Howard Galganov - Montreal, Quebec , Canada


U. S. NAVY Veteran
Barack Hussein Obama:
I Told You So – Yes I Did
By Howard Galganov
Montreal, Quebec , Canada

When Obama won the Presidency with the help of the LEFTIST Media, Hollywood And Entertainment Liberals, Ethnic Socialists (ACORN), Stupid Non-Business Professionals and Bush Haters, I wrote: It won't take six months until the People figure this guy out and realize how horrible a mistake they've made. And when they come to that realization, the damage to the United States of America will be so great it will take a generation or more to repair - IF EVER.

The IDIOTS who not only voted for the Messiah, but also worked [hard] to promote his Lordship, are now left holding the bag.

Here are two things they will NEVER do: They will NEVER admit to making a blunder out of all proportion by electing a snake-oil salesman with no positive social history or management experience of any kind. They will NEVER take responsibility for the curse they've imposed upon the immediate and long-term future of their country.

In essence, the people responsible for putting this horror show in power are themselves responsible for every cataclysmic decision he makes and the consequences thereof.

In just six months, the Messiah's polls are showing the following: 1. On Healthcare Reform - He's going under for the third time with polling well Under 50 percent, even within his own Party. Even though he might be able to Muscle a Healthcare Reform Bill by using Chicago BULLY tactics against his Fellow Democrats, it will just make things worse. 2. On Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax) - The Fat-Lady is already singing. 3. On the Stimulus Package (Tax and Spend) - His popularity is in FREE-FALL. 4. On the TARP package he took and ran with from President Bush - It's all but Good-Night Irene. 5. On the closing of GITMO and "HIS" war on what he no longer wants called the War On Terrorism - He's standing in quicksand with his head just about to go under. 6. On a Comparison between himself and George W. Bush at the same six months into their respective first term Presidencies - Bush is ahead of him in the Polls. 7. On a comparison between He Who Walks On Water and the 12 preceding Presidents between WW II and now - Obama ranks 10th. 8. On a poll just conducted, that asks who would you vote for today between Obama and Mitt Romney - It's a dead heat. Between Obama and Palin - Obama's ONLY ahead by 8 points and she hasn't even begun to campaign. It seems to me that Obama wants to be everywhere where he shouldn't be.

He's personally invested in 'totally insulting' America's ONLY REAL Middle Eastern ally ( Israel ) in favor of Palestinian Despots and Murderers. He's traveling the world apologizing for the USA while lecturing others on how to do it right, when in fact and truth he has no experience at doing anything other than getting elected.

He went to the Muslim world in Egypt to declare that America IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION while he heaped praises on Islam, where he compared the "plight" of the Palestinians to the Holocaust.

The Russians think he's a putz, The French think he's rude.

The Germans want him to stop spending.

The Indians want him to mix his nose out of their environmental business.

The North Koreans think he's a joke, The Iranians won't acknowledge his calls.

And the British can't even come up with a comprehensive opinion of him.

As for the Chinese, he's too frightened to even glance their way. [After all, China now owns a large portion of the United States ..]

Maybe if America's first Emperor would stay home more, travel less, and work a little bit instead of being on television just about everyday or stop running to "papered" Town Hall Meetings, perhaps he would have a little bit of time to do the work of the nation.

In all fairness, it wasn't HARD to be RIGHT in my prediction concerning Obama's presidency, even in its first six months, so I'm going to make yet another prediction:

OBAMA WILL PROBABLY NOT FINISH HIS 4-YEAR TERM, at least not in a conventional way.

He is such a political HORROR SHOW, and so detrimental to the USA and his Own Democratic Party, that the Democrats themselves will either FORCE him to resign or figure out a way to have him thrown out.

Who knows, maybe he really isn't a BORN US Citizen and that's a way the Democrats will be able to get rid of him. [He is a citizen, but not a naturalized citizen with both mother and father being US citizens.]


I don't believe the Democrats have nearly as much love for their country as they do for their own political fortunes. And with Obama, their fortunes are rapidly becoming toast.

If you agree with this email please pass it along to everyone you know! If you don't agree with it, then just delete it and be part of the greatest problem this country has ever seen! My guess is, you don't think this "CHANGE" is what you expected either.
Barack Hussein Obama:
I Told You So – Yes I Did
By Howard Galganov
Montreal, Quebec , Canada

When Obama won the Presidency with the help of the LEFTIST Media, Hollywood And Entertainment Liberals, Ethnic Socialists (ACORN), Stupid Non-Business Professionals and Bush Haters, I wrote: It won't take six months until the People figure this guy out and realize how horrible a mistake they've made. And when they come to that realization, the damage to the United States of America will be so great it will take a generation or more to repair - IF EVER.

