How The WEF/Illuminati Used A Biker Gang To Try And Make Me Religious & Failed

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
To try and hide that they have no validity in contesting the facts I share that reveal the illuminati, the World Economic Forum, their owned and useful idiot policied main stream media etc. for the compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers they prove to be on the foundation of many primary issues I address so they went way out of their way to try and make me the issue while trying to drag me down to their pathetic level while I suppose also attempting to try and make me insane or look insane.

They got a notorious biker gang, the police and the Midland Native friendship center in on it along with everywhere I was there appeared to be telepaths reading my every thought.

I arrived in Midland in tip top shape and for the first few days it was great, I was eating well and working out (Of which I had more muscle mass than I have had in decades) and then my tent was ransacked twice and the second time my stuff was caked in sugar and dish soap and much whipped all over the forest, my door was half ripped off and the screen was ripped right off all but a strand was holding it so I ripped it off and threw it in my stuff caked in sugar and moved to a different forest.

In the second forest I was being eaten alive by mosquitos (when you hear a mosquito in your ear every thirty seconds it can really test your patience let's say) so I resorted to drinking like a fish for a few days of which I suspect I ran into MP Stephanie Kusie at the liquor store (but let's not get off track here. After a few days of drinking and not eating so well I finally mustered the interest to get my hands caked in sugar (I had to travel kilometers just to get water at this location to clean up etc. and it was difficult) and find my screen of which I managed to duct tape it into a corner of the duct taped door so I had circulation and protection from bugs. I then couldn't sleep for a couple of days when suddenly I could hear a small speaker with voices in my tent and this is when the fun began. An old friend of mine from my teenage years was the leader of this biker gang chapter in Midland. I thought it may have been him I passed by on the path the second time my tent was ransacked. I also thought I saw his mother but it had been like 35 years since I saw her let alone as Primary Factual Fundamentalist and a World Class Activist I wasn't about to approach members of a notorious biker gang no matter who they were and I certainly was not looking at any point in my like to join one as well. I could never find the speaker or the camera (they were watching my every move in the privacy of my tent and I never once agreed to be filmed or audio recorded in the privacy of my living space anywhere in my life) and they put on a show. His brother who I hadn't seen was there, his mother was there and the leader of the biker gang (my old friend was there) and my old friend started going ballistic that I didn't call him out and it just kept escalating while I was trying to sleep but couldn't with all of the theatrics until they made it sound like the cops had to come and take him away. Once that happened other members of the gang started going on about loyalty and how they had to pick me off to honour what happened to him. Si I decided to pack my stuff and move elsewhere. They intensified acting as if I was in their scope and they were ready to pull the trigger while others were trying to convince them that I was cool and did not anything wrong but I had it and left my stuff and went to call the police so I could get my stuff out of there. When the police showed up I was under the impression that this was a big joke and they were in on it so I asked them if they could come back to the forest anyway so I could get my stuff but when we got there no one else was there and the speakers in the forest were all turned off. I surmised with them that this must be a big joke being played upon me and thanked them for their understanding and they left. Once they left of course the speakers went back on and they were carrying on. I decided to put all of my stuff back into my tent and went to to back to sleep and they were cheering me on stating such as no one has ever done that before (went back to bed after reloading my tent) and they managed to keep me up screwing with me through the speaker of which they appeared to be I suspect drones (little ones like flies only they fly like little helicopters) around when I was asked if I wanted to join the biker gang of which I responded "no, I am a lone wolf" with a job to do. Right then and there in a fraction of a second I decided to be sarcastic until they backed off or I left Midland.

I found as the day went on Harley's kept driving by while they put on a show that one of their ladies had to come a have sex with me (there is more but I'll keep it simple) or the bikers were going to come punch me in the face etc. and this went on for hours until I made a burger and ate it and just as I was finishing I decided to leave the forest and cross the street. When I crossed the street back to the forest is when it the forest I saw my old friend calling me with what looked like a patched jacket and his sister mentioned to him that I left the circle on the last lap. That is when the voices started in on me directing me at what to do. Some voices were telling me one thing and others were telling me another. I think they had a speaker laced into my jacket somewhere and I think they put steroids in my food. I left for the Walmart area while being told if I go on the road bad things will happened. So when on the grass they wanted me to take my shoes off and when crossing the road put them on (while other voices were trying to tell me to do the opposite) so with a great deal of sarcasm I played along then I was suppose to go back to the forest into the inner circle (the bikes circling me all day was apparently the outer circle) where I would grow huge according to their hogwash but then I was suppose to beat them to death. So when I got back to the forest I grabbed and few things, got on my bike and took off. I came back the next day and they were right back at it again. I shared with the officials of Canada federally and Ontario provincials the sarcastic version of what happened (hey if I was going to pull off having them think I was psyched out I had to be sarcastic of which I explained they were hiding behind bushes and grass as I walked across the parking lot when really I suspected they had drones all over the place for example. They tried to psyche me out into thinking they were supernatural).

