How'd she do it?

Did Hildebeast cheat in PA?

If Obama is beaten by a Republican in the general election, the "black box voting" "stolen election", and "Diebold" posts on this BB will run into the dozens.

As it is....
Didn't we all know Hillary was going to win in PA? What's all the phuss? In fact, the real victory goes to Obama for not losing by the 23 points he was projected to lose by two or so weeks ago. I'm simply jazzed because Hillary may have acquired a bit of Joe-mentum from all of this, because people are stupid and don't understand what went on in PA.

Kudos to her for the drinking episode though! It was awesome.
Also, I gave her $100 last night! :)
Dear Drew,

You couldn't have picked a better moment to join our campaign. Thanks to our incredible victory in Pennsylvania, the tide is turning in this race.

I'm in this race to fight for you, to fight for everyone who has ever been counted out, for everyone fighting to pay the grocery bills or the medical bills, the credit card and mortgage payments, and the outrageous price of gas at the pump today.

Now with the next critical contests right around the corner, we need your immediate help to build on the hard-earned momentum of our Pennsylvania victory and continue our success all the way to the nomination.

Contribute today to help carry our momentum to Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, and beyond.

Even though the Obama campaign went for broke trying to knock us out of the race, the people of Pennsylvania had other ideas.

We connected with Pennsylvania families who know they need a strong leader who's on their side to turn around the battered Bush economy and end President Bush's disastrous war in Iraq. And as this redefined contest moves across the country, we'll keep connecting.

I'm in this race to fight for you. And you can count on me to keep fighting for you every day. As long as we keep working together, we'll wrest control of the White House from the Republicans and defeat John McCain. I'm going to need your heart and your spirit every step of the way.

Contribute now, and together, we can carry our winning message to victory.

We're on a roll. And with your immediate help, we'll keep moving forward until we've won the Democratic nomination, won the November election, and earned the opportunity to lead America in a new, more promising direction.

Thanks so much for believing in me and believing in how much we can accomplish if we pull together.


Hillary Rodham Clinton
Didn't we all know Hillary was going to win in PA? What's all the phuss? In fact, the real victory goes to Obama for not losing by the 23 points he was projected to lose by two or so weeks ago. I'm simply jazzed because Hillary may have acquired a bit of Joe-mentum from all of this, because people are stupid and don't understand what went on in PA.

Kudos to her for the drinking episode though! It was awesome.
Also, I gave her $100 last night! :)

Yeah she will manage a few bucks out of this. She did not get the double digit lead either as it turns out. It in the end is only 9.2
The reallly funny part is McSame still never pulls ahead of either of them even when he gets to go unchallenged for months.