hypothetical - What should Obama do if Iran produced Nuke used on Israel


Abreast of the situations
Since its now a sure thing that Iran will have nukes in 09 and is a sure thing they want to destroy Israel.

My question is if a nuke thats made in Iran is dropped on Israel how should Obama respond.
Russia is going to fast track it. Was in news today. And please spare me that Iran is not going to use the uranium for a bomb.

Well, maybe you could provide some sort of support for the notion that Iran will have a bomb within a year, but I haven't seen anything suggesting that is true.

I also don't understand the rationale behind the idea that Iran would develop a bomb to immediately use it to blow up Israel and guarantee it's own annihilation. It makes no sense.
Well, maybe you could provide some sort of support for the notion that Iran will have a bomb within a year, but I haven't seen anything suggesting that is true.

I also don't understand the rationale behind the idea that Iran would develop a bomb to immediately use it to blow up Israel and guarantee it's own annihilation. It makes no sense.

There goal is to destroy isreal. we know that. They will have enough enriched uranium in 09 to make nukes per today's newstory:

Iranian and Moscow sources report that Atomstroiexport, the Russian firm under contract to build and activate Iran's nuclear reactor at Bushehr, is offering nuclear engineers and technicians top salaries to leave for Iran at short notice. The Kremlin has promised Tehran to have the reactor up and running by mid-2009. Some 1,600 experts are already at work on the site; the project is short of another 500 to meet this deadline.

An Atomstroiexport spokesman explained this week that the main technology for the station has already been installed "so the construction work is getting under way." Our Iranian sources report that this is the first time Russian officials have admitted that the Bushehr reactor is close to completion.

Sergei Kiriyenko, director of the Russian company, visited Tehran on Nov. 27 to tie up the final stage of the reactor's construction. Kiriyenko, former Russian prime minister and personal emissary of the incumbent prime minister Vladimir Putin, again assured the Iranians that the reactor would be ready to go within a few months.

Our sources add that the Bushehr plant will make it possible for Iran to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. Its completion will provide Iran with an alternative weapons fuel option in addition to the enriched uranium already accumulated for its first nuclear bomb. US and Israel intelligence had believed the plutonium track lagged behind the uranium process. However, now that Moscow has embarked on a crash program to finish the Bushehr project, this no longer holds true.
remember this is hypothetical. So say Hamas or some other iran outlet is given (or steals) a nuke from iran and its detonated in a heavy Israeli community.
The trouble with Iran is that their leaders don't really want to attack Israel anymore than Israel wants to be attacked, but the Supreme Leaders of today and the past since the fall of the Shaq have worked the Iranian public into a bloodlust toward America.

Most of the time, their words against America or Israel are simply words. Playing to their base, so to speak.
There goal is to destroy isreal. we know that. They will have enough enriched uranium in 09 to make nukes per today's newstory:

Iranian and Moscow sources report that Atomstroiexport, the Russian firm under contract to build and activate Iran's nuclear reactor at Bushehr, is offering nuclear engineers and technicians top salaries to leave for Iran at short notice. The Kremlin has promised Tehran to have the reactor up and running by mid-2009. Some 1,600 experts are already at work on the site; the project is short of another 500 to meet this deadline.

An Atomstroiexport spokesman explained this week that the main technology for the station has already been installed "so the construction work is getting under way." Our Iranian sources report that this is the first time Russian officials have admitted that the Bushehr reactor is close to completion.

Sergei Kiriyenko, director of the Russian company, visited Tehran on Nov. 27 to tie up the final stage of the reactor's construction. Kiriyenko, former Russian prime minister and personal emissary of the incumbent prime minister Vladimir Putin, again assured the Iranians that the reactor would be ready to go within a few months.

Our sources add that the Bushehr plant will make it possible for Iran to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. Its completion will provide Iran with an alternative weapons fuel option in addition to the enriched uranium already accumulated for its first nuclear bomb. US and Israel intelligence had believed the plutonium track lagged behind the uranium process. However, now that Moscow has embarked on a crash program to finish the Bushehr project, this no longer holds true.

Uh, I'm just going to go ahead and call bullshit on the sourcing in that report wherever the hell you dug it up.

And, in the event that you want to link to Drudge, don't bother, it isn't much better.
i am convinced we will see a state sponsored terrorist attack involving a bio or nuclear weapon on Israel in our life.. It could be within the next 8 years. I am just curious as to what obama would do in that instance.
remember this is hypothetical. So say Hamas or some other iran outlet is given (or steals) a nuke from iran and its detonated in a heavy Israeli community.

Since we're engaging is ridiculous hypotheticals let's pretend that Iran decides that it was just kidding and is abandoning all of its nuclear development.
I also don't understand the rationale behind the idea that Iran would develop a bomb to immediately use it to blow up Israel and guarantee it's own annihilation. It makes no sense.

Apparently, you don't follow the teachings of nutcase Islamofascists. They believe it is their predestine mandate from Allah to destroy the Jews and Infidels, in order to enable the emergence of the 12th Imam. This is all an 'end-game' scenario for them, they don't care about "certain annihilation" at all, they plan to be in heaven enjoying the company of their 72 virgins by then. You are trying to apply western reason and logic to the thinking of religious fanatics in the middle east, bad mistake to make, but you guys are in charge now.

