Human Parasites Are Infinitely Crueller Than Wasps


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Metamorphosis would turn caterpillars into butterflies if left alone. Not so with children when the cruelest parasites inject children with Socialism:

One of the most grisly images in nature is a wasp methodically injecting eggs into a big, soft, helpless caterpillar. Wasp larvae will eventually eat the drugged caterpillar from the inside, and a new generation of wasps will emerge from dying caterpillars.

This sequence was so upsetting to Charles Darwin that he started to turn atheist. He opined, "There seems to me too much misery in the world." In fact, parasitism is extremely common and usually not a problem for either party.

This is exactly what teachers do:

In the more disturbing arrangements, however, the parasite alters and slowly kills the host. Darwin did not approve.

Extreme parasites (i.e., parasitoids) have the ability to change fundamentally the host's behavior. For example, the host may be paralyzed, disorganized, or acting in ways that directly benefit the parasite. Researchers call this phenomenon "mind control" or "brainwashing." Some life cycles are particularly convoluted, bizarre, and unsettling. For one example, roly-poly bugs, which normally prefer the darkness under rocks, will, when infected, seek out white backgrounds. Why? So hungry birds can more quickly sight the bugs and eat them! This is suicidal for the bugs — but a great way for the parasite, living in the bugs, to extend its territory. Birds consume the bugs and then excrete the parasite larvae growing inside.

The victims in such arrangements can be called zombies or slaves. They sacrifice themselves to benefit the parasite.

Many will sense parallels with our educational system, where the "host" has been changed dramatically.

Parents in American K–12 often see that their children are unhappy and not learning much. But parents for the most part tolerate this abuse. Why?

Teachers accept danger, disrespect, and the constant prospect of burnout. The autonomous activity that teachers traditionally engaged in is effectively prohibited. Why do they accept this?

The education industry absorbs more of the nation’s wealth than all of the other parasites combined; hence, the education industry is home to the most voracious —— and the wealthiest tax dollar parasites —— in the parasite class:

Meanwhile, unnecessary administrators swarm through the system, and superintendents are notoriously overpaid, many above $200,000 a year. Principals and administrators hardly deign to negotiate with the community except to say, "No, you can't." The Education Establishment has changed public education into a lucrative private business. Why do taxpayers tolerate this underperforming but overcharging colossus?

See this article if you are not familiar with the patron saint of all teachers:

John Dewey: Bosom Serpent of American Education
Kelly OConnell Sunday, February 24, 2013

For all of these questions, one obvious answer is parasitic mind control. John Dewey and his true believers wanted to use the school system for social engineering. They had to rewire, intellectually speaking, the system so it would pursue new goals in new ways. Dewey's plot has been successful.

The school system, at a casual glance, appears to lumber on as it did a century ago. But there is now a vast disconnect as educrats have altered every part of the system, discarding intellect and sincerity and using a vast but empty husk to perpetrate social schemes on a broader population. In short, the K–12 system is severed from its original intentions, just like the doomed caterpillar.

At some point there is an obvious dysfunction, as when a caterpillar becomes a wasp nursery. Similarly, all the many goals and purposes that public education was supposed to exhibit have now been largely jettisoned. The system seems to be on autopilot, ignorant of its original purpose. The Education Establishment can promote one destructive gimmick after another, from Whole Word to Reform Math to Common Core to Constructivism, and the host (which includes us) hardly complains.

What can the caterpillar do? Absolutely nothing. A wasp grips the caterpillar firmly and patiently. Tiny eggs are inserted one by one — at least 20 of them. Chemicals are injected with the eggs; these complete the caterpillar's degradation. The caterpillar is no longer concerned with its own needs and destiny. It serves another master. That in a nutshell is what happened to American public schools. Now they serve Dewey's blueprint, his ideological dreams, his Progressive imperatives.

The central diktat, which connects all the many separate details, is that schools must be focused no longer on academic matters,but on psycho-sociological concerns.

