How ugly will it get?


New member
Today, Palin said that Obama is someone who "pals around with terrorists."

I think it's a given that McCain's campaign from this point out will not be about healthcare, the economy, education or foreign policy. It will be about Ayers & Wright; at least for now.

The real question low can this go? How long before they are running ads darkening Obama's skin, or insinuating openly that he is a Muslim (as a campaign, and not just surrogates?)

And the bigger question: will it be effective? Will the American populace once again fold & mail it in when it comes to an important election?

Should be an interesting month....
Considering McCane's demeaner in the last debate (wouldn't even look at Obama/looking kinda psychotic) I'm pretty sure he will take this to the extreme.
How ugly will it get? ... Damn, sonny...where have you been for the past 7 1/2 years....

It got ugly in Jan. of 2001 and theres been no let up since.....the despicable and

degrading, contemptible and obnoxious crap that has come out of the vile Democrats'

mouths has been non-stop .
How ugly will it get? ... Damn, sonny...where have you been for the past 7 1/2 years....

It got ugly in Jan. of 2001 and theres been no let up since.....the despicable and

degrading, contemptible and obnoxious crap that has come out of the vile Democrats'

mouths has been non-stop .

Excuse me? It started in 2001?

Where in the hell were you during Clinton's years in office.

Ever hear the vile stuff that passed for conservative talk radio during those 8 years?

I think it rivals anything the dems have said.
How ugly will it get? ... Damn, sonny...where have you been for the past 7 1/2 years....

It got ugly in Jan. of 2001 and theres been no let up since.....the despicable and

degrading, contemptible and obnoxious crap that has come out of the vile Democrats'

mouths has been non-stop .

Serial killers, rapists, and pedophiles show more class than Democrats....
Excuse me? It started in 2001?

Where in the hell were you during Clinton's years in office.

Ever hear the vile stuff that passed for conservative talk radio during those 8 years?

I think it rivals anything the dems have said.

Sure I did...Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office and spewing cum on the young ladies dress....all true...

Then he went on to lie about it under oath .... heard all about it....

facts can be hard to take sometimes...
And now Palin gets a taste of the Democrats class act...

She a bad Mother...
Her religion is attacked
She lied and claimed her daughters defective baby...
Palins husband was banging the daughter....
despite being a mayor and governor shes a stupid bitch....

and the hits just keep on comin'
Oh ...and did I mention that her husband had a dui and belonged to some frightful crazy political group....and if she is elected, he could be running the country....
And the Clintons were accused of murder, swindling, and extortion.

Ever hear the joke that Chelsea Clinton already had a man as a father? Janet Reno?

Clinton got a blowjob and Bush had thousands of our young men killed in a war that started over lies.

Please don't start with the bullshit that the Clinton administration was only brought to task over what they did and the Bush administration was the victim of democrat's vicious attacks for no reason.
Yo Bravo, you forgot her numerous affairs, and her promises to convert republicans into heterosexuals with the power of prayer.

Facts can be hard to take sometimes.
And the Clintons were accused of murder, swindling, and extortion.

Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14

Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
- Number of these convictions during Clinton's presidency: 33
- Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
- Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122

Murder was a bit big deal ... one item

Ever hear the joke that Chelsea Clinton already had a man as a father? Janet Reno?
Yeah, I heard it...hardly compares to what Palin just expierenced in the last 4 weeks....

Clinton got a blowjob and Bush had thousands of our young men killed in a war that started over lies.

Clinton lied under oath, hardly becoming for the President of the United States...

and If you need to have the Dem. quotes warning about Saddam, WMD, and the dire warnings,covering about 5 years, (even pre-Bush) I'll re-post them for you...
And there would be no war without the WAR RESOLUTION passed by Congress with help from some very very prominent Democrats...

Please don't start with the bullshit that the Clinton administration was only brought to task over what they did and the Bush administration was the victim of democrat's vicious attacks for no reason.

The hateful and vile crap against Bush, Republicans, Palin, etc. come from some the most notable Dem. politicians in the your party....not crap from the likes of Obermann and Matthews or Rush or Hannity......
Yo Bravo, you forgot her numerous affairs, and her promises to convert republicans into heterosexuals with the power of prayer.

Facts can be hard to take sometimes.

Yeah...I did forget about the infidelity accusation....and I don't really give a shit if its Palin praying or Biden or Pelosi.....their religious views are not my business...
Heres some more great news from Billy bj clinton...

As of June 2000, the Justice Department listed 25 people indicted and 19 convicted because of the 1996 Clinton-Gore fundraising scandals.
- According to the House Committee on Government Reform in September 2000, 79 House and Senate witnesses asserted the Fifth Amendment in the course of investigations into Gore's last fundraising campaign.
-James Riady entered a plea agreement to pay an $8.5 million fine for campaign finance crimes. This was a record under campaign finance laws.
Today, Palin said that Obama is someone who "pals around with terrorists."

I think it's a given that McCain's campaign from this point out will not be about healthcare, the economy, education or foreign policy. It will be about Ayers & Wright; at least for now.

The real question low can this go? How long before they are running ads darkening Obama's skin, or insinuating openly that he is a Muslim (as a campaign, and not just surrogates?)

And the bigger question: will it be effective? Will the American populace once again fold & mail it in when it comes to an important election?

Should be an interesting month....

yes, he is going over to the dark side - i detect the fine hand of karl rove in this - win at any cost and scorched earth policies will only doom him more as the voters have gotten sick of negative ads - good grief, intelligent voters? - nah
Unlike bravo, I'll never defend an ugly attack thrown by a Democrat under the pretense of "they do it, too."

How ugly will it get, just ask your party. And this is not even a complete list.

She made rape victims pay for test kits (a standard practice in many small cities including her police chief that apparently never occurred)

She supports abstinance-only sex education (false since 2006)

She Wants Schools to teach Creationism (false since 2006)

Calling Obama Sambo (this didn’t take long; unverified racist claims for the ‘OJ was innocent’ crowd)

Banning books before they exist

The affair that wasn’t

Trig is not her baby (it was all pilliow and the hospital staff all are liars!)

Crazed religious fanatic (not even a member of the Pentacostal church anymore, for many years)

Praying that Iraq is ‘a task from God’ (help when you hear the entire prayer)

Slashing funds for pregnant teens (by increasing it only $3.9 mil rather than $5 mil)
Today, Palin said that Obama is someone who "pals around with terrorists."

I think it's a given that McCain's campaign from this point out will not be about healthcare, the economy, education or foreign policy. It will be about Ayers & Wright; at least for now.

The real question low can this go? How long before they are running ads darkening Obama's skin, or insinuating openly that he is a Muslim (as a campaign, and not just surrogates?)

And the bigger question: will it be effective? Will the American populace once again fold & mail it in when it comes to an important election?

Should be an interesting month....

Democrats have already done this before.

Remember Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, a black Republican.

Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.

Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

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Operatives for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) also obtained a copy of his credit report — the only Republican candidate so targeted.

But black Democrats say there is nothing wrong with “pointing out the obvious.”