I let that forest and for days again they kept me awake while trying to bombard me with conversation while I am ready to fall over from lack of nourishment and sleep. This went on for weeks all and all. The one thing that was surreal was after being up all night suddenly it felt like I was being bit everywhere by bugs so I stared smushing the bugs and as I did this I could hear people screaming off in the distance. Once one of the bugs penetrated my skin then all of the bugs went for the hole on the right outer thigh where there is now a scar. When they dove in the hole it looked like worms under my skin so for a couple for hours I was pulling out the worms of which some of them appeared to turn into wax when I got them out and others into liquid. My patience grew thin but I kept up the sarcasm to see how far they were willing to take this until they lead me to the Midland Native friendship center where they were in on it too so I was sarcastic with them as well but lucky for them as tired and starving I was I felt like playing guitar for my own enjoyment as they asked me if I would. I was lead to believe they would let me take a shower and give me a meal but instead they told me to pick an apple from their tree and eat it. They told me to have another until I got fed up and threw the apples over the fence. That was when I had enough and called them all out and stated I knew what was going on dating back to the end of 2021 when this all really started but that is another story. The next night they baited me again so I thought ok I'll give you a sarcastic encore of which I did and went back to bed. The next night I stated I would not leave the tent for their BS. and they pretended to have someone I have loved since I was a teenager (but it was really my old friends sister of which she already gave away how she sounds they day the bikers were circling the forest I was in.) and they got angry that I wouldn't play but I stayed in my tent despite them.

I left out that my backpack and identification etc. was all stolen throughout the duration of all of this happening. But I'll leave that for part 2.

This is all I have time for today but there is more. I since relocated to Parry Sound after leaving much of my stuff behind. I have roots here, my Great grandparents lived here until the day they died and my grandpa was born on Parry island where he built a cottage I went to for the first 20 years of my life while visiting my great grandparents here in Parry sound.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Who is the WEF? Can you put this into paragraphs, break it up a bit. This wall of text is difficult to read. Maybe a few bullet points to start so I know if I want to read it...
Small speaker and a voice in your tent... Geebus. BribempResident is right, you are one weird dude...
you are one crazy dude

Who is the WEF? Can you put this into paragraphs, break it up a bit. This wall of text is difficult to read. Maybe a few bullet points to start so I know if I want to read it...

Small speaker and a voice in your tent... Geebus. BribempResident is right, you are one weird dude...

Notice WEF sock puppets jump right in with such pathetic rhetoric to once again try and support the WEF sick and filthy narrative of attempting to silence all those who easily expose their pathetic trash ... Oh and BTW I kind of rushed last night, here it is cleaned up a little as the officials of the UK just got it

UK Update From Canada: How The WEF/Illuminati Used A Biker Gang To Try And Make Me Religious & Failed

To try and hide that they have no validity in contesting the facts I share that reveal the illuminati, the World Economic Forum, their owned and useful idiot policied main stream media etc. for the compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers they prove to be on the foundation of many primary issues I address so they went way out of their way to try and make me the issue while trying to drag me down to their pathetic level while I suppose also attempting to try and make me insane or look insane.

They got a notorious biker gang, the police and the Midland Native friendship center in on it along with everywhere I was there appeared to be telepaths reading my every thought.

I arrived in Midland in tip top shape and for the first few days it was great, I was eating well and working out (Of which I had more muscle mass than I have had in decades) and then my tent was ransacked twice and the second time my stuff was caked in sugar and dish soap and much whipped all over the forest, my door was half ripped off and the screen was ripped right off all but a strand was holding it so I ripped it off and threw it in my stuff caked in sugar and moved to a different forest.