The IDIOTS who not only voted for the Messiah, but also worked [hard] to promote his Lordship, are now left holding the bag.

Here are two things they will NEVER do: They will NEVER admit to making a blunder out of all proportion by electing a snake-oil salesman with no positive social history or management experience of any kind. They will NEVER take responsibility for the curse they've imposed upon the immediate and long-term future of their country.

In essence, the people responsible for putting this horror show in power are themselves responsible for every cataclysmic decision he makes and the consequences thereof.

In just six months, the Messiah's polls are showing the following: 1. On Healthcare Reform - He's going under for the third time with polling well Under 50 percent, even within his own Party. Even though he might be able to Muscle a Healthcare Reform Bill by using Chicago BULLY tactics against his Fellow Democrats, it will just make things worse. 2. On Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax) - The Fat-Lady is already singing. 3. On the Stimulus Package (Tax and Spend) - His popularity is in FREE-FALL. 4. On the TARP package he took and ran with from President Bush - It's all but Good-Night Irene. 5. On the closing of GITMO and "HIS" war on what he no longer wants called the War On Terrorism - He's standing in quicksand with his head just about to go under. 6. On a Comparison between himself and George W. Bush at the same six months into their respective first term Presidencies - Bush is ahead of him in the Polls. 7. On a comparison between He Who Walks On Water and the 12 preceding Presidents between WW II and now - Obama ranks 10th. 8. On a poll just conducted, that asks who would you vote for today between Obama and Mitt Romney - It's a dead heat. Between Obama and Palin - Obama's ONLY ahead by 8 points and she hasn't even begun to campaign. It seems to me that Obama wants to be everywhere where he shouldn't be.

He's personally invested in 'totally insulting' America's ONLY REAL Middle Eastern ally ( Israel ) in favor of Palestinian Despots and Murderers. He's traveling the world apologizing for the USA while lecturing others on how to do it right, when in fact and truth he has no experience at doing anything other than getting elected.

He went to the Muslim world in Egypt to declare that America IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION while he heaped praises on Islam, where he compared the "plight" of the Palestinians to the Holocaust.

The Russians think he's a putz, The French think he's rude.

The Germans want him to stop spending.

The Indians want him to mix his nose out of their environmental business.

The North Koreans think he's a joke, The Iranians won't acknowledge his calls.

And the British can't even come up with a comprehensive opinion of him.

As for the Chinese, he's too frightened to even glance their way. [After all, China now owns a large portion of the United States ..]

Maybe if America's first Emperor would stay home more, travel less, and work a little bit instead of being on television just about everyday or stop running to "papered" Town Hall Meetings, perhaps he would have a little bit of time to do the work of the nation.

In all fairness, it wasn't HARD to be RIGHT in my prediction concerning Obama's presidency, even in its first six months, so I'm going to make yet another prediction:

OBAMA WILL PROBABLY NOT FINISH HIS 4-YEAR TERM, at least not in a conventional way.

He is such a political HORROR SHOW, and so detrimental to the USA and his Own Democratic Party, that the Democrats themselves will either FORCE him to resign or figure out a way to have him thrown out.

Who knows, maybe he really isn't a BORN US Citizen and that's a way the Democrats will be able to get rid of him. [He is a citizen, but not a naturalized citizen with both mother and father being US citizens.]


I don't believe the Democrats have nearly as much love for their country as they do for their own political fortunes. And with Obama, their fortunes are rapidly becoming toast.

If you agree with this email please pass it along to everyone you know! If you don't agree with it, then just delete it and be part of the greatest problem this country has ever seen! My guess is, you don't think this "CHANGE" is what you expected either.

Bravo, I don't know how familiar you are with who and what Howard Galganov is but suffice to say he was laughed out of Montreal, years ago. Just between you and me it doesn't look good quoting anything he may say. The man is a clown and not a funny one, at that.
Laughed out of Montreal..? Bullshit

Hes was a vocal opponent of the Charter of the French Language and Quebec nationalism.....Good for him.

He challenged a regulation on mandatory bilingual signs in Quebec...Good for him...

He fought the establishment and lost...good for him...

He may have been unsuccessful in fighting the bullshit of French only in Quebec and the fought against Quebec trying to break from Canada but at least he was on the right side.... but then who the hell cares...thats all irrelevant to this post....