We can all see how abjectly the parents, teachers, and community leaders accept this fate. There's little defiance, much silence. The mind control has been going on for a long time. People know better than to expect too much from their Education Establishment. Sure, if they want a real education for their kids, they have to send them to a private school. Or they have to hire tutors all along the way, or homeschool them.

The education officials, on the other hand, are doing quite well. Remediation and assessments are whole new industries. The more damaged students that a school turns out, the more Title I money the government sends. There are so many productive ways to spend this money. What about a three-day conference on Deeper Learning and 21st-Century Education? These presentations will put victims into a deeper trance.

Students need to be active enough to carry books from class to class, that's all. They go home and come back, not much else. Surrender is easy. The host should feel, as Pink Floyd said, "comfortably numb."

May 16, 2019
K–12: Educrats Are Parasites
By Bruce Deitrick Price

Finally, teachers knowingly kill children who remain butterflies:

Metamorphosis would turn caterpillars into butterflies if left alone. Not so with children when the cruelest parasites inject children with Socialism:

One of the most grisly images in nature is a wasp methodically injecting eggs into a big, soft, helpless caterpillar. Wasp larvae will eventually eat the drugged caterpillar from the inside, and a new generation of wasps will emerge from dying caterpillars.

This sequence was so upsetting to Charles Darwin that he started to turn atheist. He opined, "There seems to me too much misery in the world." In fact, parasitism is extremely common and usually not a problem for either party.

This is exactly what teachers do:

In the more disturbing arrangements, however, the parasite alters and slowly kills the host. Darwin did not approve.

Extreme parasites (i.e., parasitoids) have the ability to change fundamentally the host's behavior. For example, the host may be paralyzed, disorganized, or acting in ways that directly benefit the parasite. Researchers call this phenomenon "mind control" or "brainwashing." Some life cycles are particularly convoluted, bizarre, and unsettling. For one example, roly-poly bugs, which normally prefer the darkness under rocks, will, when infected, seek out white backgrounds. Why? So hungry birds can more quickly sight the bugs and eat them! This is suicidal for the bugs — but a great way for the parasite, living in the bugs, to extend its territory. Birds consume the bugs and then excrete the parasite larvae growing inside.

The victims in such arrangements can be called zombies or slaves. They sacrifice themselves to benefit the parasite.

Many will sense parallels with our educational system, where the "host" has been changed dramatically.

Parents in American K–12 often see that their children are unhappy and not learning much. But parents for the most part tolerate this abuse. Why?

Teachers accept danger, disrespect, and the constant prospect of burnout. The autonomous activity that teachers traditionally engaged in is effectively prohibited. Why do they accept this?

The education industry absorbs more of the nation’s wealth than all of the other parasites combined; hence, the education industry is home to the most voracious —— and the wealthiest tax dollar parasites —— in the parasite class:

Meanwhile, unnecessary administrators swarm through the system, and superintendents are notoriously overpaid, many above $200,000 a year. Principals and administrators hardly deign to negotiate with the community except to say, "No, you can't." The Education Establishment has changed public education into a lucrative private business. Why do taxpayers tolerate this underperforming but overcharging colossus?

See this article if you are not familiar with the patron saint of all teachers:

John Dewey: Bosom Serpent of American Education
Kelly OConnell Sunday, February 24, 2013

For all of these questions, one obvious answer is parasitic mind control. John Dewey and his true believers wanted to use the school system for social engineering. They had to rewire, intellectually speaking, the system so it would pursue new goals in new ways. Dewey's plot has been successful.

The school system, at a casual glance, appears to lumber on as it did a century ago. But there is now a vast disconnect as educrats have altered every part of the system, discarding intellect and sincerity and using a vast but empty husk to perpetrate social schemes on a broader population. In short, the K–12 system is severed from its original intentions, just like the doomed caterpillar.

