I am a Natural Displacement Accountant.


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Picture-123.jpg This is my scale to numbers of lifetimes involved directly with evolving in plain sight daily. This is my avatar on another website.

Picture-173.jpgThese are my scales to how humanity corrupts every ancestor alive daily. think outside a box and governed by 6 degrees of self deception daily debating single topic narratives life exceeds adapting as displaced since conceived.

This is how I figured out how eternity works on a universal scale eternally separating each reproduction occupying time when lived previous generation gaps since inception of this species or alive this atmosphere self evidently proportionate lived or alive any rotation in series parallel timing of changing forms never same shape since rotation conceived until rotation died changing form all the time adapting each rotation between.

I used 6 separate methods to address a social mind protecting their version of reasonable doubt life isn't self evident from my 7th position surround by deniers saving humanity, not correcting corruption historically used against each generation gap alive today living in series parallel time spontaneously unique simultaneously living daily in plain sight of their geographical location defined by relative time logistics comparing all results against each other 24/7.

My avatar accounts for each ancestor in each species with separate ancestral lineages due to evolving in specific climate zones of the 5 generation gaps a person can become a part of in sequencing parallel living daily as a part of compounding simplicity relative to each longitude time zone since inception of homo sapien ancestries left alive this rotation.

I used same methods to corrupt each added ancestor in all 5 generation gaps to explain life to each ancestral lineage alive today.The pride of people never caught denying how eternity works each rotation never allows anyone to discuss actual evolving in any arena of ideas manifesting tomorrows outcomes arriving noon to midnight daily. Rule of law manifests scripted behavior between ideologies suggesting genetics cannot be the single source of eternal separation of each lifetime living this rotation of the planet. Factual speculation governs actual results daily. Societal evolution won't allow a person to discuss physical absolutes about evolving in plain sight by accusing any individual doing so with insubordination, treason, blasphemy against their own ancestral lineage first, community unity second, defying God and Country 3rd, never complying to social consensus 4th. shunned by ancestry, exiled by community, removed from humanity by any means justified by rule of law.

Genetic results changing population each great great grandchild arriving today vs rule of law governing outcomes so far arriving midnight to noon this rotation. Dividing day vs night by an axis between midnight and noon/ AM and PM East vs West vs North vs South each generation gap seeking control of space time continuum with power of suggesting genetics cannot be the single source of eternal separation of everyone alive today.
United in faith real isn't self evident created every reality humanity justifies ignoring now is eternity daily.

The original sin and flip side final conflict. Stop typecasting ancestral lineages as races within this species. genetics links same DNA streaming of chromosomes never duplicating a live time again today all reproductions are limited to eternally separated daily.

Equally timed apart and equity of character matters corrupts each ancestor living here now.

this transcends every reality in play within this species past generation gaps lived and current events of last 5 generation gaps alive.
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