) and in the beginning he said he could replace me with his friend for the room thus looming the threat of being kicked out from the beginning. But again investigative journalism I decided to tackle to raise awareness of a hotel manager from India (not even a citizen yet to my understanding) attempting to treating Canadian citizens like slaves under threat of being kicked out into the cold.

I am sharing this with you all without his knowledge because I have had enough. I suspect he will make up some rhetoric to keep my deposit and I have done no vandalizing but I have done thousands of dollars of work of which I never even agreed to do when were made and shsook on our initial agreement. Since he called I think I will do the rooms to see if I can but my time until the end of the month but if he doesn't stop I may have to leave today while he keeps half the rent and the deposit. As for me, this drove me to drinking a little more than normal so I have maybe 3 bucks in my pocket, next to no food and an appointment with a food bank on the 19th.

I could be dead soon but so be it, thank Trudeau also for creating the problem we are in Primarily.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
latest update"

Ahh I am finally enjoying my first weekend off.

The rhetoric continues. Friday Jan 26th I went to the office because my card key expired as it does every week. I approached the front desk and the manager said something about shaving my beard and the owner (or part owner whatever) was standing there saying he doesn't like it and I am thinking to myself I couldn't give a rats ass if either of them like it or not. The manager asks me why I do not shave it off and so I told him after him threatening to kick me out for not bending to his will to do extra on top of already excessive hours I decided to keep my beard because if I wind up out in the cold I am going to need it. The manager says not to blame him for keeping my beard (as if he seems to think he doesn't deserve to be held accountable for his actions) and his reason was because the owner was there and told me / gave me his word (which means very little as trust is to be earned) that the manager wouldn't threaten to kick me out anymore. Meanwhile for all I know the owner was the one instructing the manager to do it in the first place and if that be the case they could be playing me with the good cop bad cop sort of rhetoric. Then the manager says because the owner told me that the manager wouldn't threaten to kick me out anymore means that I will shave off my beard. I began to grow furious but maintained my civility and I told them no and besides I happen to like my beard (and I just explained to them why I especially like my beard on my face right now) but then they were acting as if I was lying about keeping my beard because I might need it in the cold and acting like now I was being honest because I said I happen to like my beard as they smiled and went ahh the real reason eh which pissed me off even more but I maintained my civility got my key updated and left.

It's patronizing when two people with the seemingly combined intellect of a pea tries to play you but I kept my cool along with made it clear the beard stays. The pathetic rhetoric I put up with artound here ... I mean I know I am very disciplined in ways that these guys will likely never understand having lived out my path in life having intellectually slaughtered everyone who attempted to distract me with there pathetic attempts to try and make what is into what their delusionally messed up heads would rather it be when it comes to especially the foundations of primary issues I address.

Later that day ... The owner asks me if I know anyone who paints and I told him I do not know too many people in Parry Sound. (like I would refer anyone to these guys after what I have been through) then he offered me money to paint and I refused telling him painting is not my thing and it really isn't my thing. He says I won't force you to do it ...

Bwaaa ha ha ha they have no chance forcing me to do anything. They lied to me to get me here then renegged on the agreement we shook upon and I told them we'll see how it goes under protest of which it went badly because of their deceptions and abuse on top of their breaking the agreement we had to get me here in the first place which has lead to me putting my foot down to cut my hours by 30 plus per month with no extras. I get the feeling that this guy was either baiting me to claim you'l never force me to do anything so he could attempt more pea brained mind games with me otherwise his understanding of the english language not being his first language lead him to a bad choice of words. Either way, it's only worth minimal effort to me around here anymore when it comes to their understandings after what they have pulled.

Meanwhile they still have a help wanted sign out front. Yeah these guys are appearing more and more as dumb as they come. I'm certainly not impressed.

Anyway, that's my latest update. I hope it was better for you than it was for me ;)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!