How was your Christmas/Hanukkah?


Staff member
Howdy folks? I didn't get here early to wish you a Happy Christmas/Hanukkah... So, instead, I'll just ask. How was your loot take?
Pretty fucked.
The first place I stopped it was minimum $4. I got $20 worth of chips, spread out $4 on 'street' bets ... and lost. That's 12 numbers I'm covering. 5 straight times ... I don't hit anything. I walk out.
Further down the road, I walk into another place, really crowded with a lot of older people, and try my luck again. 10 dollars minimum on this table. I fare a little better, but still end up losing. I figure OK, let's try the Craps Table. I'm the Shooter. First roll, a 9. Second roll, I 7 out. I put another 10 bucks on the next Shooter, and he craps out. I'm about to leave, I walk by another Roulette Table, and decide 'What the heck', I've still got 20 dollars. I sit down and actually play for an hour before tapping out. The guy next to me is some Vietnamese guy putting huge chunks of money down on various numbers. He keeps winning. I sip my drink and just watch this guy getting big stacks of chips pushed his way with black hundred dollar chips on top. After the fourth time, I finish my drink and leave, ... i'm just torturing myself watching this.
80 dollars down, a nice afternoon, pleasant drive, 2 Chardonnays on the House, no Live Entertainment, no Free Food. ... I guess it could have been worse. :(
Howdy folks? I didn't get here early to wish you a Happy Christmas/Hanukkah... So, instead, I'll just ask. How was your loot take?

My brother in Denver sent us a $100 prepaid card and a message to eat well. As far as the food on Christmas, Mom made sausage gravy and biscuits to cover breakfast and I had bought some flat iron steaks to cook up for dinner.
Howdy folks? I didn't get here early to wish you a Happy Christmas/Hanukkah... So, instead, I'll just ask. How was your loot take?

New American Standard commode and a 50" Samsung TV for the bedroom. Have to save money to fix car!
Howdy folks? I didn't get here early to wish you a Happy Christmas/Hanukkah... So, instead, I'll just ask. How was your loot take?

I had a nice Christmas. I visited my friend at the nursing home where she lives. I had a nice dinner with her in the dining room at the home. Before my visit my sister (whom I live with) and I exchanged gifts. She gave me three very nifty t-shirts, one is a tour shirt from Jethro Tull's War Child Tour from 1974. We're both big Tull fans, last year my sister gave me a framed autographed picture of Ian Anderson, the longtime leader of Tull. On Christmas Eve my sister made my favorite meal that she makes, homemade lasagna. Just delicious and it made a wonderful early Christmas present for me. But my favorite Christmas moment this year was being able to give some money to a wonderful, caring nurse that works at the nursing home. She didn't want to take the money, but I insisted. I had some extra money this Christmas and was able to make a few people that have helped me over this past year pleasantly surprised. I've always enjoyed giving gifts more than receiving them. My sister is the same way. I thank our parents for instilling this feeling in us and teaching us so many good ways to live life. Our mother passed away about six years and a few months ago and our father passed just four and a half months ago. We'll never forget the lessons about life that they taught us.
I didn't take any loot. Is this an American expression we don't have, or are you weighing presents? We don't take any, and give the kids money. All fourteen of us behaved remarkably well, despite consuming an amount of beer and wine that, considering the baby and two others were teetotal and two more driving was quite remarkable - yet they all got safely home, apparently. We were lucky in that my grandson had managed to find an antique tape-recorder that, on about the fourth try, was able to play us a tape of me making up a story for three squeaky little girls, who were all present with dependants and admirers. It went down surprisingly well with so changed an audience - it seems my timing was brilliant, though my accent has changed for the worse as a result of living in England. All in all, for someone who's not really into Christmas, a success!
a couple of days before Christmas we put up the tree ( pretty late but not too late)

My girl dog went outside and dug in her plastic tub of toys until she found a well preserved bottom of the bin Christmas toy from last year.

a white lama dressed for Christmas

she carried it around for the rest of the day

she was telling us all she knew what Christmas means to her.

her and the boy dogs all had massive fun tearing into their presents

balls that squeak and lite up for the big boy ( a spotted cattle dog)

stuffed toys for the tri colored aussie mix (the girl dog)

the brown boy mostly watching and having to be coaxed to join in (only been with a couple of years and not really a toy guy)

had a great time

the girl would later just sit in a pile of new stuffed toys for some time
I didn't take any loot. Is this an American expression we don't have, or are you weighing presents? We don't take any, and give the kids money. All fourteen of us behaved remarkably well, despite consuming an amount of beer and wine that, considering the baby and two others were teetotal and two more driving was quite remarkable - yet they all got safely home, apparently. We were lucky in that my grandson had managed to find an antique tape-recorder that, on about the fourth try, was able to play us a tape of me making up a story for three squeaky little girls, who were all present with dependants and admirers. It went down surprisingly well with so changed an audience - it seems my timing was brilliant, though my accent has changed for the worse as a result of living in England. All in all, for someone who's not really into Christmas, a success!

Basically it's like goofy pirate lingo towards your present haul for the holidays. I prefer the food, drink, and antics like this stuff more than gifts. While kids jump up and down over presents you"ll need booze to get the adults jumping up and down.