Hypocrisies of liberals thread


Destroyer of Liberals
Feel free to add more as you think of them, here's some off the top of my head:

1) how come the same liberal/leftist trash scream that jews are "colonial invaders" of Israel, but refuse to make the same claim about the arab muslims streaming into europe, or the central/south americans invading the US?

2) how come the liberals keep trying to claim they do not want to take away guns from people, yet continue to cite Australia and Scotland as ideal examples of how to handle gun crimes?

3) why do liberals keep claiming that the democrats are by definition supporters of the poor and middle class, when it has been the democrats who have put into place job theft programs like the H1B, trade deals that have damaged the american workforce like NAFTA and TPP, and imported huge numbers of illegals to buy votes, who then reduce wages by taking the jobs of the working classes?

4) how come it was acceptable for clinton to bomb serbia without congressional approval, but not for george bush to attack iraq WITH congressional approval?

5) how come liberals screech against corruption that involves corporate america and government, but are so defensive of public employee unions when they corrupt the operations of government?

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