His opinions on the US and Obama are right on the mark....
Laughed out of Montreal..? Bullshit

Hes was a vocal opponent of the Charter of the French Language and Quebec nationalism.....Good for him.

He challenged a regulation on mandatory bilingual signs in Quebec...Good for him...

He fought the establishment and lost...good for him...

He may have been unsuccessful in fighting the bullshit of French only in Quebec and the fought against Quebec trying to break from Canada but at least he was on the right side.... but then who the hell cares...thats all irrelevant to this post....

His opinions on the US and Obama are right on the mark....

You ask, "Who cares?" The value of ones opinion is based on a person's history or "where their head's at".

Yes, he was literally laughed out of Quebec. He moved to Ontario. Even after having set up a business in an English speaking section of Quebec people did not support him and his business failed. His delusions of grandeur, from thinking he would be voted into government to running an activist group to owning/managing a private business, all resulted in dismal failures.

The man is a "crackpot". You can be sure whatever he says, proposes or advocates is wrong. Simply put, the guy is a loser.
You ask, "Who cares?" The value of ones opinion is based on a person's history or "where their head's at".

Exactly why YOUR opinion has no value here...considering your brainless rants on biology, life, and science, along with your outlandish views on unfettered killing of humans via abortion (because they might grow up poor or with a disability...arrogant asshole)

Yes, he was literally laughed out of Quebec. He moved to Ontario. Even after having set up a business in an English speaking section of Quebec people did not support him and his business failed. His delusions of grandeur, from thinking he would be voted into government to running an activist group to owning/managing a private business, all resulted in dismal failures.

He was fighting Quebec and all it stands for, so no shit, of course he wasn't welcome there.....thats like demeaning a black man because hes wasn't welcome in the fool

The man is a "crackpot". You can be sure whatever he says, proposes or advocates is wrong. Simply put, the guy is a loser.

your the expert on crackpots...being one
Considering that presidents like Van Buren and Hoover finished their terms in office, I don't see why Obama wouldn't, so that's just retarded...
He was fighting Quebec and all it stands for, so no shit, of course he wasn't welcome there.....thats like demeaning a black man because hes wasn't welcome in the fool

Go back and read my post. He had a business in the English sector and his own community didn't support him.

Get it? The people he professed to be fighting for didn't want anything to do with him. Furthermore, rumor has it he sold his house at a loss so he could leave Quebec sooner.

That's showing the government who's boss! :lol:
Considering that presidents like Van Buren and Hoover finished their terms in office, I don't see why Obama wouldn't, so that's just retarded...

Galganov is a megalomaniac. Unfortunately, his mouth takes up space where his brain should be. From a big shot, wanna-be politician to begging for donations as his business went under. The man's an embarrassment.
Galganov is a megalomaniac. Unfortunately, his mouth takes up space where his brain should be. From a big shot, wanna-be politician to begging for donations as his business went under. The man's an embarrassment.

Even if true, its all irrelevant.....HE'S STILL RIGHT:good4u:
Entertaining the idea that Apple has anything of merit to say about our country is the first mistake. If he cared one iota as much about his own, we'd never see him here.

Hey! I like the USA! From 2002 to 2007 I spent a month each winter in Florida and I always drove there. One time I stopped at the customs and all the lanes had red lights except the commercial lane so I drove into that lane. The custom agent's box is high up to be able to talk with the semi-trailer drivers so the lady looked down at me and asked if I was declaring commercial goods. I replied "No" so she told me to pass by a regular lane so I backed up and stopped at the entrance to a regular lane.

The light was still red so I put the car in Park and just gazed around. Meanwhile, the light turned green. I didn't notice so the man started to wave me ahead. It took a few moments for me to notice him.

When I told him I was on my way to Florida he had a skeptical look as if he didn't think I'd find my way. :lol:

As for caring about my country, unfortunately, we currently have a Conservative government. On the bright side the Liberals and the Socialists (NDP) combined can bring down the government (by a no-confidence vote) if they step too far out of line so things aren't so bad.

Oh, and I love Disney World. Been there twice. :)

I grew up less than one mile from the border, as the crow flies. I crossed the border so many times the agent didn't even leave the building. He just waved me through.

Ahhh. The good, old days. Teenager, a car, chasing skirt.............

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance .......

And lastly, when it comes to merits, when it's -30 here every Canadian loves the US......Biscayne Bay, the bikinis....what is there not to like???