Huckabee Joking About Obama Having to Watch Out for Lone Gunmen


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Huckabee jokes about Obama ducking a gunman
Posted: 04:08 PM ET

From CNN Associate Political Editor Rebecca Sinderbrand

Huckabee addressed the NRA Friday.
(CNN) – During a speech before the National Rifle Association convention Friday afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee — who has endorsed presumptive GOP nominee John McCain — joked that an unexpected offstage noise was Democrat Barack Obama looking to avoid a gunman.

“That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he's getting ready to speak,” said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. “Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor.”

Obama supports extending the assault weapons ban, limits on gun sales, and a national law against carrying concealed weapons, with exceptions for retired police and military personnel. John McCain – whose legislative record was awarded a C+ rating by the NRA in 2004, but has received a perfect score – will address the group later Friday afternoon. His speech will include remarks "on the issue of unconditional negotiation with state sponsors of terror" that aides tell CNN’s Dana Bash are a direct response to Obama’s comments earlier Friday.

Wow Mike Huckabee...What class...Lets joke about shooting Obama....I know you want the VP but dont you want some class too?

Speaking as a gun owner, though not a member of the NRA, I have to say that, while I strongly disagree with Obama's policies regarding firearms, I find the joke to be of questionable taste at best. For one thing, anyone who had a gun aimed at them and didn't look for cover if afforded the opportunity would have to be a complete idiot. On another note, while I believe that the majority of gun owners are law abiding, respectable citizens, as we all know, it only takes one kook to smear the whole lot.

While I understand the humor Huckabee was trying for, tying Obama's gun policies to his possible fear of guns, he exercised very poor judgement.
The Right Reverend Mike Huckabee, man of god.

If God was real, it would have struck him down the moment he uttered his satanic message.
Thank the little gods he didn't win even though the uber-religious voted for him against that horrible "mormon"...
Speaking as a gun owner, though not a member of the NRA, I have to say that, while I strongly disagree with Obama's policies regarding firearms, I find the joke to be of questionable taste at best. For one thing, anyone who had a gun aimed at them and didn't look for cover if afforded the opportunity would have to be a complete idiot. On another note, while I believe that the majority of gun owners are law abiding, respectable citizens, as we all know, it only takes one kook to smear the whole lot.

While I understand the humor Huckabee was trying for, tying Obama's gun policies to his possible fear of guns, he exercised very poor judgement.

Speaking as a gun owner myself, I agree with Obama, from what I have heard, on Gun Control.
Speaking as a gun owner myself, I agree with Obama, from what I have heard, on Gun Control.

Speaking as an actual American, I don’t agree with Obama on guns. The US man agrees with our founders that the people need arms to protect themselves from any possible tyranny from their government. So the US man has guns, rpg’s, rocket launchers, and missiles. I am still outgunned by the government on account of them having nukes. But I am working on that. If Obama gets into office, you think he is going to let me have a nucklear weapon?
After seeing this admin I believe in gun ownership.

I never really was against it but this solidified my stance.

I still believe in reasonable gun control as do most cops who have to face them.

I dont fucking want my cops carrrying assault weapons. Do you people have any idea what that shit can lead to?
After seeing this admin I believe in gun ownership.

I never really was against it but this solidified my stance.

I still believe in reasonable gun control as do most cops who have to face them.

I dont fucking want my cops carrrying assault weapons. Do you people have any idea what that shit can lead to?

Yes, that’s why I want my own nucklear arsenal. If they come looking for US man they are going to get more than they bargained for, and that is how the founders wanted it. I am a strict constructioner and I will nuke the damned state police if I have to in order to prove it! As it is now, I can shoot at least 20 missiles from my rocket launcher straight up their asses if they come nosying around wanting to know about this or that of my business.
well the problem is the founders actually wanted people to be able to mount Bear arms on their walls to scare people away form their homes.

So you see soon from now on you will have to give up all your weapons and have to buy some plastic Bear arms to mount on your wall for protection. The cops however will be allowed nuclear tazers, as well as uzis to keep you in line.....oooppss I mean protect you.