I am actually worried for Joe's well being.

VERY worried.
Anyone who isn't is just not paying attention...The debate was horrible...the follow-up raging rant in NC was even worse...who feeds him the drugs and who feeds the teleprompter...that dude was hyped up himself...
Shame on those enabling this poor old man....and telling him "You did good, Joe"...
That's just pitiful...
I hope terrorists don't decide to attack before 10 or after 4....
Joe can't make any important decisions...or even basic decisions...by himself...
When a person is deemed "non compos mentis" (i.e. legally insane) - and Special Council Robert Hur came to that conclusion in his report into Joe Biden's involvement in the mishandling of government Classified Documents. There was ample, hard evidence that Biden had illegally mishandled "Classified Document" on numerous occasions, but Hur effectively said he was not mentally fit to stand trial and thus dropped all charges.

In other words, Biden, being "non compos mentis" require other, responsible, sane, adults to make decisions for him. One such person SHOULD be his wife - Dr Jill Biden. Unfortunately, Dr Jill Biden - " The Ice Queen " - is not a normal, responsible adult; rather she is clearly a narcissistic psychopath, and is herself, insane.This would also be the case with the rest of Biden's "inner-circle" of advisors. Because anyone who CANNOT clearly see that Biden has been afflicted with pronounced dementia since the very start of his term in office - AND WAS/IS TOTALLY, MENTALLY UNFIT TO DISCHARGE THE DUTIES OF PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES - must themselves be mad/CRIMINALLY insane.

The case of Joe Biden demonstrates why the current 25th Amendment is a "dead letter". It need to be radically re-written such that its provision are set down within a MEDICAL FRAMEWORK as opposed to a POLITICAL FRAMEWORK.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter