Humanism is a religion


Many people do not unerstand the complete meaning of religion and therefore only ascribe it to those who believe in the Supernatural. Religion* is a term used to describe dedication to a belief or philosophy of beliefs. Meaning of course that atheism, the belief that there is no Supernatural being, is a religious conviction.

*NOTE: definitions 2,3,4

To get the ball rolling I'll cite some case law.

Case law

Torcaso v. Watkins
The phrase "secular humanism" became prominent after it was used in the United States Supreme Court case Torcaso v. Watkins. In the 1961 decision, Justice Hugo Black commented in a footnote, "Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others."
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Many people do not unerstand the complete meaning of religion and therefore only ascribe it to those who believe in the Supernatural. Religion* is a term used to describe dedication to a belief or philosophy of beliefs. Meaning of course that atheism, thebelief that there is no Supernatural being is a religious conviction.

*NOTE: definitions 2,3,4

To get the ball rolling I'll cite some case law.

Case law

Torcaso v. Watkins
The phrase "secular humanism" became prominent after it was used in the United States Supreme Court case Torcaso v. Watkins. In the 1961 decision, Justice Hugo Black commented in a footnote, "Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others."

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

She doesn't realize how often we have rehashed this on this site. Where is Anyoldiron when you need him?

Anyway, here's how it basically goes, ID....

Libertarians and Rs: Agree with you.
Liberals and other versions of Ds: Do not agree with you.

She doesn't realize how often we have rehashed this on this site. Where is Anyoldiron when you need him?

Anyway, here's how it basically goes, ID....

Libertarians and Rs: Agree with you.
Liberals and other versions of Ds: Do not agree with you.

Funny, but the facts dictate that agreement isn't neccesary for it to be so. Do they re-write the meaning of the term "religion"? Or do they reject case law? Really, I understand their absolute religious need to deny that humanism, atheism, etc are philosophically religious dogmas, because to acknowledge such would mean that their chosen belief system (world view) is a system they wish to indoctrinate with since it is the prevalent world view reflected in so many modern PC movements. As I said in the other thread: Liberals wish to use political, social, and government means to force their beliefs onto the entire populace. In doing so they contradict their own high-horsed position of "don't force your beliefs on me" and "keeping religion and government seperate".

The truth and my point is this: There can exist no law or political system that is morally neutral. They all are the result of and subject to, some sort of belief system.

Thanks for the heads-up that this has already been a topic.
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I don't support any kind of theocracy. Nor do I support the invasive indoctrination of humanism that you wish to impose on America.

What's your point in calling "secular humanism" religion. Let's say I agree with you. Who gives a shit? Why does it matter?
What's your point in calling "secular humanism" religion. Let's say I agree with you. Who gives a shit? Why does it matter?

Because it is a religious dogma that is the ideological driving force to influence children in public schools vie classroom intruction materials and teaching agendas. It is used to pass legislation that is contrary to liberty, and it is used to indocrtinate the masses hiding behind groups like Green Peace, ACLU, WHO, and a whole host of other groups and organizations whose ideologocical bent is humanistic and whose sole purpose is to change America into their ideological vision. The worst part of it is that most persons who subscribe to humanism, do so in ignorance of their own belief system's dogmatic desire to effect the kinds of changes that interfere with a truly free society.
Because it is a religious dogma that is the ideological driving force to influence children in public schools vie classroom intruction materials and teaching agendas. It is used to pass legislation that is contrary to liberty, and it is used to indocrtinate the masses hiding behind groups like Green Peace, ACLU, WHO, and a whole host of other groups and organizations whose ideologocical bent is humanistic and whose sole purpose is to change America into their ideological vision. The worst part of it is that most persons who subscribe to humanism, do so in ignorance of their own belief system's dogmatic desire to effect the kinds of changes that interfere with a truly free society.

Oh, I see.

Shouldn't this thread be moved to the Conspiracy Theory forum?
Oh, I see.

Shouldn't this thread be moved to the Conspiracy Theory forum?

No. Have you ever read the Humanist Manefesto? The original manifesto written and signed by founding leader of public education John Dewey talks about a systematic approach to changing the world. *The Manifesto talked of a new "religion", and referred to Humanism as a religious movement to transcend and replace previous religions based on allegations of supernatural revelation. The document outlines a fifteen-point belief system, which, in addition to a secular outlook, opposes "acquisitive and profit-motivated society" and outlines a worldwide egalitarian society based on voluntary mutual cooperation.

An additional link

Uneducated persons who display an elistist attitude as proof of their superior knowledge instead of actual proof are fools.
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Secular humanism or militant islamofascism?

It's a toss up as to which one poses the bigger threat.