How thin is the ice?


I was just watching C-Span, where different speakers are talking about the ICE of some of the glaciers on the planet. The speaker was a clean cut middle aged guy, who is a scientist for NASA (I did not get his name--sorry). He talked in great lengths of the capabilities of the two different measureing devices, via satelite. One was called GRACE, and I think that one was good at measuring the area of the ice. The other name I forgot, but it was good at measuring thickness. Those two methods, together with actually sending people out there for density samples seem like pretty good methods to me, a degreed engineer myself. (note the long haired hippy speaker speaking gloom and doom now on C-Span--has mentioned nothing asbout the accuracy or repeatability of the methods he gets information from).

The much wiser NASA scientist did measure a "trend" over the last 4 or so years of ice being reduced, espically on the edges (using the GRACE method of measuring area), but he did note that some glaciers are gaining in thickness in the middle, and it is more than the edges reduction in some cases. He did show a slight trend though. But what does that mean to the dooms dayers? That means the world is going to come to a end, ane ice is melting, water levels are going to rise (but our local water levels in Michigan is lower for some reaon--go figure). That is all many people need to hear, that there is a trend right now.

They will completely disregard the last statement the scientist from NASA stated before he left the stage. "Ice like this has a big variation, and one short trend is not sufficient to make a decision with good confidence that this variation is outside of normal variation. We will need more time to see more (evidently we did not have or use these fairly accurate way of meashuring ice for very long, and have no good history), and we have a lot of work to do to fully understand how the ice works."

To me, listening to his NASA scientist, and what he had to say (and I was ready to rip him apart)--If you understand everything he actually said--I did not feel like he was throwing out an alarm. Just simply giving the facts that some ice is melting, and some is growing, which he knows it is normal and cyclic, and they don't know if it is outside natural variation.

Now--the hippy is talking about the oil companies and is asking questions of the public that real scientists can't answer yet. It's getting really emotional in that room.
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Well it has been...............

proven over and over again...that this is just another cycle of the Earths History...many Ice Ages...cooling and warming trends...long before the auto was a invention or even a thought! We have had the auto for just a little over 100years...not even a spec in the Earths cycles...Alarmists one and all...'thats all I have to say about that'! Stolen from 'Forrest Gump':D
I think we could be having a impact. But if you listen to the people who are very well versed--they don't sound alarming like Al Gore. If this proves to be false----should Al Gore go to prision for 30 years? My vote is yes.
if it's natural cycles what are the turbo-libs to do with their false outrage.
They are already tired of stepping over homeless people to spit on someone wearing furr. The whole peta thing is so "yestarday".
Yeah, was just not sure what it had to do with this thread.

Besides it is People Eating Tasty Animals.
it's tied to false outrage
not that it's not a problem, so is mike vick (free mike by the way).
18,000 annual murders is way more important but nobody cares.
For saying something false ? We would have no politicians at all if we did that.

Sure! Not that he just told something that may be false--but becuase he is investing in the green movement to make money off of false statements (like a movie) to hype up a entire industry. It is illegal in securities to falsly hype a stock to raise it's value--why not whole industries? He is buying the stocks and using his popularity to hype up the indsutry at the same time. Why should it not be illegal if what he says turns out to be false? If it proves to be false, and our economy dries up because of pushing industries that can't exist in a free market, and he gets even more rich by decieving the public---sure--he should go to prision for a long time IMO.
Ice is recorded as increasing in the southern hemisphere this year.

"Southern Hemisphere’s ice cover now is at the same level as last June, i.e., a level seen during the last winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Besides, there are two more millions square kilometers of ice now compared to December 2006"

Personally I think it's a neocon trick, how can you measure ice, I mean it's just so much of it? Everything I see in the media is disasterous melting and nothing but, and the media have no reason to hype anything, but I'm gonna watch every night so I don't miss what could be the next disastrous report, I'm scared for our world.
Ice is recorded as increasing in the southern hemisphere this year.

"Southern Hemisphere’s ice cover now is at the same level as last June, i.e., a level seen during the last winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Besides, there are two more millions square kilometers of ice now compared to December 2006"

Personally I think it's a neocon trick, how can you measure ice, I mean it's just so much of it? Everything I see in the media is disasterous melting and nothing but, and the media have no reason to hype anything, but I'm gonna watch every night so I don't miss what could be the next disastrous report, I'm scared for our world.

I saw heard of another reoprt like that also--from NASA (but I did not see it on the news, or anywhere else yet). The Ice is thickening at a record pace right now on some ice that melted a bit. I saw a show on how NASA can measure the ice, and I think they have the bases covered pretty good. They use satellites, and ground crews. Two satellites techinques. One for area, and one for thickness. The NASA scientist I saw said they can actually measure those pretty well. One one factor is in there though. Density. They can measure area and thickness from the satellites, but they can' measure density. The density measuremetn is probablbly the least accurate, because it is done with core samples from a ground crew. Samples is the key word here. There is always a chance that a sample does not accuratly descrbe the actual average desnity. But, I think they know what they are doing, and do it with a high probablilty and confidence level. Being off by a significant amount would probably be like winning the lottery.

Area, thickness, and density---means they can actually calculate how much water is there (not just ice with different densities).

It makes sense to me that more ice is forming. The water levels of Michigan (lots of fresh water here) has been lower than average for a while. The water has to be going somewhere, and may be it is turning into ice at the caps. I don't know. (something a global warming activist will never say)

By the way, one country (I can't remember which one---sorry) that rejected the man made global warming movement stated that only 4 polar bears had been documented as dyning because of thin ice. I also understand that around 1950, there were only a few hundred polar bears, and now there are thousands of them--I heard as many as 5000. Just one little tid bit of prudent information we were not told.

Big thing on a major network about LED lighting, and how using it will be like taking 400 cars off the road. They failed to mention that the network is owned by GE, and GE makes the LED lighting. My money says Gore has some stock in it also.

If Gore is wrong---I push he gets charged for pushing false propaganda, on a international level in order to line his pockets while hurting global economy. If your gonna hurt gobal economy---you better be friggen right! I don't think Gore is scientific enough to know he is right---but he knows where the money is at the moment.

Of course, may be the ice is getting thicker because Toyota came out with the Prius High Hippy Bred. Of course the activists would like to think it was them who made the difference so the ice could grow again. It has to be a great feeling to think you saved the world. The problem looks like they did not expect the globe to cool again so soon. They better sell a lot more Toyota prius's before the general public will believe the activists saved the planet. There is a sence of urgency there----and it is all over the major media as very very urgent. The activists creadibility hinges on what the climate does in the next 3 or 4 years IMO. The problem with making a big deal about something---is you might be wrong---and it is hard to forget the big deal that was made of it.
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