I am a Libtard

Paul Siraisi

Verified User
Just thought I'd share something I saw:

I am a Libtard, and I have something to say.

It is time that we put an end to all this gun violence in America. By now it should be obvious to anyone who daily pays $5+ for a pretentious cup of candy-shop flavored & styled coffee, who wants to drive a Volvo/Subaru/hybrid, who taps the hive-mind of their peers before any major decision, and who drop the phrases 'personal growth', 'networking', and 'sustainability' in every third sentence, that we can, we should, and we must legislate this problem away.

If we could just craft the proper language, then surely we could pass a law that would once and for all end the propensity for occasional horrendous human violence. After all, human nature is infinitely malleable. We just need to teach people how to behave properly.

I mean, just look at the other countries around the world who have gone this route. Like Australia, for instance. Just look at the statistics. Everyone knows you can't lie with statistics.

And I don't want teachers, the people I know and trust everyday to care for my child, to be trained and allowed to use deadly force if necessary to defend my child's life. No, I would rather have my child protected by the police - people who I don't know, who are sometimes corrupt, and who can only respond after someone threatens or takes the life of my child. People who are appointed by politicians that I don't know, but who say things that really make me feel good and believe in them. They make me believe things like how making it difficult to legally obtain firearms is going to prevent some nut-job from harming my child, with, oh, say an illegally obtained firearm. Or perhaps a Santa suit, a container of pressurized gasoline, and a simple match.

Yes, I am Libtard, and believe with every ounce of my SWPL, intellectually pretentious, sand-scratched ostrich eyes that when I and my ilk say 'ewww' that someone should do something to make it go away. Because you certainly can't expect us to be bothered to understand what is really going on, let alone actually improve the situation. I mean, really. We of the people skills, relationship-management set have a higher calling to attend to.

So please, pass some laws to make all this 'ewww' go away, and let me get back to my pretentious cup of candy-shop flavored & styled coffee while I network with some relationship management stuff for personal growth, unfettered by the prospect of the life of my child being in danger while they are in school, where any nut-job with an illegal weapon (or some gasoline and a match) can still force their way in to do harm, entirely unopposed by properly unarmed teachers and school staff, but where I believe they will nevertheless still be safe.

Because all true Libtards know that if we just pass enough laws, with the proper language, that those incorruptible strangers called police, who are selected by those strangers called politicians who we believe in to allay our fears - fears based in a reality we dread, and that we do not have the courage to face and bear, that this is certainly better than, oh, say, simply arming the teachers we know and trust with our child every day to defend themselves and our children. Because that is so, um, 'ewww.'

You see, in the end, a true Libtard knows and must defend the notion that wishing makes it so. And so it is high time to demand what we wish. Even if we must have strangers called police use guns to threaten and even kill anyone who disagrees with our wishes.

Yes, I am a Libtard.
Just thought I'd share something I saw:

I am a Libtard, and I have something to say.

It is time that we put an end to all this gun violence in America. By now it should be obvious to anyone who daily pays $5+ for a pretentious cup of candy-shop flavored & styled coffee, who wants to drive a Volvo/Subaru/hybrid, who taps the hive-mind of their peers before any major decision, and who drop the phrases 'personal growth', 'networking', and 'sustainability' in every third sentence, that we can, we should, and we must legislate this problem away.

If we could just craft the proper language, then surely we could pass a law that would once and for all end the propensity for occasional horrendous human violence. After all, human nature is infinitely malleable. We just need to teach people how to behave properly.

I mean, just look at the other countries around the world who have gone this route. Like Australia, for instance. Just look at the statistics. Everyone knows you can't lie with statistics.

And I don't want teachers, the people I know and trust everyday to care for my child, to be trained and allowed to use deadly force if necessary to defend my child's life. No, I would rather have my child protected by the police - people who I don't know, who are sometimes corrupt, and who can only respond after someone threatens or takes the life of my child. People who are appointed by politicians that I don't know, but who say things that really make me feel good and believe in them. They make me believe things like how making it difficult to legally obtain firearms is going to prevent some nut-job from harming my child, with, oh, say an illegally obtained firearm. Or perhaps a Santa suit, a container of pressurized gasoline, and a simple match.

Yes, I am Libtard, and believe with every ounce of my SWPL, intellectually pretentious, sand-scratched ostrich eyes that when I and my ilk say 'ewww' that someone should do something to make it go away. Because you certainly can't expect us to be bothered to understand what is really going on, let alone actually improve the situation. I mean, really. We of the people skills, relationship-management set have a higher calling to attend to.

So please, pass some laws to make all this 'ewww' go away, and let me get back to my pretentious cup of candy-shop flavored & styled coffee while I network with some relationship management stuff for personal growth, unfettered by the prospect of the life of my child being in danger while they are in school, where any nut-job with an illegal weapon (or some gasoline and a match) can still force their way in to do harm, entirely unopposed by properly unarmed teachers and school staff, but where I believe they will nevertheless still be safe.

Because all true Libtards know that if we just pass enough laws, with the proper language, that those incorruptible strangers called police, who are selected by those strangers called politicians who we believe in to allay our fears - fears based in a reality we dread, and that we do not have the courage to face and bear, that this is certainly better than, oh, say, simply arming the teachers we know and trust with our child every day to defend themselves and our children. Because that is so, um, 'ewww.'

You see, in the end, a true Libtard knows and must defend the notion that wishing makes it so. And so it is high time to demand what we wish. Even if we must have strangers called police use guns to threaten and even kill anyone who disagrees with our wishes.

Yes, I am a Libtard.

And you want 'union thugs' to be handed guns to protect our children?
liberals seemingly only care about deaths when those deaths suit their political agendas. DUI deaths are more prevalent than gun deaths. but do you see liberals making a political stink and quaking in fear over driving drunk?


the more the left let's their irrational fear about guns overcome their logic, the more expansive the 2nd amendment will become.