hypocricy of the left....FU Duke

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

"To underscore its horror, the university adopted a new rule: "Strippers may not be invited or paid to perform at events sponsored by individual students, residential living groups, or cohesive units.

So, some might be surprised to learn that on this year's Super Bowl Sunday, Duke University played host to a group of strippers, prostitutes, phone-sex operators, and others in a "Sex Workers Art Show" to display their "creativity and genius." The university spent $3,500 from student fees and various programs to pay the performers and cover expenses. "

Note: Side note within the story... no professors have been disciplined for their inappropriate actions. The only faculty member fired over this... the coach... who was essentially innocent.
How is that left-wing?

Its super academic, and totally deserving of college funding... Let the frats hire strippers, they exist for a reason (booze, locating easy women, hiring strippers, little else--still very helpful though).

If I went to a major university, with a serious greek system (as opposed to the lame one we have which is officially banned from campus), my sex life would be through the roof and I would be spending a lot less money on beer and licquor.
Who gives a fuck?

Strippers rule.

Prostitution should be legal.

Duke is full of lame hypocrites.

I do, after all the shit the school gave the players for hiring strippers, including putting a ban on all groups for hiring strippers.... THEN they have a school sposored event that..... hires strippers. Just pointing out the hypocricy.
Its super academic, and totally deserving of college funding... Let the frats hire strippers, they exist for a reason (booze, locating easy women, hiring strippers, little else--still very helpful though).

If I went to a major university, with a serious greek system (as opposed to the lame one we have which is officially banned from campus), my sex life would be through the roof and I would be spending a lot less money on beer and licquor.

My school has one of the largest Greek systems in the country.

It's... interesting to say the least.
My school has one of the largest Greek systems in the country.

It's... interesting to say the least.

Nice. That's the trade off of going to a small university. The classes are easier and there is less to distract you from study, but you lose out on major frats/sororities to keep your social life going without much effort.
My school has one of the largest Greek systems in the country.

It's... interesting to say the least.

Man, now you are making me reminice (even if I can't spell it). I used to walk outside my fraternity door and had four sororities directly across the street all next to each other with some of the most beautiful college women in the country. There is no way you can truly comprehend how good you have it until you are gone.
Nice. That's the trade off of going to a small university. The classes are easier and there is less to distract you from study, but you lose out on major frats/sororities to keep your social life going without much effort.

We have a group here called the Machine, which is a secret coalition of white fraternities and sororities, that have elected all but one SGA President since the 1960s. I'm not involved in its inner workings, but by all appearances they control the SGA Senate and the Presidency completely. Machine leaders generally go on to become state-level politicians as a result of the connections they make.

I simultaneously hate and admire their use of networking to maintain political control over campus and the state at large.

I admire it because of its longstanding effectiveness, and I hate it because I was too lazy to go through Hell Week while some douchebag with curly hair and a Sun Vizor shouts crap at me.

Not really my thing. The Greek system does lead to bitching-awesome parties though. That's the only real positive I can think of, which on a college campus basically makes it worth it.
Man, now you are making me reminice (even if I can't spell it). I used to walk outside my fraternity door and had four sororities directly across the street all next to each other with some of the most beautiful college women in the country. There is no way you can truly comprehend how good you have it until you are gone.

Yeah the sights I see walking to/from class would likely be considered racy pornography in some countries.

Savor it while it lasts...

After a while frat parties have gotten old to me, but when I think about it they are still preferable to wasting time posting on here. :) So maybe I need to get back out more often. When you've seen a few frat/sorority parties tho, you've kinda seen them all, ya know?

The only exception to this rule has been the black frats, whose parties have consistently kicked major, unprecedented levels of ass.
We have a group here called the Machine, which is a secret coalition of white fraternities and sororities, that have elected all but one SGA President since the 1960s. I'm not involved in its inner workings, but by all appearances they control the SGA Senate and the Presidency completely. Machine leaders generally go on to become state-level politicians as a result of the connections they make.

I simultaneously hate and admire their use of networking to maintain political control over campus and the state at large.

I admire it because of its longstanding effectiveness, and I hate it because I was too lazy to go through Hell Week while some douchebag with curly hair and a Sun Vizor shouts crap at me.

Not really my thing. The Greek system does lead to bitching-awesome parties though. That's the only real positive I can think of, which on a college campus basically makes it worth it.

The origin of frats was white supremacy.

Have frat-boy friends who you secretly completely disrespect.

It will serve you well.

LOL Actually, being a small campus with a defunct system, the frat guys here at SMU are mostly pretty cool, so I don't have to hold in the vomit when I'm with them (unless I drink too much)...