how to lower gas prices

And what are the two best ways to do that? Balance the Federal Budget and get our of Iraq.

No that is not the best way, the best way to cure the inflation is to raise interest rates and tighten the money suppy. "Inflation is always and everywhere a Monetary phenomenon". Plus balanced budgets are way misleading, spending is your problem, if your return on debt is greater than your debt it is a positive.

Ways to help:

1.} Tighter money
2.} Cut Government spending

To a lesser extent drill more oil. Anyone who thinks that it's simply supply/demand and drilling only raises supply minimally are missing the affects drilling would do to the speculators who make up a large percent of your prices.
Our wealth can be traced to the rise of the Energy industry, dems are dumfoundedley determined to reverse it.
Raise taxes baby, a $2/gal tax on gas would drop demand.
Rising gas prices historically have a minimal effect on demand. The reason is most gasoline is used in necessary transportation as opposed to voluntary transportation. It is a lot more than some people choosing to cycle, or car pool. The majority of fuel is used to transport goods using trains, semi-trucks, large and small vans, etc. High fuel taxes would add to the costs of everything you buy.
Get a bicycle or scooter.

Tuff luck.

I actually did that once because I still didn't have a car and needed to get from the barracks to my unit on McChord AFB while I was in qualification training, but that was not a particularly inconvenient issue. Granted, I am currently getting some reimbursement from my roommate for driving him to work because he is epileptic and can't drive...
when I was in southern China several years ago scooters seemsd to work fine for incredible masses of Chinese. Heck you could fits lots more of them on the road too. Wall to wass scooters at rush hour.
I assume now that they have more autos they are having to spend money making more roads and parking lots ?
And by 2030 or so they are supposed to have as many cars as we do in the USA.
Ohh you want to do more than just decrease gas demand. Yeah that is a bit more complicated.


if other nations can afford over $8 gal gas, why cannot we

may be the extra gas tax will fix the highways...

what we also need to do is expand our passenger rail service nationwide