HuffPo Confirms Ashley Biden Diary is Real, "Inappropriate" Showers with "Dad"


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HuffPo Confirms Ashley Biden Diary is Real, "Inappropriate" Showers with "Dad"

Pervert in Chief

Biden it appears has spent most of his life being inappropriate with females of all ages.... his corruption is not just of the financial sort.....yet he rose to the top and stayed there.
Let's hope this crosses a line and he get's charged with it.

Not sure what the statute of limitations is but at least it will get him out of office.
Biden it appears has spent most of his life being inappropriate with females of all ages.... his corruption is not just of the financial sort.....yet he rose to the top and stayed there.
His time at the top is running's going to be nearly impossible for anyone to continue to support this person...right now, the only way to "defend" him is to bash everyone else, and hope that no one pays attention to the truth.
His time at the top is running's going to be nearly impossible for anyone to continue to support this person...right now, the only way to "defend" him is to bash everyone else, and hope that no one pays attention to the truth.

Watching some of the speeches he gave at Universities promoting the Its On US program, and remembering that the Violence Against Women Act was in large part his baby, I had a near certain sense that what I was watching was much like the closeted homosexual bashing homosexuals. He is done some bad stuff I suspected. At the time I thought it was likely that as a young man he had done something to a young woman or many....but it was certainly worse than that. I am now certain that Biden has been a creep for at least his entire adult life.
Watching some of the speeches he gave at Universities promoting the Its On US program, and remembering that the Violence Against Women Act was in large part his baby, I had a near certain sense that what I was watching was much like the closeted homosexual bashing homosexuals. He is done some bad stuff I suspected. At the time I thought it was likely that as a young man he had done something to a young woman or many....but it was certainly worse than that. I am now certain that Biden has been a creep for at least his entire adult life.

Convinced by your imagination. This is what you just said.
His time at the top is running's going to be nearly impossible for anyone to continue to support this person...right now, the only way to "defend" him is to bash everyone else, and hope that no one pays attention to the truth.


Joe should have been in jail years ago.
Could the Traveling Salesman be more pathetic? I think not.

No, he couldnt. Joe has traveled across the country for the last 40 years or so SELLING his bullshit and LIES to the weak minded. Preying on them like the parasite he is. Worse yet he taught his own son how to become rich peddling lies and influence.
What kind of cretinous father takes showers with his own daughter?

One who should be locked up for his corrupt perversions. His son learned this behavior as well. A good tree produces good fruit,....look at the disgusting pig of a man Corrupt Joe has produced. :|
One who should be locked up for his corrupt perversions. His son learned this behavior as well. A good tree produces good fruit,....look at the disgusting pig of a man Corrupt Joe has produced. :|

But, but, but...Joe says that he is proud of his son, Cocaine Hunter, (the disgusting pig of a man that Corrupt Joe produced).
His time at the top is running's going to be nearly impossible for anyone to continue to support this person...right now, the only way to "defend" him is to bash everyone else, and hope that no one pays attention to the truth.

Hence the reason for all the indictments against Trump.
It is useless to try and convince a base, so full of idolatry for their party, that their leader is a pedophile when they declared that even if Biden had raped their wife, mother, sister, or daughter, they would still vote for him because he isn't Trump
It is useless to try and convince a base, so full of idolatry for their party, that their leader is a pedophile when they declared that even if Biden had raped their wife, mother, sister, or daughter, they would still vote for him because he isn't Trump

This kind of thing isn't about a base, it is about the unaffiliated voters.