Hoyer Says Small Businesses Don't Make $280,000 Per Year So They Won't Be Hurt by Dem


New member
:readit:good grief..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
By Matt Cover

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that job growth and economic recovery would not be harmed by a Democratic plan to increase income taxes by $540 billion to pay for their health-care reform proposal because the tax hikes would not affect small businesses.

Hoyer also said he could not think of any small business owners who make enough money to qualify for the higher taxes.

Speaking at his weekly press briefing on Tuesday, Hoyer said that the proposed tax was merely a surcharge on wealthy individuals, explaining that the tax increases were graduated.

“This is a surcharge,” Hoyer said, “on people making over $280,000 as an individual, $350,000 [per year] as a couple and it’s graduated, it goes up as you reach $1 million in income.”

Asked by CNSNews.com whether such a tax increase would affect small businesses and job creation during a recession, Hoyer said: “I don’t know many small business men or women who are making, themselves $280,000 [per year], so I’m not sure that very many small businesses are going to be affected by this.”

Hoyer also made clear that Democrats were committed to the tax increases, saying his party was determined to pay for its massive health care overhaul--making it “deficit-neutral,” as insisted upon by President Barack Obama.

“We are committed to paying for health care reform,” Hoyer said. “The Senate is committed to paying for health care reform and the president is committed to paying for health care reform. So, we will pay for it.”

Republicans disagreed, saying that no one could rationally believe that a tax increase on job-creators would not effect job creation.

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it's going to fail
you guys actually expected something economically smart from run of the mill dems. Really, I bet you cant find to many examples.
:readit:good grief..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
By Matt Cover

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that job growth and economic recovery would not be harmed by a Democratic plan to increase income taxes by $540 billion to pay for their health-care reform proposal because the tax hikes would not affect small businesses.

Hoyer also said he could not think of any small business owners who make enough money to qualify for the higher taxes.

Speaking at his weekly press briefing on Tuesday, Hoyer said that the proposed tax was merely a surcharge on wealthy individuals, explaining that the tax increases were graduated.

“This is a surcharge,” Hoyer said, “on people making over $280,000 as an individual, $350,000 [per year] as a couple and it’s graduated, it goes up as you reach $1 million in income.”

Asked by CNSNews.com whether such a tax increase would affect small businesses and job creation during a recession, Hoyer said: “I don’t know many small business men or women who are making, themselves $280,000 [per year], so I’m not sure that very many small businesses are going to be affected by this.”

Hoyer also made clear that Democrats were committed to the tax increases, saying his party was determined to pay for its massive health care overhaul--making it “deficit-neutral,” as insisted upon by President Barack Obama.

“We are committed to paying for health care reform,” Hoyer said. “The Senate is committed to paying for health care reform and the president is committed to paying for health care reform. So, we will pay for it.”

Republicans disagreed, saying that no one could rationally believe that a tax increase on job-creators would not effect job creation.

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Ummmmmm, small businesses are defined as having 500 employees or less. The businesses who have the upper end of employees sure as hell better be making $280,000 or more.