How the Debates Will Go Down


Well-known member
Wow, trump is calm? Did he skip the coke for this debate?

The so-called "debates" are orchestrated events (entirely by the left) to play on the extreme gullibility of leftist voters. You'll notice that above, Jarod is pretending to be surprised that Trump somehow managed to remain calm and in control, even though Trump is always calm and in control. There is never any honesty from leftists regarding the content of the debates. The narratives about the debates will serve as the marching orders and dog whistles for leftists to post on the internet, and we will see it all here on JPP.

So this is how it will go down:

Donald Trump will be widely heralded as having "crushed" Biden in the first debate ... regardless of what actually transpired. This is a setup.

In the second debate, Biden will be widely heralded as having made a "comeback" and looking "much better" than he did in the first debate, regardless of what actually transpires. This is all part of the script.

In the third debate, Biden will be widely heralded as having fully gained his momentum and as having steamrolled over Trump, leaving Trump wondering what hit him ... regardless of what actually transpires. Biden will be heralded as having regained his youthful vigor, the words "lucid" and "sharp" will be peppering every article and newsbite, and all the polls will show that 97% of Americans support Biden.

Leftists will eat this all up. It will never occur to them that they are being played for the undereducated gullibles that they are, with their absolute unquestioning OBEDIENCE being fully expected. Instead, they will regurgitate with great pride the official narratives above that they are ordered to believe.

Let me know if you have any questions.
The so-called "debates" are orchestrated events (entirely by the left) to play on the extreme gullibility of leftist voters. You'll notice that above, Jarod is pretending to be surprised that Trump somehow managed to remain calm and in control, even though Trump is always calm and in control. There is never any honesty from leftists regarding the content of the debates. The narratives about the debates will serve as the marching orders and dog whistles for leftists to post on the internet, and we will see it all here on JPP.

So this is how it will go down:

Donald Trump will be widely heralded as having "crushed" Biden in the first debate ... regardless of what actually transpired. This is a setup.

In the second debate, Biden will be widely heralded as having made a "comeback" and looking "much better" than he did in the first debate, regardless of what actually transpires. This is all part of the script.

In the third debate, Biden will be widely heralded as having fully gained his momentum and as having steamrolled over Trump, leaving Trump wondering what hit him ... regardless of what actually transpires. Biden will be heralded as having regained his youthful vigor, the words "lucid" and "sharp" will be peppering every article and newsbite, and all the polls will show that 97% of Americans support Biden.

Leftists will eat this all up. It will never occur to them that they are being played for the undereducated gullibles that they are, with their absolute unquestioning OBEDIENCE being fully expected. Instead, they will regurgitate with great pride the official narratives above that they are ordered to believe.

Let me know if you have any questions.

OK. Here's one.... How did you become so full of shit? :palm:
My take is that the debate was done so early because the Revolution needs to do the switch at the Convention.....but everyone has been lying that he is fine....they needed to demonstrate that he is not fine.

Mission Accomplished.

Last night was more than a catastrophe for Biden. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, basically doing handstands while peppering his staff with tough questions about care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine.Anyone who committed the sin of using their own eyes on the 46th president was accused, variously, of being Trumpers; MAGA cult members who don’t want American democracy to survive; ageists; or just dummies easily duped by “disinformation,” “misinformation,” “fake news,” and, most recently, “cheap fakes.”Turned out our eyes worked just fine.

Up early for a flight. Couple thoughts…The debate was intentionally moved months earlier than normal to take Biden out.In that sense, Trump fell for it, because now Newsom or Hillary or whoever will be swapped in, and all the energy and focus goes to them, not Trump, who did a great job and has seemingly unstoppable momentum.Think how different this would all be if what we saw happen last night took place in September or October right before the election, rather than June, with plenty of time for moves.Biden, to whatever extent he is the functioning president is now a serious danger to our country, and our enemies know that. (And the idea Kamala could be president, even for a day, is completely bananas.)Biden needs to step down or be removed immediately. The media who ran cover for him should all be mocked to high hell. Had he not totally imploded last night they would still be telling us not to see what has been plainly obvious. They deserve nothing but mockery and scorn.Now that the dam has broken, the leaks will start from the White House. Who knew about his condition? What were they drugging him with? How long has it been going on?And most importantly, who really has been in charge because it obviously hasn’t been Joe Biden. It’s likely Obama via his holdovers, and if that’s not treason, I don’t know what is. Crazy.


Correct except Trump did not lose anything by doing this performance....he gained by not being afraid to let the opposition dictate terms (fearlessness) and by doing a masterful job. The swap was going to be done with or without Trump.

Up early for a flight. Couple thoughts…The debate was intentionally moved months earlier than normal to take Biden out.In that sense, Trump fell for it, because now Newsom or Hillary or whoever will be swapped in, and all the energy and focus goes to them, not Trump, who did a great job and has seemingly unstoppable momentum.Think how different this would all be if what we saw happen last night took place in September or October right before the election, rather than June, with plenty of time for moves.Biden, to whatever extent he is the functioning president is now a serious danger to our country, and our enemies know that. (And the idea Kamala could be president, even for a day, is completely bananas.)Biden needs to step down or be removed immediately. The media who ran cover for him should all be mocked to high hell. Had he not totally imploded last night they would still be telling us not to see what has been plainly obvious. They deserve nothing but mockery and scorn.Now that the dam has broken, the leaks will start from the White House. Who knew about his condition? What were they drugging him with? How long has it been going on?And most importantly, who really has been in charge because it obviously hasn’t been Joe Biden. It’s likely Obama via his holdovers, and if that’s not treason, I don’t know what is. Crazy.