I would venture to say, a nuclear strike on Israel would certainly trigger all sleeper cells in the US, and across Europe, and before we could assemble the UN to discuss sanctions or organize relief efforts, great damage would be done to our own ability to retaliate. We might be able, because of our sheer military superiority in technology, to avert complete world domination by the radical Islamics, but we would live in a completely different world from that point on. The America we have come to know and largely take for granted, would no longer exist.
Maybe suicide bombers and al Qaeda leaders think that, but Iranian government officials with families, homes, and investments probably don't.
Apparently, you don't follow the teachings of nutcase Islamofascists. They believe it is their predestine mandate from Allah to destroy the Jews and Infidels, in order to enable the emergence of the 12th Imam. This is all an 'end-game' scenario for them, they don't care about "certain annihilation" at all, they plan to be in heaven enjoying the company of their 72 virgins by then. You are trying to apply western reason and logic to the thinking of religious fanatics in the middle east, bad mistake to make, but you guys are in charge now.

I would venture to say, a nuclear strike on Israel would certainly trigger all sleeper cells in the US, and across Europe, and before we could assemble the UN to discuss sanctions or organize relief efforts, great damage would be done to our own ability to retaliate. We might be able, because of our sheer military superiority in technology, to avert complete world domination by the radical Islamics, but we would live in a completely different world from that point on. The America we have come to know and largely take for granted, would no longer exist.

Oh, so they're basically like Evangelical Christian Rapture freaks? Wow, that is really scary.

And have I told you that you're a pants-shitter lately?
Apparently, you don't follow the teachings of nutcase Islamofascists. They believe it is their predestine mandate from Allah to destroy the Jews and Infidels, in order to enable the emergence of the 12th Imam. This is all an 'end-game' scenario for them, they don't care about "certain annihilation" at all, they plan to be in heaven enjoying the company of their 72 virgins by then. You are trying to apply western reason and logic to the thinking of religious fanatics in the middle east, bad mistake to make, but you guys are in charge now.

I would venture to say, a nuclear strike on Israel would certainly trigger all sleeper cells in the US, and across Europe, and before we could assemble the UN to discuss sanctions or organize relief efforts, great damage would be done to our own ability to retaliate. We might be able, because of our sheer military superiority in technology, to avert complete world domination by the radical Islamics, but we would live in a completely different world from that point on. The America we have come to know and largely take for granted, would no longer exist.

would you include our nuclear missile submarines in the 'islamofascist' preemptive strike - one sub has enough nuclear tipped missiles to destroy all of iran's cities

but let us assume that a 'stolen' bomb is used, would this muddy the waters enough so that we would not retaliate

this is not to say that whoever is in charge in iran is not insane enough to think that such an attack would not be suicide

perhaps the question should be, how long until a terrorist group gets its hands on a nuke and detonates it and can we trace the bomb back to its source nation

perhaps we should let any nuclear capable nation know that if one or more of their bombs goes astray we would retaliate against that nation should one be detonated in a nation friendly to us

however, the most likely terrorist attack will be biological or a dirty bomb

we have always lived in an unsure world, the reality of that is just intruding more and more into our consciousness

nature is still the biggest killer of all

oh well

You need to learn to read more carefully.

As a preliminary matter, having enough raw material to generate sufficient weapons-grade uranium is not the same this as having sufficient material to create a bomb. Additionally, as the very first paragraph of that article points out, creating weapons-grade material from the raw material requires certain technical steps that the IAEA would immediately be aware of. Further, that process, once started (Iran has not yet started) would take at least a year. Moreover, having enough weapons-grade material to create a bomb and creating a bomb is yet another technical leap that the Iranians have not yet reached, another point that article makes clear.
Uh, I'm just going to go ahead and call bullshit on the sourcing in that report wherever the hell you dug it up.

And, in the event that you want to link to Drudge, don't bother, it isn't much better.

Why do you discount the Times and the Brookings Institute and the Council of Foreign Relations who did the study?
You need to learn to read more carefully.

As a preliminary matter, having enough raw material to generate sufficient weapons-grade uranium is not the same this as having sufficient material to create a bomb. Additionally, as the very first paragraph of that article points out, creating weapons-grade material from the raw material requires certain technical steps that the IAEA would immediately be aware of. Further, that process, once started (Iran has not yet started) would take at least a year. Moreover, having enough weapons-grade material to create a bomb and creating a bomb is yet another technical leap that the Iranians have not yet reached, another point that article makes clear.

And you need to read my posts more carefully. I said nothing about them being able to 'produce' a bomb, just the IAEA says they have enough to do so.
Why do you discount the Times and the Brookings Institute and the Council of Foreign Relations who did the study?

I'm not. They just don't say what Chap, Drudge and the Times of London claim they say. Go ahead and visit the Brookings Institute website. The executive summaries of the various chapters of the report are available for free. They make no mention of the bombshell claim that Iran will create a bomb in a year. A claim of that magnitude would certainly be featured in either the segment on Iran or on nuclear proliferation generally. It is not mentioned at all.