How to win the "drug war."


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We could do as they did in Portugal. Make drugs legal. The result of that was that drug use went down. But I say we really cut the head off the drug cartel snake. The U.S. should make the drugs ourselves and distribute them for FREE! That along with TV commercials speaking effectively against the use of drugs should keep them from being a problem.

But what of all those in mexico who make a living off drugs. No doubt they too would start flooding into the U.S. seeking asylum for one bullshit reason or another. But I have a solution for that too. Completely shut down the U.S.-mexico border. Like they do, for instance, between India and Pakistan. In part by using a LOT of landmines. On top of that, deport all the illegals here. With actual closed borders, they won't sneak back in. I remember hearing of a White woman in a park in San Francisco who was shot and killed by an illegal. He had already been deported 5 times! By the way, this is what the border between India and Pakistan looks like from space at night.

We could do as they did in Portugal. Make drugs legal. The result of that was that drug use went down. But I say we really cut the head off the drug cartel snake. The U.S. should make the drugs ourselves and distribute them for FREE! That along with TV commercials speaking effectively against the use of drugs should keep them from being a problem.

But what of all those in mexico who make a living off drugs. No doubt they too would start flooding into the U.S. seeking asylum for one bullshit reason or another. But I have a solution for that too. Completely shut down the U.S.-mexico border. Like they do, for instance, between India and Pakistan. In part by using a LOT of landmines. On top of that, deport all the illegals here. With actual closed borders, they won't sneak back in. I remember hearing of a White woman in a park in San Francisco who was shot and killed by an illegal. He had already been deported 5 times! By the way, this is what the border between India and Pakistan looks like from space at night.

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If you are caught with drugs in Portugal you do not go to jail but you are forced to go to rehab.

If you don't go to rehab you are then charged and go to jail.

The jail incarcerations have actually gone up because of this law.

Before you could get busted and be out in a day or so, rehab is about six months.

People do not like the law there.
We could do as they did in Portugal. Make drugs legal. The result of that was that drug use went down. But I say we really cut the head off the drug cartel snake. The U.S. should make the drugs ourselves and distribute them for FREE! That along with TV commercials speaking effectively against the use of drugs should keep them from being a problem.

But what of all those in mexico who make a living off drugs. No doubt they too would start flooding into the U.S. seeking asylum for one bullshit reason or another. But I have a solution for that too. Completely shut down the U.S.-mexico border. Like they do, for instance, between India and Pakistan. In part by using a LOT of landmines. On top of that, deport all the illegals here. With actual closed borders, they won't sneak back in. I remember hearing of a White woman in a park in San Francisco who was shot and killed by an illegal. He had already been deported 5 times! By the way, this is what the border between India and Pakistan looks like from space at night.

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As if that "serve the Pope or die" crusade following in those Nazi Germany WW II concentration camp Catholic Church business contract economic monopoly of Islam oil for Holocaust Zyklon B deaths hasn't created their no so master race master plan continuation with illegal alien immigrant invasion of the USA.....
If you are caught with drugs in Portugal you do not go to jail but you are forced to go to rehab.

If you don't go to rehab you are then charged and go to jail.

The jail incarcerations have actually gone up because of this law.

Before you could get busted and be out in a day or so, rehab is about six months.

People do not like the law there.

You are wrong about incarceration going up and wrong about what the people like there.
You are wrong about incarceration going up and wrong about what the people like there.

With this Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels" Christiananality pedophilia if there's no one qualified to vote for in "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom fabricated voting ballot stealing becomes drug trafficking enforcement & if that is fabricated then SCOTUS always has that Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam precedent idiotocracy to win being a Godvernment of drugs & Godvernment of death....
You are wrong about incarceration going up and wrong about what the people like there.

I never said incarceration went up.

However drug use in Portugal is way up.

Additional Studies Offer More Contradictory Evidence

Statistics compiled by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) indicate that between 2001 and 2007, lifetime prevalence rates for cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, and LSD have risen for the Portuguese general population (ages 15-64) and for the 15-34 age group.

Past-month prevalence figures show increases from 2001 to 2007 in cocaine and LSD use in the Portuguese general population as well as increases in cannabis, cocaine, and amphetamine use in the 15-34 age group.

Drug-induced deaths, which decreased in Portugal from 369 in 1999 to 152 in 2003, climbed to 314 in 2007 – a number significantly higher than the 280 deaths recorded when decriminalization started in 2001.