In the second forest I was being eaten alive by mosquitos (when you hear a mosquito in your ear every thirty seconds it can really test your patience let's say) so I resorted to drinking like a fish for a few days to be able to sleep of which I suspect I ran into MP Stephanie Kusie at the liquor store (but let's not get off track here.) After a few days of drinking and not eating so well I finally mustered the interest to get my hands caked in sugar (I had to travel kilometers just to get water at this location to clean up etc. and it was difficult) and find my screen of which I managed to duct tape it into a corner of the duct taped door so I had circulation and protection from bugs. I then couldn't sleep for a couple of days when suddenly I could hear a small speaker with voices in my tent and this is when the fun began. An old friend of mine from my teenage years was the leader of this biker gang chapter in Midland. I thought it may have been him I passed by on the path the second time my tent was ransacked. I also thought I saw his mother but it had been like 35 years since I saw her let alone as Primary Factual Fundamentalist and a World Class Activist I wasn't about to approach members of a notorious biker gang no matter who they were and I certainly was not looking at any point in my life to join one as well. I could never find the speaker or the camera (they were watching my every move in the privacy of my tent and I never once agreed to be filmed or audio recorded in the privacy of my living space anywhere in my life) and they put on a show. His brother who I hadn't seen was there, his mother was there and the leader of the biker gang (my old friend was there) and my old friend started going ballistic that I didn't call him out and it just kept escalating while I was trying to sleep but couldn't with all of the theatrics until they made it sound like the cops had to come and take him away. Once that happened other members of the gang started going on about loyalty and how they had to pick me off to honour what happened to him. So I decided to pack my stuff and move elsewhere. They intensified acting as if I was in their scope and they were ready to pull the trigger while others were trying to convince them that I was cool and did not anything wrong but I had it and left my stuff and went to call the police so I could get my stuff out of there. When the police showed up I was under the impression that this was a big joke and they were in on it so I asked them if they could come back to the forest anyway so I could get my stuff but when we got there no one else was there and the speakers in the forest were all turned off. I surmised with them that this must be a big joke being played upon me and thanked them for their understanding and they left. Once they left of course the speakers went back on and they were carrying on. I decided to put all of my stuff back into my tent and went to go back to sleep and they were cheering me on stating such as no one has ever done that before (went back to bed after reloading my tent) and they managed to keep me up screwing with me through the speaker of which they appeared to be I suspect drones (little ones like flies only they fly like little helicopters) around when I was asked if I wanted to join the biker gang of which I responded "no, I am a lone wolf" with a job to do. Right then and there in a fraction of a second I decided to be sarcastic until they backed off or I left Midland.

I found as the day went on Harley's kept driving by while they put on a show that one of their ladies had to come a have sex with me (there is more but I'll keep it simple) or the bikers were going to come punch me in the face etc. and this went on for hours until I made a burger and ate it and just as I was finishing I decided to leave the forest and cross the street. When I crossed the street back to the forest is when it the forest I saw my old friend calling me with what looked like a patched jacket and his sister mentioned to him that I left the circle on the last half lap. That is when the voices started in on me directing me at what to do. Some voices were telling me one thing and others were telling me another. I think they had a speaker laced into my jacket somewhere and I think they put steroids in my food. I left for the Walmart area while being told if I go on the road bad things will happened. So when on the grass they wanted me to take my shoes off and when crossing the road put them on (while other voices were trying to tell me to do the opposite) so with a great deal of sarcasm I played along then I was suppose to go back to the forest into the inner circle (the bikes circling me all day was apparently the outer circle) where I would grow huge according to their hogwash but then I was suppose to beat them to death. So when I got back to the forest I grabbed and few things, got on my bike and took off. I came back the next day and they were right back at it again. I shared with the officials of Canada federally and Ontario provincials the sarcastic version of what happened (hey if I was going to pull off having them think I was psyched out I had to be sarcastic of which I explained they were hiding behind bushes and grass as I walked across the parking lot when really I suspected they had drones all over the place for example. They tried to psyche me out into thinking they were supernatural).

I let that forest and for days again they kept me awake while trying to bombard me with conversation while I am ready to fall over from lack of nourishment and sleep. This went on for weeks all and all. The one thing that was surreal was after being up all night suddenly it felt like I was being bit everywhere by bugs so I stared smushing the bugs and as I did this I could hear people screaming off in the distance. Once one of the bugs penetrated my skin then all of the bugs went for the hole on the right outer thigh where there is now a scar. When they dove in the hole it looked like worms under my skin so for a couple for hours I was pulling out the worms of which some of them appeared to turn into wax when I got them out and others into liquid. My patience grew thin but I kept up the sarcasm to see how far they were willing to take this until they lead me to the Midland Native friendship center where they were in on it too so I was sarcastic with them as well but lucky for them as tired and starving I was I felt like playing guitar for my own enjoyment as they asked me if I would. I was lead to believe they would let me take a shower and give me a meal but instead they told me to pick an apple from their tree and eat it. They told me to have another until I got fed up and threw the apples over the fence. That was when I had enough and called them all out and stated I knew what was going on dating back to the end of 2021 when this all really started but that is another story. The next night they baited me again so I thought ok I'll give you a sarcastic encore of which I did and went back to bed. The next night I stated I would not leave the tent for their BS. and they pretended to have someone I have loved since I was a teenager (but it was really my old friends sister of which she already gave away how she sounds they day the bikers were circling the forest I was in.) and they got angry that I wouldn't play but I stayed in my tent despite them.

I left out that my backpack and identification etc. was all stolen throughout the duration of all of this happening. But I'll leave that for part 2.

This is all I have time for today but there is more. I since relocated to Parry Sound after leaving much of my stuff behind. I have roots here, my Great grandparents lived here until the day they died and my grandpa was born on Parry island where he built a cottage I went to for the first 20 years of my life while visiting my great grandparents here in Parry sound.

(Oh and apparently the Canadian Federal cowards / useful idiots on board with this WEF desperate attempt to try and make what is into what their delusionally messed up heads would rather it be are using this as an excuse to block me from contacting federal MP's etc. I suspect the highly corrupted liberal government and WEF sock puppets are behind this so they can continue to defecate on Canadians without me standing in their pathetic way)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!