Correct except Trump did not lose anything by doing this performance....he gained by not being afraid to let the opposition dictate terms (fearlessness) and by doing a masterful job. The swap was going to be done with or without Trump.
The problem with that is let's say they do manage a swap at about 100 days short of the election. Trying to suddenly change people's minds about the Democrat isn't going to be easy. Newsome is a relative unknown on the national stage. The Hildabeast lost to Trump once already and isn't getting any younger.

It might be better for the Democrats to just let this election go and focus on 2026 and 2028.
The problem with that is let's say they do manage a swap at about 100 days short of the election. Trying to suddenly change people's minds about the Democrat isn't going to be easy. Newsome is a relative unknown on the national stage. The Hildabeast lost to Trump once already and isn't getting any younger.

It might be better for the Democrats to just let this election go and focus on 2026 and 2028.
I think they will put up Harris/Pelosi and then declare their candidates the winner....what the American people think/want/need is irrelevant.

As always your brain is massively out of date.

A big problem but lacking a better alternative and knowing that Harris will do as she is told I think they roll with Harris/Pelosi.

Harris had nothing to do with getting Biden elected, no VP would have altered the amount of cheating that was required to declare Biden the winner....this was only about the Revolution demonstrating solidarity with WOKE ideology....this was about branding not an election.
The so-called "debates" are orchestrated events (entirely by the left) to play on the extreme gullibility of leftist voters. You'll notice that above, Jarod is pretending to be surprised that Trump somehow managed to remain calm and in control, even though Trump is always calm and in control. There is never any honesty from leftists regarding the content of the debates. The narratives about the debates will serve as the marching orders and dog whistles for leftists to post on the internet, and we will see it all here on JPP.

So this is how it will go down:

Donald Trump will be widely heralded as having "crushed" Biden in the first debate ... regardless of what actually transpired. This is a setup.

In the second debate, Biden will be widely heralded as having made a "comeback" and looking "much better" than he did in the first debate, regardless of what actually transpires. This is all part of the script.

In the third debate, Biden will be widely heralded as having fully gained his momentum and as having steamrolled over Trump, leaving Trump wondering what hit him ... regardless of what actually transpires. Biden will be heralded as having regained his youthful vigor, the words "lucid" and "sharp" will be peppering every article and newsbite, and all the polls will show that 97% of Americans support Biden.

Leftists will eat this all up. It will never occur to them that they are being played for the undereducated gullibles that they are, with their absolute unquestioning OBEDIENCE being fully expected. Instead, they will regurgitate with great pride the official narratives above that they are ordered to believe.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Ah, there are only two debates, so looks like your conspiracy is blown from the jump

We have another leftist post that reaches new heights in leftist thinking, almost able to touch the underside of an earthworm.

OK. Here's one.... How did you become so full of shit?
Brilliant! Totally brilliant. That response refutes EVERYTHING! Well done.

The state made the decision to replace Biden long before last night. Their media mockingbirds were handed out nearly identical talking points to pretend that last night’s performance was the first time they realized what they’ve perfectly known and hid all along: Biden has dementia. The question is who the CIA has decided will replace him, as the sheep pretend it’s due to an abysmal debate performance


Pretty Much.

We have another leftist post that reaches new heights in leftist thinking, almost able to touch the underside of an earthworm.

Brilliant! Totally brilliant. That response refutes EVERYTHING! Well done.
Quite noticeable that you offered nothing in rebuttal but juvenile personal attacks, says about all one needs to know regarding this thread
Quite noticeable that you offered nothing in rebuttal but juvenile personal attacks,
You are a brilliant example of an uneducated leftist (I know, I know, "uneducated leftist" is redundant). There are no attacks, just sarcastic compliments.

says about all one needs to know regarding this thread
Your rookie errors say all anyone needs to know about reading your posts.
The state made the decision to replace Biden long before last night. Their media mockingbirds were handed out nearly identical talking points to pretend that last night’s performance was the first time they realized what they’ve perfectly known and hid all along: Biden has dementia. The question is who the CIA has decided will replace him, as the sheep pretend it’s due to an abysmal debate performance
so who will the Han grapevine choose to replace him.......
In the second debate, Biden will be widely heralded as having made a "comeback" and looking "much better" than he did in the first debate, regardless of what actually transpires. This is all part of the script.
It ain't over till it's over. Biden the next day.
OK, so this is the unveiling of Biden's "comeback."

Now we just need to watch for "Biden having all the momentum now!" just in time for the election. Perhaps it won't be tied to the debates, although it still could be. Biden's mental state is beyond recovery, so it just might have to be in a scenario whereby Biden is propped up by the influence of heavy drugs and in a controlled environment devoid of any sort of competition with only friendly media and audience present.