We could do as they did in Portugal. Make drugs legal. The result of that was that drug use went down. But I say we really cut the head off the drug cartel snake. The U.S. should make the drugs ourselves and distribute them for FREE! That along with TV commercials speaking effectively against the use of drugs should keep them from being a problem.

But what of all those in mexico who make a living off drugs. No doubt they too would start flooding into the U.S. seeking asylum for one bullshit reason or another. But I have a solution for that too. Completely shut down the U.S.-mexico border. Like they do, for instance, between India and Pakistan. In part by using a LOT of landmines. On top of that, deport all the illegals here. With actual closed borders, they won't sneak back in. I remember hearing of a White woman in a park in San Francisco who was shot and killed by an illegal. He had already been deported 5 times! By the way, this is what the border between India and Pakistan looks like from space at night.

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Shutting down the US-Mexico border would keep billions of dollars of trade from entering each country. It would be a massive disaster for each economy. Any more brilliant ideas?
If you are caught with drugs in Portugal you do not go to jail but you are forced to go to rehab.

If you don't go to rehab you are then charged and go to jail.

The jail incarcerations have actually gone up because of this law.

Before you could get busted and be out in a day or so, rehab is about six months.

People do not like the law there.

Thats not exactly true, my dear. You are getting bad info as usual.
You are denying there is forced rehab in Portugal?

I suggest you read up on the subject and just not post what your handlers find for you. As it is, for smaLL amounts of drugs there is little punishment.

"What happens if you get caught with drugs in Portugal? In line with the Portugal Drug Policy, if you get caught in possession of small quantities of drugs (defined as not exceeding a 10-day supply of that substance), you are issued with a summons and the drugs will be confiscated."
I suggest you read up on the subject and just not post what your handlers find for you. As it is, for smaLL amounts of drugs there is little punishment.

"What happens if you get caught with drugs in Portugal? In line with the Portugal Drug Policy, if you get caught in possession of small quantities of drugs (defined as not exceeding a 10-day supply of that substance), you are issued with a summons and the drugs will be confiscated."

I have not said anything to the contrary of that.

However that summons will force you into a rehab program.

Of course you have a link for that, so post it!

Under the 2001 decriminalization law, authored by Goulão, drug dealers are still sent to prison. But anyone caught with less than a 10-day supply of any drug — including heroin — gets mandatory medical treatment. No judge, no courtroom, no jail.

Instead they end up in a sparsely furnished, discreet, unmarked office in downtown Lisbon, for counseling with government sociologists, who decide whether to refer them to drug treatment centers. law,, no courtroom, no jail.
We could do as they did in Portugal. Make drugs legal. The result of that was that drug use went down. But I say we really cut the head off the drug cartel snake. The U.S. should make the drugs ourselves and distribute them for FREE! That along with TV commercials speaking effectively against the use of drugs should keep them from being a problem.

But what of all those in mexico who make a living off drugs. No doubt they too would start flooding into the U.S. seeking asylum for one bullshit reason or another. But I have a solution for that too. Completely shut down the U.S.-mexico border. Like they do, for instance, between India and Pakistan. In part by using a LOT of landmines. On top of that, deport all the illegals here. With actual closed borders, they won't sneak back in. I remember hearing of a White woman in a park in San Francisco who was shot and killed by an illegal. He had already been deported 5 times! By the way, this is what the border between India and Pakistan looks like from space at night.

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Hear is why people have a hard time dealing with someone like you, that has no idea of what actually goes on at a port of entry to the United States, or what the harmful consequences of shutting down a border would do to our country and our neighboring countries of Mexico and Canada.

I know for political posturing reasons, you would like to focus on illegal crossings of our border, and are either too ignorant to know that there are legal crossings of our ports of entry in the millions every single day, or too stupid to understand the Concept of what an open Border actually is.


I give up!

Someone please try to explain to this idiot what an open border is, and that millions of people, cars, and automobiles, buses, trains, and planes, LEGALLY pass through our UNITED STATES ports of entry every single day.

I just can't deal with such a stupid person anymore!


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Seems similar to this Christian Nation "serve the Pope or die" crusade of their godvernment of drugs, godvernment of death SCOTUS Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations granted standing Christiananality pedophilia under color of law thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists Baker Act of way too dang lily brilliant white suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming where "one nation under God with equal justice under law" is a medical issue based on an Islam fabricated medical pseudoscience human reproduction precedent.
a drug war that does not include alcohol is hypocritical

and banning people from responsibly using alcohol is dumb

don't be a dumb hypocrite