At some point there is an obvious dysfunction, as when a caterpillar becomes a wasp nursery. Similarly, all the many goals and purposes that public education was supposed to exhibit have now been largely jettisoned. The system seems to be on autopilot, ignorant of its original purpose. The Education Establishment can promote one destructive gimmick after another, from Whole Word to Reform Math to Common Core to Constructivism, and the host (which includes us) hardly complains.

What can the caterpillar do? Absolutely nothing. A wasp grips the caterpillar firmly and patiently. Tiny eggs are inserted one by one — at least 20 of them. Chemicals are injected with the eggs; these complete the caterpillar's degradation. The caterpillar is no longer concerned with its own needs and destiny. It serves another master. That in a nutshell is what happened to American public schools. Now they serve Dewey's blueprint, his ideological dreams, his Progressive imperatives.

The central diktat, which connects all the many separate details, is that schools must be focused no longer on academic matters,but on psycho-sociological concerns.

We can all see how abjectly the parents, teachers, and community leaders accept this fate. There's little defiance, much silence. The mind control has been going on for a long time. People know better than to expect too much from their Education Establishment. Sure, if they want a real education for their kids, they have to send them to a private school. Or they have to hire tutors all along the way, or homeschool them.

The education officials, on the other hand, are doing quite well. Remediation and assessments are whole new industries. The more damaged students that a school turns out, the more Title I money the government sends. There are so many productive ways to spend this money. What about a three-day conference on Deeper Learning and 21st-Century Education? These presentations will put victims into a deeper trance.

Students need to be active enough to carry books from class to class, that's all. They go home and come back, not much else. Surrender is easy. The host should feel, as Pink Floyd said, "comfortably numb."

May 16, 2019
K–12: Educrats Are Parasites
By Bruce Deitrick Price

Finally, teachers knowingly kill children who remain butterflies:

Canada Free Press is a right-wing brainwashing tool, as is American Thinker. The right opposes all rational thought.

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The left opposes all rational thought. The fcktard lib will chant the right opposes all rational thought, which is a standard tactic of libs, accuse the other side of doing what you're doing. Public schools are massive money pits which do a poor job teaching the basics and a malicious job when it comes to teaching students to think. Conform, or be labeled and marginalized.

(To be fair, there are plenty of brainless people on the "right", but they are more libs than right.)
The left opposes all rational thought. The fcktard lib will chant the right opposes all rational thought, which is a standard tactic of libs, accuse the other side of doing what you're doing. Public schools are massive money pits which do a poor job teaching the basics and a malicious job when it comes to teaching students to think. Conform, or be labeled and marginalized.

(To be fair, there are plenty of brainless people on the "right", but they are more libs than right.)

Bobb posts his usual reason-free rant. If the public schools aren't doing a good job, it's largely due to the efforts by the right to dumb everyone down to make them buy into the con job perpetrated by the right. Which has culminated in the election of Trump, whose only qualification for the job was being a master con artist.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Bobb posts his usual reason-free rant. If the public schools aren't doing a good job, it's largely due to the efforts by the right to dumb everyone down to make them buy into the con job perpetrated by the right. Which has culminated in the election of Trump, whose only qualification for the job was being a master con artist.

Rjhenn is being his usual fcktard self. The public schools with the lowest performing students are in communities 100% controlled by Democrats, mostly black Democrats. These schools also get among the highest per-student funding in the nation, paid for by whites who live in other communities.

White hillbillies goes the the poorest-funded schools in the country. Their parents are Trump supporters, and these white kids score better on the SAT than middle-class blacks across the country.
Rjhenn is being his usual fcktard self. The public schools with the lowest performing students are in communities 100% controlled by Democrats, mostly black Democrats. These schools also get among the highest per-student funding in the nation, paid for by whites who live in other communities.

White hillbillies goes the the poorest-funded schools in the country. Their parents are Trump supporters, and these white kids score better on the SAT than middle-class blacks across the country.

But not so good compared to other whites who went to the schools that you hate.

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