How to Thwart Recess Appointments...


Staff member
From Ted Barrett
CNN Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The last political scuffle of the year between the White House and the Democratic-led Congress played out on the floor of the Senate Friday morning -- even though nearly all the senators had left the Capitol for the Christmas holiday earlier in the week.

In a session that lasted under a minute, Sen. Jim Webb, D-Virginia, opened and then immediately gaveled closed the Senate.

His sole reason for doing so was to block President Bush from naming controversial "recess appointments" -- a constitutional mechanism that allows the president, during congressional recesses, to fill top government posts for up to one year and avoid Senate confirmation.

More at link...
Good job!

you're actually praising the fact Reid sent people to congress to bang the gavel for thirty seconds and bang it again, call it a day and go home, that's the great democrat strategy? No wonder they are looking dismayingly at the past year trying to blame Republicans. Oh, and for the record the democrats where not so great on this kind of thing when Republicans held Congress, but at least in the Republican 'do nothing Congress' things where actually accomplished, unlike the 2007 spectical, funding the government one week at a time, over 100 investigation to the height of calling up former Bush speech writers to testify, all while neglecting the unimportant things, like the funding of the government which was wrapped up in a marathon end of year, don't take any of my vacation days session, in which a 3,000 page 11 department budget was punched out with 300 pages of earmarks, or pork.
you're actually praising the fact Reid sent people to congress to bang the gavel for thirty seconds and bang it again, call it a day and go home, that's the great democrat strategy? No wonder they are looking dismayingly at the past year trying to blame Republicans. Oh, and for the record the democrats where not so great on this kind of thing when Republicans held Congress, but at least in the Republican 'do nothing Congress' things where actually accomplished, unlike the 2007 spectical, funding the government one week at a time, over 100 investigation to the height of calling up former Bush speech writers to testify, all while neglecting the unimportant things, like the funding of the government which was wrapped up in a marathon end of year, don't take any of my vacation days session, in which a 3,000 page 11 department budget was punched out with 300 pages of earmarks, or pork.
Waaaaaa they are stopping the president from appointing people that could not pass the senate anyway. But NOW it is the Republican's filibustering. I CANNOT wait for the dem congress to begin bandying about the idea of the "nuclear (nucular for bushites) option" that the Republican's came up with when it was the dems that filibustered. And lordy won't the Republicans WHINE then.
Yea little willies whining sure is falling on deaf ears, isn't it? How comes wing nuts, like little willie here, are all for Democracy, that is, until someone actually practices it? Reid and the Democrats are doing what is within their rights to prevent the President from appointing individuals who cannot pass congressional muster. Look like the days of unbridled cronism and nepotism are over little willie.

Good god what a hipocrit. The Republicans have filibustered 61 times this year on essential legislation with out an honest effort to compromise. An all time historical record for filibusters in one year making this years Republicans the greatest obstructionist in our nations history. You are a hipocrit of monumental proportions little willie.
Yea little willies whining sure is falling on deaf ears, isn't it? How comes wing nuts, like little willie here, are all for Democracy, that is, until someone actually practices it? Reid and the Democrats are doing what is within their rights to prevent the President from appointing individuals who cannot pass congressional muster. Look like the days of unbridled cronism and nepotism are over little willie.

Good god what a hipocrit. The Republicans have filibustered 61 times this year on essential legislation with out an honest effort to compromise. An all time historical record for filibusters in one year making this years Republicans the greatest obstructionist in our nations history. You are a hipocrit of monumental proportions little willie.

I'd just to correct one point. The Republicans have set a two-year record in eleven months. Their 62 filibusters breaks the previous two-year record that they set the last time they were in the minority.

I also think it is hilarious that Willie is upset that the Democrats didn't pass a budget until December when the Republicans refused to pass any budget at all for FY'07, leaving it for the Democrats to take care of in February after they won the majority. He's also upset that the Democrats have passed fewer earmarks than the Republican majority.

