

Verified User
I guess my forum name says all you need to know. I'm a social liberal but strong on defense matters. I believe Hillary Clinton is the best choice for president this year. I like discussing politics with smart conservatives and liberals but won't put up with idiots. From reading this forum, I see there's a few of the first and second but a lot of the third group of both parties.

I'd like to warn you if you post stupid stuff I'll be bitchslapping you.

Now where's the best threads?
I guess my forum name says all you need to know. I'm a social liberal but strong on defense matters. I believe Hillary Clinton is the best choice for president this year. I like discussing politics with smart conservatives and liberals but won't put up with idiots. From reading this forum, I see there's a few of the first and second but a lot of the third group of both parties.

I'd like to warn you if you post stupid stuff I'll be bitchslapping you.

Now where's the best threads?


Head on over to the Current Events forum...some good ol fashioned slobberknockers going on over there right now.

Hah, no thanks! I forgot to point out that I'm intelligent. I also am young enough to not want to be fried with radiation when that megalomaniac flips out and pushes the red button.

Guess I can't post links yet?
I guess my forum name says all you need to know. I'm a social liberal but strong on defense matters. I believe Hillary Clinton is the best choice for president this year. I like discussing politics with smart conservatives and liberals but won't put up with idiots. From reading this forum, I see there's a few of the first and second but a lot of the third group of both parties.

I'd like to warn you if you post stupid stuff I'll be bitchslapping you.

Now where's the best threads?

Just how does this "cyber bitchslaping work"? As my "pap" once said...."There never was a horse that couldn't be rode or a cowboy that couldn't be thrown." Only liberal fools assume to know everything. And considering the fact that you would endorse either presidential candidate simply demonstrates the only predetermined prima facie evidence required to make a reasoned and logical decision. NOT WORTH the EFFORT....yet another childish liberal in fascist party lockstep....or, another persona of a pre-existing troll....that assumes he/she is to smart to be taken to task. The latter appears to be a "common denominator" of all leftists.
I guess my forum name says all you need to know. I'm a social liberal but strong on defense matters. I believe Hillary Clinton is the best choice for president this year. I like discussing politics with smart conservatives and liberals but won't put up with idiots. From reading this forum, I see there's a few of the first and second but a lot of the third group of both parties.

I'd like to warn you if you post stupid stuff I'll be bitchslapping you.

Now where's the best threads?

yes Jarod......