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The reason America is in the dreadful state it's in right now is that the President who was inaugurated on 20th Jan, 2021, ("Blow-Hole" Joe Biden) already had pronounced dementia and was completely mentally unfit to take on the duties and responsibilities of his office.

This is how you ended up with 18 million, un- vetted, illegal immigrants flooding across an open Southern Border into your country. It is also how you ended up with crippling sky-high inflation, and being reduced to a figure of fun and mockery on the world stage, among other things (like allowing men to compete in womens' sports). It's all part of the jolly good fun that is Obama's 3rd Term, and it's not over yet.

President Joe Biden should have been ousted in 2021 by evoking the 25th Amendment But in the case of Presidents who are unfit to serve on account of disabling medical conditions in particular, MENTAL DISORDERS, the 25th Amendment - as it stands - relies solely on political judgement in the determination of whether or not a sitting President is fit or unfit to remain in office. Section (4) of the 25th Amendment specifies WHO is to decide whether a President is disabled; namely, the Vice President and a majority of members of the cabinet or of such OTHER body as Congress may by law provide. but NO EXPLICIT MANDATE IS GIVEN TO OBTAIN THE MEDICAL FACTS THAT ARE NEEDED FOR AN INFORMED DECISION.

In this case of Joe Biden whose pronounced cognitive impairments are scrupulously covered up by the liberal MSM "Fake News"; and also by his personal White House physician, Kevin O'Connor, who is a lying C**t and a disgrace to his profession (according to Dr O'Connor's recent 2024 medical examination of Joe Biden, the President is in all -round robust good health. Although there have been over 100 requests from Congress for Joe Biden to take a cognitive assessment, O'Connor reply is that "he doesn't need one."

Notice the part of Section (4) in the 25th that I posted in red text. It states that apart from the VP and the cabinet, Conress may provide for another body to be involved in the determination of whether or not the President is disabled and unable to carry out the duties of his office. Given this, I would suggest that another statutory body be established by Congress; one which I will call the "
MEDICAL IMPAIRMENT STANDING COMMITTEE" (MISC) This committee would be made up of five expert physicians ( highly trained and very experienced General Practitioners) who had been invited by their respective State Medical Boards to consider sitting on the statutory "MISC" These doctors would, of course, have no record of any disciplinary taken against them during their careers, and would be vetted for any "uncommon", partisan, political involvement (Democrat or Republican) such as the regular gifting of large amounts of cash to a one party or the other.

The role of the "MISC" would be to provide an independent and objective means for monitoring the health of a sitting President. The "MISC" would conduct a through medical examination of the President on a biannual basis and provide a detailed written report of their findings.

In the case of Joe Biden, the members of the "MISC" would have been aware of the fact that the President was displaying symptoms and signs of cognitive impairment early in his Presidency (simply from watching his regular series of verbal gaffes on the television, or his numerous falls up stairs, off bicycles and over sandbags, or the rarity of his appearances at live Press conferences - all data that is relevant to a possible cognitive disorder. The bottom line being that if the MISC had any concerns about a President's health (Be it Biden or some other future President), they would have the legal power to make him attend a medical consultation with its five physicians of the committee. In the case of Biden, the "MISC" were were familiar with the symptoms of dementia would no doubt thoroughly investigate his cognitive functioning.

Having agreed on a preliminary diagnosis of Dementia, the new law I am proposing would required that the "MISC" now recruit THREE willing expert physicians who specialize in the field of neurodegenerative, cognitive disorders (like Dementia) to confirm the diagnosis of Dementia (and its current estimated severity) made by the "MISC." These specialist would also provide a jointly - signed final, written, medical assessment.

NB: In my proposed medical provision for Section (4) of the 25th Amendment all of the physicians who were members of the "MISC", and the three (3) confirming expert specialists would all be practicing under the supervision of their respective State Medical (Licensing) Boards).

This final medical evaluation would be made public. I understand that is a controversial stipulation, but if a group of 5 physicians (expert General Practitioners) and 3 collaborating specialists have all agreed that a sitting US President is medically disabled and unfit to remain in office, then I think the American public have a right to this information.

My proposed addition to Section (4) of the 25th Amendment would mean that if a Vice President had concerns about the ability of a sitting President to carry out his duties due to a suspected medical disorder (physical or mental), s/he could consult the "MISC" and ask them to investigate the situation. If the "MISC" (and their three confirming specialists) ultimately advised the VP that the President was in their view too disabled/ impaired (medically) to remain in office the members of Congress who are the final arbiters of the decision to remove a President (or not to remove a President) under the 25th Amendment, would now have top quality medical evidence available in order to help them make an objective, informed decision.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!