How the Biden family used shell companies to enrich themselves


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The corrupt Biden family thought they could hide their illegal businesses

Members of the Biden family and their business associates raked in millions of dollars from foreign entities during and after Joe Biden’s time as vice president, using nearly two dozen companies and taking advantage of a vast network of sketchy business associates.

The now-first family, their associates, and the companies took in at least $10 million just from firms run by Chinese and Romanian nationals through various deals struck by first son Hunter Biden, according to records subpoenaed from four separate banks by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee.

However, other information suggests the Bidens earned tens of millions of dollars more than that.

In a 36-page memo released Wednesday, the committee revealed funds initially flowed from the foreign entities to at least 20 companies, most of which were LLCs created while Joe Biden was President Barack Obama’s vice president and run by Hunter’s business friends. The money was then doled out in smaller amounts to other family members.

“These complicated financial transactions appear to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts,” the committee said in the memoOversight Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) identified nine Biden family members known to have benefited: Hunter; first brother James Biden; his wife, Sara; first daughter-in-law Hallie Biden, the widow of Joe Biden’s son Beau; Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle; his current wife, Melissa Cohen; and “three children of the president’s son and the president’s brother.”Fifteen of the companies the committee is looking into were founded when Joe Biden was a heartbeat from the presidency between 2009 and 2017 — including Robinson Walker, LLC; Owasco, LLC; Hudson West III, LLC; and Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC, which was linked to Hunter’s now-defunct investment management firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.

The Beijing-backed CEFC China Energy is also in the committee’s crosshairs for its connections to State Energy HK Limited, a firm that paid $3 million in 2017 to Robinson Walker, the LLC of Biden associate and former Clinton administration official Rob Walker.

On March 16, the committee produced its first memo on the Biden bank records showing how Walker divvied up the six-figure sums, taking $869,308 for himself, $610,692 for Hunter and $360,000 for James.

Hallie took $25,000 and an unknown Biden family member also netted $70,000.The Washington Post independently reported last year that Hunter and James Biden earned $4.8 million in total through their entities connected to CEFC China Energy.

James Gilliar, a former British special forces officer and Biden associate with ties to UK intelligence, got $1,065,000 for his European Energy and Infrastructure Group from the China deal.

According to The Post’s exclusive report from October 2020, a 10% share of the proceeds was also handed over to the “big guy,” whom Gilliar and another Hunter business associate, Tony Bobulinski, separately identified as President Biden..
It appears the GOP figured it out

Yeah, that is why the 65-page report said they have nothing to charge Biden with. Ron Johnson said they came up with nothing. You children accept right-wing misinterpretation as fact because you so desperately want to.
We'll have to wait and see if they do anything about it. I'm guessing they won't.

I'd replace "won't" with "can't." It has become increasingly clear that Democrats with their allies in government bureaucracies and in the media have produced an effective ability to stonewall any investigation into any Democrat politician that the party as a whole wants protected.
Yeah, that is why the 65-page report said they have nothing to charge Biden with. Ron Johnson said they came up with nothing. You children accept right-wing misinterpretation as fact because you so desperately want to.
Any info in there about Saudi Arabia handing $2 billion to Jarod?
I'd replace "won't" with "can't." It has become increasingly clear that Democrats with their allies in government bureaucracies and in the media have produced an effective ability to stonewall any investigation into any Democrat politician that the party as a whole wants protected.

That's rich coming from a Right Wing shill who cheered when domestic terrorists in our govt. ignored House subpoenas.
Yeah, that is why the 65-page report said they have nothing to charge Biden with. Ron Johnson said they came up with nothing. You children accept right-wing misinterpretation as fact because you so desperately want to.

Jesus Nordy, all those illegals you have taken in have really screwed up your brain. There are friggin records from banks that prove you are full of shit. The fact not one mainstream media outlet has discussed this is normal behavior as it involves a democrat.
Jesus Nordy, all those illegals you have taken in have really screwed up your brain. There are friggin records from banks that prove you are full of shit. The fact not one mainstream media outlet has discussed this is normal behavior as it involves a democrat.

Damn lyingfish, the people in the investigation said they have nothing. This is a normal Trumpian reaction. You just plain believe because you do. The investigators made a serious mistake. They should have sought out your superior knowledge.
Damn lyingfish, the people in the investigation said they have nothing. This is a normal Trumpian reaction. You just plain believe because you do. The investigators made a serious mistake. They should have sought out your superior knowledge.

What are you serving your new found illegal families for dinner?
Yeah, that is why the 65-page report said they have nothing to charge Biden with. Ron Johnson said they came up with nothing. You children accept right-wing misinterpretation as fact because you so desperately want to.

The investigation is just starting