How the Republicans Became the Party of Precarious Manhood


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Sometimes, you have to go outside the realm of political analysis to understand politics. I was reminded of this by a recent Tom Edsall column in The New York Times in which, while unpacking a host of studies that sought to explain the growing gender gap, he cited a 2020 paper that had run in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. In that study, Eric Knowles (a psych professor at NYU) and Sarah DiMuccio (a researcher with a doctorate in social psychology) compared data on support for Trump and aggressive political behavior with data on male insecurity. Perhaps not surprisingly, they found a strong correlation.

In particular, Knowles and DiMuccio looked at the kind of data that generally eludes political scientists and political reporters (present company included). They sought out the Google Trends search data for the 12 months immediately preceding the 2016 election for erectile dysfunction, penis size, penis enlargement, hair loss, hair plugs, testosterone, and Viagra—gender-affirming care, of a sort—and labeled them as indices of Precarious Manhood. They produced a map of the United States showing where those Google searches were most common (Appalachia and the Deep South). And by running the standard statistical regression analyses, they found a strong predictive correlation between the rates of those Google searches and the votes for Donald Trump in 2016 (though, of course, those were also votes against Hillary Clinton).

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When you can’t envision a sustainable career based on your skill set, you may be putty for a demagogue who evokes idealized memories of a past where you fit in—however racist or sexist that past may have been, and sometimes because of how racist and sexist it actually was. You can be putty for a demagogue who blames your plight on MAGA’s usual suspects. You can be putty for Donald Trump.

Knowles and DiMuccio also compared their Precarious Manhood data with the voting for the two Republican presidential candidates before Trump—John McCain and Mitt Romney—and found no correlation whatever. It was only with Trump that the Republicans found a candidate whose own insecurity and rage at the elites who scorned him, and at the out-groups he deemed to be inherently undeserving, made him susceptible to the some of the same phobias that define Precarious Manhood, and made him its avenging champion. And by remaking the Republican Party in his image, he transformed it in this way as well. The Grand Old Party is now the Party of trump
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Men have failed catastrophically all through American culture, but the main pressure against masculinity has come from the left....from the Feminists...who never miss an opportunity to demonize men.
Men have failed catastrophically all through American culture, but the main pressure against masculinity has come from the left....from the Feminists...who never miss an opportunity to demonize men.
And it seems the Red state type men like yourself just now and those described in the article are the ones sensitive to it.