The mind boggles.
Ahh, the Republicans broke the previous record set just a few years ago by the democrats. Ohh the outrage. And Republicans funded the government the whole time they where in the majority. Also Republicans have compromised plenty, be it NCLB with Ted Kennedy, Immigration reform, time and again we reached across the isle, only to have it thrown in our faces by dirty underhanded tactics, politicizing everything from war casualties, to a downtrodden economy your President handed over, after he was handed the PC revoultion.
Ahh, the Republicans broke the previous record set just a few years ago by the democrats. Ohh the outrage. And Republicans funded the government the whole time they where in the majority. Also Republicans have compromised plenty, be it NCLB with Ted Kennedy, Immigration reform, time and again we reached across the isle, only to have it thrown in our faces by dirty underhanded tactics, politicizing everything from war casualties, to a downtrodden economy your President handed over, after he was handed the PC revoultion.

Republicans are perfect in every way. I love Republicans. I wish everyone was a Republican. Republicans are benevolent, honest and fair.

Anything that goes against above statement is blasphemous hatred for the Gods, the Republicans.
Ahh, the Republicans broke the previous record set just a few years ago by the democrats. Ohh the outrage. And Republicans funded the government the whole time they where in the majority. Also Republicans have compromised plenty, be it NCLB with Ted Kennedy, Immigration reform, time and again we reached across the isle, only to have it thrown in our faces by dirty underhanded tactics, politicizing everything from war casualties, to a downtrodden economy your President handed over, after he was handed the PC revoultion.

Willie is impervious to facts.

1) The Republicans broke the record they previously set the last time they were in the minority, 2001-2002.

2) The Republicans refused to pass a budget for FY07, leaving it for the Democrats to deal with when they took control of power.

3) The fact that you have to go back tot he last time they were in the minority to point to a time that the Republicans compromised is pretty telling.

4) Oh, and how'd that immigration reform go? The Republican minority blocked it. Like everything else.

I get a kick out of little willie supporting McCain in 2008. Where the fuck was he in 2000 where if wingnuts like him had suppored McCain then we wouldn't have been stuck for 8 years with the present incompetant dipshit. The mind fairly boggles.
Republicans are perfect in every way. I love Republicans. I wish everyone was a Republican. Republicans are benevolent, honest and fair.

Anything that goes against above statement is blasphemous hatred for the Gods, the Republicans.
*Whew*... I'm glad I'm a Republican and perfect then...
Personally, if I were a GOP Congressman with the opposite setting, I would lead a 20 min. prayer and then gavel away. For maximum off-pissing :)
Personally, if I were a GOP Congressman with the opposite setting, I would lead a 20 min. prayer and then gavel away. For maximum off-pissing :)

Thanking Jesus Christ of Nazareth for his Awesome Saving Grace and how he allows us to put how much we Trust Him on our cash and all...
George Will today was talking about there being a defacto need for a supermajority in the Senate to pass anything. You will also notice that thus far there has been no talk of the Nuclear (Nucular) option. My bet is if the Dems actually do go forward with the filibuster breaker that the Republicans threatened to use you will hear Willie's head pop from every state in the conterminous United States.
George Will today was talking about there being a defacto need for a supermajority in the Senate to pass anything. You will also notice that thus far there has been no talk of the Nuclear (Nucular) option. My bet is if the Dems actually do go forward with the filibuster breaker that the Republicans threatened to use you will hear Willie's head pop from every state in the conterminous United States.

I'm not saying I'm happy about my crystal ball, but I think the Dems will enter 2008 with the White House and their super majority. That's my real feelings. I'm sure between now and then I'll spin and hope. :clink:
George Will today was talking about there being a defacto need for a supermajority in the Senate to pass anything. You will also notice that thus far there has been no talk of the Nuclear (Nucular) option. My bet is if the Dems actually do go forward with the filibuster breaker that the Republicans threatened to use you will hear Willie's head pop from every state in the conterminous United States.
My guess is that the Dems, like McCain know that in the future they will need this. They aren't so foolish as to believe that they will have a majority forever.
I'm not saying I'm happy about my crystal ball, but I think the Dems will enter 2008 with the White House and their super majority. That's my real feelings. I'm sure between now and then I'll spin and hope. :clink:

Conventional wisdom had the Dems picking up four or five senate seats in 2006. They gained more than that and took the majority back. Conventional wisdom has them picking up 5 more seats. They need to pick up 9 for a super majority. I'd say it's almost certain that democrats will pick up semate seats.